
Change Your State Of Anger To 'Calmness' With Subconscious Reimprinting

woman wearing white shirt standing near the flower

Our destiny is defined by our everyday behaviours. Our behaviours are consistent to the state we are in. If you are experiencing the state of anger on a consistent basis, you may be facing a lot of resentment and guilt too. Also, the state of anger may be harming your health too.

Here is the small and easy subconscious technique that I do with people to help the inner patterns of subconscious mind.

Think of the situation where you usually experience the state of anger. Is it your home, office, or any other place. Just get the awareness of it. Think of the situation, make a mental picture. Just place this image aside for sometime in your imagination. This image will be utilised a bit later.

Now, you need to create a new image of calmness and delightfulness. For that you need to undergo the following experiment.

Imagine, you are sitting on a chair. At a fair distance, you see the image of your image known as 'the other you'. Sitting on the chair, you need to see the 'other you' as you want. Now, imagine that you are seeing the 'other you' completely calm and delightful. Imagine, the 'other you' has learnt how to be calm and delightful in that situation. Make that picture as attractive as you want. Also, put some sounds in that image that can make that image more attractive and powerful. Once you are satisfied with that image of 'calm and delightful', create a thirty to forty-second film.

Now, imagine to get up from the chair and go to the 'other you' and enter in the first scene, and relive the whole movie; enjoying each picture and sound in the movie. Repeat this process ten to fifteen times till the patterns of the new images are imprinted on your subconscious mind.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has already proved that the state is the result of the patterns that we have developed in our subconscious mind. Also, now you have got the choice to alter or replace these patterns with the help of creative and controlled imagination.

The key to getting the desired result is to make the images attractive. You need to make the pictures in the 'other you' colorful, big, three-dimensional and bright. Also, you need to amplify the quality of the sounds in the images of the 'other you'. It will help you create intensified feeling. The more intensified feelings you create, the more powerful changes you are able to bring about in your behaviour.

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