
How to Banish Negatives From Your Life

woman praying beside tree

What is a negative? To begin with it is something that drains away spiritual power. It involves fiction, lies, anger, deceit, violence, fear and a myriad of other things that bring on mood changes, depression, and a feeling of worthlessness. Negative thoughts are always present when allowed and they change good things into bad. Feeling defeated by an inability to change things when they go wrong is one of the outcomes.

Other negatives that impact on one's life include clutter, alcohol, entertainment, the wrong friends, and also not having anyone to talk things out with. Loneliness, loss of hope, and low self-esteem will all quickly mount up to a major disaster if one is prepared to allow that to happen.

We often hear how a killer was a 'loner' and many criminals start out in this way. They are also anti-social when they try to hide their crimes. These are definitely not the ones to have around.

To overcome these negative forces is a simple matter of reversing them. While that sounds simple it is not always possible and that's where extra strategies and self-discipline are required. To begin with aim to restore the spirituality within. That is the wonderful feeling one gets when things are on track and when your insides ring with good health and a feeling of accomplishment.

As a spiritual person with memory of my reincarnation there are many times when I have had to push negativity aside, even from my own family. Being accused of being 'off the planet' and having them avoid me for one reason or another would be hard to take if it not for the Spirit within that leads and guides me.

Connecting with the Spirit means it is always a friend so one is never lonely. Because it builds confidence and steers its own onto the tight track one is able to overcome opposition because there is nothing that can hurt you. Those who criticise and condemn because they don't understand are nothing in God's eyes so why should they be a worry to someone who is shedding negative forces?

As the Spirit within grows stronger it even speaks to you. One's love for others increases and greater respect for the world is prominent. We are obviously witnesses great changes to the earth and world peace and it was predicted that certain things will happen before the last days. It is my opinion that we have entered that time and that those who seek answers will find them when they abandon the negative forces of the world.

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