
Credit For the Struggle (By Laura M Schroeder)

I enjoy listening to and reading books from many varied speakers and authors both on religious and secular topics. I can glean concepts of interest and still not agree with every statement.

In my own life, I have grown through struggles and have seen results now from events years ago. I have stayed positive and yet accept life's challenges without expectation of favor or exemption from them.

I do not subscribe to prosperity gospel teaching. Hard work, education, wise choices and faith will bear their own fruits. God does not just favor us in America because we think positive. Santa does not just come to us. There are real hardships world-wide.

I made mistakes in my twenties and learned from them. I had to work hard to overcome them. Life is a process. That process is different from person to person. Some see success at an early age, some over the course of many years and some never seem to get things right.

I do enjoy uplifting messages but have a hard time believing the phrase, "This is Your Year", over and over thinking, "That's what you said last year and the year before that, etc.".

What I enjoy more is a parody series of sketches I saw on life coaching. They were hilarious. At first, I thought they were real until I realized they were just for fun. Laughter works for me.

You don't have to knock yourself out being something you're not. So you got knocked down. There are no pat answers. Sometimes, life isn't fair. Sometimes, we do need a little help. Don't be afraid to ask for and accept it.

You know yourself better than anyone else. Trust your instincts. Give yourself credit for the struggle and give credit to others as well. We're all doing the best we can. Avoid truly toxic situations but don't dismiss others just because they annoy you.

Positive thinking and self-help are good but don't neglect hard work and compassion. Invest in lives, not just in pocketbooks. You can still help another, even while you are still struggling yourself.

Prayer is probably your best defense. Humans will let each other down, even when we mean well. God may be hard to understand at times but he is still listening. It's also alright to have a good cry, scream in a pillow or talk about your feelings. You don't have to ignore them.

One thing we can always count on is tomorrow.

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