
Breakthrough Your Limitations

Today you will learn how you can learn to beat your limitations.

Many people see limitations as something that is constant and unchanging. They see a concrete wall in which that cannot pass. This is the very reason that many people are leading unsatisfied and unfulfilled lives. It is also the number 1 reason that people are not living up to their full potential. Are you living up to your full potential? I can answer confidently that for you the answer is a resounding "NO!". (Otherwise, you would not still be reading this article)

Living beyond your current limitations is possible but only after you identify what those limitations are. There are only two types of limitations in your life. The first is a limitation imposed on you by another and the second type is a self-imposed limitation. These limitations may come in many different forms. They may be belief patterns that you have adopted throughout your life because someone in a position of authority or you admired told you they were true. Either way, you adopted these beliefs about yourself or your ability as truths that now govern your actions and decisions.

Another may be that of time. You may feel there is just not enough time to accomplish the things you think are needed to accomplish your goals. It may be the scheduling that is imposed upon you by your job or family responsibilities.

Finally, you may see a limitation regulated by resources; not enough money, not enough knowledge, not enough connections, etc...

To all of these things, I can speak only one word. Priority.

Does your desire to have something greater than you are currently expressing hold a greater priority in your life than the belief, restriction, or perceived lack that is holding you back?

Here Are 3 Steps That Will Allow You To Overcome Any Obstacle

1. Identify the area of dissatisfaction in your life and determine that you are going to make a change. Dissatisfaction is the birthplace of change. When you zero in on the very specific focus that has left you unsatisfied you are ready to move to step number 2. Do not go there until you can specifically identify the root of your limitation.

2. Make a list of the top five areas that you need to adjust your priorities in to feel satisfied in that area. You can do this by answering these questions honestly.

A. What habits do I have that monopolize my time? What habits can I replace them with to advance me toward my goal?

B. What disciplines do I have in my life that I can improve to free me to achieve success in this area? Are you taking care of your health by eating right, exercising, getting adequate rest?

C. Where is my focus? The focus or attention that you maintain will alter the direction that you go. When it comes to limitations it is summed up in this simple quote, "If you are focused on the limitation you will never see the potential."

3. Believe in yourself. This is a hard step because it requires you to think differently about yourself than you have in the past. Spend some time each day visualizing yourself doing and experiencing something that is beyond your limits. If you don't think you can run one mile, don't imagine yourself running two miles. Fully imagine the sounds, the smells, the sight of what it looks like as you are first to cross the finish line in a 20-mile race. Imagine the joy and exhilaration you feel as those that are dearest to you greet you with shouts of praise and encouragement. Make it so real you can taste the sweat! This is how you begin to believe in yourself greater than you have ever before.

When you believe in yourself you will begin to live like it. An amazing side effect of this is that others will begin to believe in you as well. When others believe in you they will stand by you and encourage you. This momentum created will push you past your limitations.

"To be in a different place, you
must be able to see what that place
looks like. Envision the lifestyle
you wish to have. Until you can see
it - you will not believe it and
until you believe it - you will never
receive it." -C. Nedland

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