
The Potential of Your Unbridled Power (By Liah Howard)

Woman in Blue Denim Fitted Jeans and Wearing Grey Backpack Walking on Gray Asphalt Road Near Road Signage and Trees at Daytime

In life, some people discover their purpose at a very young age and others uncover it later on. Unfortunately, there are far too many who drift aimlessly and never quite find their purpose. The universe always gives us signs for what direction to go in to develop our potential, but we must heed them. A recent discussion at a dinner with friends reminded me life is too short not to live in the fullness of your powerful potential.

As part of the after-dinner conversation I asked one fellow, named Joe, how his work was going. He shared that his financial planning business was extremely lucrative and that he was considering retiring in the next year or two. He then said with a bit of sadness that he had always wanted to write a book but never has. As a psychic, I can't help but to read between the lines and see and hear the unspoken truths. At that moment, I saw over Joe's left shoulder a spirit guide waiting to connect with him. Next in my mind's eye, I saw Joe, holding a book he had written and on the front cover was an exciting space picture. "Have you ever considered writing a science fiction novel?" I asked.

Joe lifted his head and looked at me, in disbelief. "I can't believe you just said that. When I was young that was my favorite thing to read." Shaking his head, he went on to say "I have been attempting to write an autobiography for years and it is going very, very slowly."

"Perhaps you are meant to express who you are through the creative writing process instead of through documenting all the details of your life." I said.

Joe's energy field shifted tremendously, as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His face looked lighter and happier. He then went on to share that, although he knew from a young age that writing was a gift he had, he simply couldn't access it easily. He had an astrology reading when he was 20 that aligned his writing skills with planetary influences. But even with this gift, he said writing felt like work and was hard. We chatted for a bit and I found out that his family background includes a number of political and historical dignitaries and non-fiction writers. That is when I understood his block to writing. He was writing the autobiography to fulfill an old family unspoken expectation rather than to enhance his life and bring delight. All the fun and creativity was gone out of the writing. The book had become a duty rather than a joy and he felt like a failure.

His wife leaned in a little closer to join the conversation. She noticed her husband lighting up with gladness as we discussed the possibility of him writing for pleasure, rather than completing the autobiography that he felt compelled to write. She smiled and supported him in this new exciting novel writing endeavor.

Moving in a new direction takes courage and you have to trust yourself. Joe is lucky because he has someone who supports the change. I left, feeling hopeful that by opening to his writing gift and calling on his writing guide to help him, Joe will bring forth a novel that feeds his soul and inspires humanity. He is ready to heed the signs and let loose his power.

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