
How Visualization Reveals Secrets For Us

                     Woman Covering Face by Sunlight

The world is like a giant puzzle, waiting for us to put the pieces together. We can fly airplanes where it was unimaginable even 150 years ago. People thought it was impossible to go past 30 miles per hour when trains first emerged onto the scene. And yet, here we are in the 21st century with cars that can travel over 100 miles per hour.

We are given clues in the form of beliefs.

What this means is that when we believe something is possible, i.e. when we can visualize something, we can make it happen. The world and by extension the universe wants us to make new discoveries and breakthroughs for the benefit of the world, if you choose to believe so.

To your surprise, the components and knowledge of aviation and other similar discoveries existed 1000 years ago just as they exist today. The question is, why couldn't the people of that era make those discoveries? Did they not pick up on the clues?

Extending the belief as being the clues, it might be they didn't believe it was possible back then.

Perhaps the societies and culture of the past days did not allow people to believe so, or perhaps everyone thought it was "physically impossible" to do so, which had suppressed human potential for centuries.

If you think about how far we have come in the 100 years ago, it's mind-blowing to imagine how much further we can go in 100 years given the exponential technology that's exploding right now.

Having such a positive belief that things are going to work well will help unlock the undiscovered puzzle to life. We cannot visualize without a solid belief that it's going to be possible. That's why the two work together hand-in-hand and that's why they both are integral part of the Law of Attraction.

Imagine where we would be if we had no limiting beliefs throughout history.

We may have already developed a starship just like the ones on your favorite Science Fiction movies. If the answer to certain mysteries in life exists away from our world, we may have already solved them. This could include cures for incurable diseases or ways to prevent the earth from causing devastating natural disasters.

We may be able to solve these problems within the confines of our world. But, believing in other possibilities like spaceship travel can open up discoveries like we've never seen before.

What about your own beliefs? Do you hold any beliefs in things that may be impossible? What if you were to revisit them and make an effort to believe they are possible? If so, try to visualize what those impossibilities would be like and you may even find a way to make them a reality.

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