
Boundless and Free

Person Standing on Grass Field While Opening Hands

Every now and then it is good to evaluate if you feel that you are living a lucky life. If the answer to that question is yes, than by all means continue living the path you are on. However, if you answered no to feeling lucky, then perhaps it is time to rethink the direction you are going. Luck is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "a force that brings good fortune or adversity" When the majority of life events that happen feel positive, then a person feels lucky. On the other hand, a person may feel unlucky when more bad than good things happen. However, this is a very shallow way of viewing situations. I like the title of Tom Brokaw's book, which was written after he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. He named it: "A lucky Life Interrupted". The book title implies that for the most part, life has been lucky, but now there is something going on that is unpleasant to deal with, that feels unlucky but, that his luck will return. But perhaps this cancer scare actually was the luckiest thing that ever happened to him.

Why do I say this? Because I believe we are here to wake up to our spiritual selves and to transmute any notion that we are simply these bodies, minds and personalities as a myth we were taught that is not true. We are vast and expansive beings who existed before birth and will continue to exist beyond death. We are here on Earth to open both our hearts and our minds to our greater consciousness. Perhaps the gift of cancer helped Tom Brokaw to connect more deeply with his family and to find more of who he is beyond his work. Loss of health, wealth, friends, fame or intellect can be a blessing rather than a curse. When we are able to shout to the universe as spiritual teacher Matt Kahn says "Use me as your vessel of consciousness. Light and love and take all that you want" we are putting aside our definitions and ideas of what we want or need to feel or look good, and instead open to our infinite selves, trusting the process of the universe.

When I shift my consciousness to this larger lens, I am able to reframe bad things as gifts from the soul. Matt Kahn said in an inspirational talk, "Adversity comes into our lives to take and take and take. So that once you have nothing to lose, spiritual awakening has the room to move into you and wake up the entire universe within the space of your body." In this frame of mind, adversity or bad luck is not seen as bad, but rather as a benevolent conduit to enable a person to let go and open up to the magnificence of their soul self which is beyond how many houses they own, degrees they have, how perfect their body looks, or who they are connected to.

We are here to be free, not trapped in this human illusion of life. For us to be free, we have to be willing to lose everything we have to the spiritual fire of our divine consciousness. We must release our bondage and attachment to external means of identification like money, health, relationships and pride associated with self, family, friends, work and service. Who we truly are is greater than all these and just like the wave returns to the ocean, our soul returns to the sea of consciousness, boundless, wild and free.

Our lives may be far luckier than we ever realized if we could simply see through our soul's lens. Next time you hear yourself saying "Oh darn, how unlucky!" remember to give thanks for the blessing of another false part of your true self being purged away and celebrate the opportunity to release what is not really you. You deserve to live a lucky life and this includes both good fortune and adversity.

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