
Curb Your Anger Today

Man Wearing White Dress Shirt With Black Necktie

Anger is a type of emotion which originates when negative feelings overpowers your mind; you become impatient and only one word comes to your mind, that is revenge. Anger arises when you feel insulted, are hurt, are being compared or being criticized and victimized. This leads to an uncontrollable situation ruining our relationships with ours, which in-turn affects our physical and mental health. We cannot eradicate anger from our lives but we can manage it and convert it into positive criticism.

In a provoked situation if we give ourselves a positive message, then we are less likely to get upset.

Anger management tips

1. Identify your anger triggers: Everyone has certain issues, frustrations, situations, past experiences, which work as a trigger to anger. Make a mental note of situation which makes you angry because once you will figure out the roots of your anger, you can deal with it constructively. Spend some time in thinking what to do when you are angry and come up with an idea or a positive answer to be prepared for the next time when someone try to provoke you.

2. Understand body signs: when anger starts to set in, you get warning sings from your body. eg. Your heart beats become fast, your face becomes red, your voice pitch suddenly increases. Be aware of these signs and ask yourself to calm down, breath heavily and drink water. This helps you to control your anger.

3. Talk about it: One of the best approach to manage your anger is to talk and discuss with others. You may talk and share your feeling with your closed ones, your counselors or a clinical psychologist, because they can give you advice or can give solutions, which may open your mind to new ideas, perspectives, positive thoughts etc.

4. Learn to forgive: The best way to let go of anger is to forgive. It is not easy to forgive them who betrayed you but remember "To err is human; to forgive, divine". Forgiveness releases you from the negative energy and the power other people have over you. You can write a letter to the person who has caused you the pain and anxiety and in the end write " I forgive you for all the pain you caused me". Tear or burn down that letter, it can help you in overcoming the anguishes and you will definitely feel deprived of all the negative emotions.

5. Learn to change yourself according to the situation: focus on the things you can change and convert it into better building blocks. Do not expect other to change.

6. Respond boldly: Try to express your emotions in non-aggressive ways. Blaming, accusations, threats, bad tone are violent responses. Express yourself by showing respect to others and explain them when you are angry. This way you can overcome your anger without harming anyone's emotions and feelings.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."- Buddha

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