
Consider This: Too Much Of Nothing Makes One Ill At Ease

Reality is a short lived thing where consciousness is concerned. So, why waste the time with useless things? Anyhow, that is where this starts: What we are doing now in this society is too much of nothing, and personally, it makes me genuinely ill at ease at most times.

For example, I was looking at an article about Kim Kardashian on my phone or a political article in my local newspaper, or an article about sports, and realized that this kind of thing is the ultimate thrill for so many people in this civilization, but yet, the adage becomes seemingly true: "So much dumb stuff seems so smart while you are doing it."

So, what is the solution to put minds at ease about it all? I say, there is not any solution except to let it go and simply get smart, to quote that old television series starring actor Don Adams. But what do I mean by get smart? I will spend the rest of this article explaining myself: Outcompete Government and Establishment. This is the "come on, you are intelligent enough to do better than them in so many ways" part of the article. Do not complain, you knew this was coming. If you want to live a real, independent and honest life, outcompete government and establishment by forging your own genuine path. Get them boot straps and live a life that counts for real, start by genuinely protesting the status quo. I do not mean get on the picket lines with revolutionary bums and silly dreamers. I mean set and create a rational example for yourself and others, that makes them really go, "Yes, there is a better way of life than following them. In fact, I can lead myself genuinely." Indeed, winning against government and establishment is the only winds of change that really counts for something in life and existence. Get smart, take the first step to a life that counts, start in the right direction, the genuine right direction, your direction. Not any direction that comes from anyone else, even outside of yourself, outcompete government and establishment.

After all, looking at the trash barrel reality in this has become, not conforming, not cooperating genuinely is the best way to live, however it goes. Above all, it is useful. Invent a way to live, why do you think the real man Jesus got crucified anyhow in favor of "softened up" religious version of himself anyhow? Or genuine female independence feminism, for that matter, on the other side of the coin was softened up when it got too "radical"? I am all for everyone, women and men being free, happy individuals, even if it does cost a bit. After all, even Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry and Malcolm X meant that freedom costs genuine revolutions without an exception. Get it, too much of nothing makes everyone with consciousness ill at ease. Enough of everything, especially freedom and honesty is the only cure for everything.

I once read in one of the works of L. Ron Hubbard, that lying is the lowest order of creativity. I agree with that, but I will take that even further: Lying and dishonesty is the lowest order of creativity, but yet what is worse is always mysticism. So, I propose the biggest revolution of all within ourselves Do what you really want to do without lying and mysticism within ourselves or fear of reprisal from "authorities" that are wrong and full of nothing anyway, what can you gain: Everything, including happiness. Shut off from what is hurting you, including "love", "hate" and all of the rest of it. When the love is real let it in, when the best is real let it in. But, shut it all off. It means nothing.

Here is the final chaser, you must decide what means something and everything to you though. I am not deciding for you, I am deciding for myself. That is all.

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