
Dreams Will Come True: Have Patience and Be Positive (By Gaurav Dua)

There is a famous quote: "All dreams come true someday".

Well, before I elaborate any further on this or share my philosophy on this quote.

Let me first take an opportunity to brief all my readers and set the context appropriately.

Let me also clarify that my thoughts are not referring to a common man achieving fame, status, adulation, wealth and becoming a Celebrity over night or a highly successful business tycoon or a renowned man or a strong, powerful politician.

I'm actually delighted to share my personal experiences and conclude that most of my dreams have come and have got fulfilled in some way or the other in this life.

I believe dreams are never small or big. They could be material, romantic or creative ones.

If I were to define dream, they are recurring desire, an intrinsic urge to achieve something or accomplish something one would cherish or has been looking forward to for quite some time.

You love to think and feel passionately about it, dream about it throughout the day, you are desperate to achieve it and are touched when someone talks about it. In short, it's your treasure and is dear to you. And the moment you visualize it has been achieved, you are on cloud nine, on seventh heaven.

The feeling is as joyous and special as climbing the Mount Everest or going to space or becoming a billionaire. It's a driving force that can make you work for hour's non-stop. It drives you to work hard, go that extra mile, and be optimistic even under most strenuous circumstances.

I have been dreaming about different things and here's an interesting list of my dreams that have come true till now.

I used to dream of having my own blog, writing my articles and posting them on my blog to inspire my near and dear ones. These articles getting acknowledged or certified by a website was like a step further, not seen in my dream though. I always wanted to write on variety of topics, something positive, to motivate myself and others without even an aorta of negativity or criticism like critics criticizing on any topic. I didn't discover my creative streak till the day I sat down and wrote a beautiful poem complimented by several people.

Featuring in an advertisement like a professional model was really wonderful. And it actually happened with me being able to get an advertisement on social media endorsing a safety campaign for a renowned car brand with a pivotal role in it with numerous compliments for my performance.

Being a health freak, I'm rather obsessed with health. Dream of taking up activities of fitness on ongoing basis - being able to do yoga, pranayama, Surya namaskar, aerobics, dance, joining a gym. Participating in a marathon was another reason of my happiness. It was a very pleasant experience to finish 5 Kms in just 25 mins and being in top 50 in the Marathon.

Being able to work in spiritual domain and counselling people to eliminate or at least reduce problems in their life is another example of a dream getting fulfilled.

Becoming a father of a beautiful daughter and having great fun playing with her every single day. The feelings, affection, love you get in this relationship cannot be described in words.

Being able to coach on personality development, Corporate World, Soft Skills thus influencing hundreds of young men and women to work positively towards their goals is nothing less than an achievement and a recurring dream coming true.

Working for a social cause and contributing towards welfare of our society. I'm thankful to God that I got a wonderful opportunity to work for a Non-Governmental organization thereby contributing towards a constructive cause of educating the poor children. A dream worth living a hundred lives.

Being invited to a Management Institute as Guest of Honour to share my professional journey with them. I was appreciated for being able to inspire them with my thoughts and experiences. I dreamt about this and it transformed into reality.

There is one golden rule which I have realized all these years. If you want your dreams to become reality, one has to be patient and have belief in oneself with a strong conviction and motivation to pursue these dreams.

Dreams have to be converted to reality by constantly working towards them. Working hard, putting in-efforts and consistently reminding yourself.

Another thing I would like to share is that I always convey my best wishes to people especially on their birth day "May God bless you and all your dreams come true". Wishing something positive for people at least your near and dear ones always helps. As our elders say, there is Goddess Saraswati sitting on our tongue. Whether you speak something nice or nasty, chances are it might come true. So, speak nice, positive and good for everyone. This Universe is made up of atoms. Positive atoms release positive energy and the impact multiplies and vice versa.

Pouring water to Sun is an excellent example of generating positive energy. Sun radiates and blesses this Universe with its abundant light, energy and power. Have positive vibes around you. Do things to have "feel good factor" and work in positive environment. This will nurture your brain, your morale, motivation levels and consequently your dreams. Stay away from negative people as they clutter your mind and might create obstacles in fulfilling your dreams.

Mythological finding also states: what you give, comes back to you. You donate, have noble thoughts, put-in sincere efforts, speak humble, and do good deeds. In reciprocation, good things will happen with you most of the time. You do bad karma, utter ugly words, bad will eventually follow you, your work gets spoiled and you suffer from negative thoughts.

Scientifically too, it has been proved time and again, negative energy sucks your mind, body and soul and results in loads of negativity. While, positive energy attracts positive thoughts. So, be positive encouraging, and cheerful. Things will fall in place sooner or later.

Lastly, dream big, have faith in your abilities and in the universe, keep reminding, so that the dreams remain in your sub conscious mind and some day you go beyond your dreams when you reach your destination. God bless!

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