
The Winners Or Those Who Can Take It Best

Persistence is more powerful than talent or innate ability, although both can help when you have them. Thinking about the art and reality of persistence, some of the greatest things, inventions and work have come out of persistence, even greater than natural talent can yield at times. That reality is what this article is about, and that is what you are going to get in the purest sense of that reality. After all, persistence and genuine desire and practice prolonged productively can make a force of nature out of a person that is superior to "natural talent" and "innate skill".

When I think about the life of a quitter, it is a bloody mess, that is it. If you can survive the bloody messes, then persist and persevere past them, that is when winning starts. Even Michael Jeffrey "Air" Jordan did not make his high school basketball team on the first try before winning all he did in basketball. Indeed, perseverance despite bloody messes and scars is where winning starts, nobody can tell anyone with sense any different either.

A genuine dyed in the wool "lucky" winner in life that has everything really working for them had lots of practice first, and lots of perseverance before genuinely "getting there". That person had so much practice and perseverance that it would look effortless. At least, that is my line of thinking on the realities of genuine winning. That is why genuine winning really is rare, and lottery winners who "get lucky" seem to be a "dime a dozen". Who wants to train and work when it is "easier" to "get lucky" too many rationalize. But when you earn it harder, you lose it harder and keep it better, any genuine winner rightly rationalizes.

Sure, moving "the big iron ball of reality" is a daunting task for so many, as it should be. Effort and earning is better than having it given to you always instead of depending on "easy lucky breaks" because it is appreciated more at least at a deeper level of mind and spirit or subconscious level of mind because of the fact that it was not easy, and it was earned.

After all, some of the greatest tragedies stem from the lucky breaks, unearned and easily given successes without the effort and perseverance to genuinely earn something. After all, life means nothing but the next genuinely great and sustained effort anyhow, and the earned means everything, the given and luckily "come by" means nothing. Not being able to duplicate a success can crush the spirit, being able to be permanently successful through genuine effort makes better and enriches the spirit permanently. Giving up leads to nothing and sustained effort leads to everything anyway.

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