
Use Your Gifts to Bless the Lives of Others (By Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez, Ph.D)

You have to maximize the time that you have left here on earth. And part of maximizing the time you have left means that you are living a more meaningful and purposeful life. And it also means that you are using your gifts to bless the lives of others in a powerful way.

If you are like me then making a difference in the lives of others makes you feel amazing. And if you are like me then sitting on your gifts is not an option. God has given you all of your gifts so that you can use them not so that you can hoard them. So don't hoard your gifts use them to empower the lives of others and the world. For many years I sat on my gifts because I didn't know how to release them. And it wasn't until my past employer fired me due to corporate downsizing (in 2009) that my mindset began to shift, and I learned strategies on how to soar into my purpose.

And once I started to soar I started to feel happier and more fulfilled. I realized that I deserved to be on the path that was meant for me, the path that brought me an abundance of life satisfaction, and the path that resonated with the difference I was born to make. I also realized that life was passing me by at an alarming rate so I had to stay on my purposeful path or miss out on time that I could never recapture.

But does being on my purposeful path mean that life is "a bed of roses?" Absolutely not. I have lost loved ones, faced obstacles, and had many frustrations and setbacks. But I always had a place of peace to escape to called purpose. And I always end up coming out challenges better and with even a greater understanding of what I am called to do here on earth. I am a firm believer that challenges, obstacles, and setbacks can hold us back or catapult us forward, the choice is ours.

If you are ready to use your gifts to bless the lives of others then you have what it takes to do so. And don't feel like your gifts are insignificant because they are not. God would never give you insignificant gifts. And you have gifts that can be a blessing to someone else in a big way. Never minimize what you have to offer to the world and how you can help to transform the lives of others. Your gifts matter.

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