
Learning From Regrets

woman standing on the desert while her hands up

Most people have regrets about something in their lives which become an emotional baggage even when they are already dying. They feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that they have done, or something they haven't done or a loss or missed opportunity. They feel remorseful and sorrowful over an event, behavior or choice they have made in their lives.

Failure to act tend to be more memorable and enduring than regrettable actions.
If the mistakes made harm other people, there's a good reason to be regretful. With the realization that other choices could have been made with less negative results. But the failure to take action in a situation that may have resulted in harm could also be a situation where regret is understandable.

A lot of people who are living in the expectation according to society, friends or family lead a miserable life. They are regretful because they do not have the courage to live life to the fullest and are not brave enough to exist based on what they want to be not on what others want them to be.

According to a study I read, it was found out that women had most frequent regrets about romance, whereas men had work regrets. This implies that we don't really take the time to truly examine what really contributes to a long-term happiness and meaning in life. There are many factors that can significantly impact our happiness. But what's important is we live our lives according to our choice not with others.

We all have regrets. These can include things said or done; things left unsaid or undone. Paths that weren't followed; opportunities missed due to fear or insecurity. However, one of the biggest regrets in life by a lot of people is not being there for someone at the end of life.

Sometimes we work too much that we miss our child's milestones, youth and their partner's companionship. Most often, we are also afraid to show or express our feelings. We take life too seriously and we allow worries to diminish our happiness which should not be.

Life is too beautiful to complicate it with making a fuss over nothing. In the end, we regret every single minute of our unwise decisions.

Me, I live my life to the fullest despite the setbacks that I have in the past. There might be regrets but the bottom line is learning from them and now I am free to do what I want and not only live life but also exist happily with my kids.

Living your life according to your own terms is a key to dying without regrets. While we still have time, we should not give up too many of our dreams for the sake of pleasing others.

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