
Your Creative Thoughts: What Are You Choosing?

High-Angle Photo of Person Going Down

Do you realize that you are a very creative person? Did you know that you have the ability to create anything that you desire to create? Did you know that the mind you possess is the most powerful instrument on this planet? With this in mind, what are you choosing?

What thoughts are you choosing each and every day? Are you choosing happy, joy-filled thoughts or are you choosing negative, depressing thoughts? Are you choosing thoughts of "I can do this" or are you choosing thoughts of "I could never do this."? Are you choosing empowering thoughts or thoughts of defeat?

The thoughts that you choose to think determine where you will go in your life. Every thought that you think leads to an emotion. This emotion leads to an action. Each action that you take creates a result. These results become your life.

So, again, what thoughts are you choosing?

Our thoughts are commonly based upon what we allow ourselves to watch and listen to daily. Whether it is the news, a television program, an audio program or anything else, this information input influences how you think.

With that said, what you allow yourself to watch and listen to? Is it main stream media with all the negativity about how bad the world is or are you listening to individual who want to see you succeed in life and help you create a better future?

I do pay attention to what is going on in the news. Mostly I read it from websites rather that watch on television. I pay attention because I believe it is important to know what is happening in the world. However, I do not allow it to determine how I think.

I also listen to a variety of people that can help me accomplish what I want to accomplish in life. They have created success in areas of life that I desire to create and so I listen to what they have done. I do allow what they say to help determine what I choose to think.

A friend of mine once said that results are the measuring stick of success. "Measure everything by results. They are often harsh, but they are always fair."

What a beautiful statement and a painful statement!

Results are a beautiful gift and a painful reminder at times. They are a beautiful gift because they show us how we were thinking at the time we created them. They are a painful reminder for the same reason.

Again, results show us how we were thinking at the time we created them. What I find so beautiful about this is if I don't like the results, I can examine how I was thinking and change the way I think! By changing the way I think I can change the results I created!

All of this is a matter of choice. I choose what thoughts I think. I don't always choose the right thoughts. Too many times, I will choose thoughts that do not support me and create precisely what I do not desire to create. I am a work in progress. We all are.

I will end this the way I started: what thoughts are you choosing? It is your choice to think the thoughts that you think.

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