
Feeling So Uptight

Man Sitting on Cliff

There are times that we feel so apprehensive and on edge. We get mad easily even for the slightest reason. We are too anxious that we find it impossible to stay calm and relax. Unconsciously, feeling burnout influences the way we behave. Our performance and relationships are also affected.

When we worry about a variety of issues, we cannot stay focused because we jump quickly from one problem to another. It can lead to less self-confidence. We become uptight from a series of life events especially when we encounter many pressures all at once. It makes us feel incompetent in meeting the demands of life.

We strive hard but there are some people who are in the habit of destroying our resolve leading to think the worst to happen. We want to be always prepared. When we think of negative thoughts, our confidence diminish. We find it hard to reduce our anxiety level. We are inclined to worry more.

Even if feeling uptight makes us anxious but it has also some positive benefits because it makes us alert. It keeps our adrenaline rush going and prepare us for a quick response in case something unlikely happens.

We can use worry to our advantage. When we think of finding a solution to our worries, it becomes productive because worrying is useless. It hinders our creativity and productivity because chances are, our problem is really not about too many worries but on how are we going to deal with them.

We need to keep our problems in a proper perspective. We need to assess whether the cause of our worry is worthwhile or not. Sometimes what we are upset about is not really that threatening as we think. Sometimes we just need to accept that it's beyond our control. Acceptance makes us worry less.

Do what we can do today so that we don't have to worry what to do tomorrow. Procrastination makes us more anxious than we realize, Many people are in the habit of not dealing issues until they become overwhelming and unbearable. A problem becomes impossible to solve when we don't tackle it right away. But once we make that first dent, we'll feel much better.

Another way to avoid feeling uptight is to find something better to do. Something that can divert our attention; something that is active that when we sweat, our worries diminish and it gives a chance to approach our problem in a more objective manner.

We also have to sleep early because if we fret overnight, our worries won't be lessened. It will only trigger our anxiousness. Kick those worries out of the bedroom so that when we wake up the next day we can think clearly.

It's not really that bad to have burnout sometimes, but what's important is how to deal with the situation positively.

Being able to find a reason to smile or laugh at something despite the odds can help defuse our worries. So, what are you waiting for? DO IT NOW.

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