
Message From the Universe: Make All Your Dreams Come True

Man Wearing Blue Crew-neck Top

"Until you dream, there isn't a mold.

Until you speak, there isn't a promise.

And until you move, there isn't a path.

Yet do these simple things, and you totally own me.

Friendsters forever, 
The Universe"

The Universe will always listen to what you strongly desire, as long as you provide clear indications to what you really want. It hates conflicting thoughts, so avoid these at all cost. Work on the positive ones primarily and even if a couple negative ones find its way into your mind, do not despair as they won't come true. Positive thoughts have more weight inside your subconscious mind than its counterpart. It will take a whole lot of negative thoughts to be implemented in your mind for things to come true. So here are the steps to make things happen.

First, you need to dream, and dream big. As big as it can go, to a point of fearing your dreams. You can share your dreams with others but make sure these people won't bring you down and discourage you to move forward. Hence, a good mentor is definitely a must throughout that process of sharing these dreams. Now, without actions, these dreams are just going to be left out as dreams, and nothing else then just an idea that anyone can have but not do anything about. So do you want to be like everyone else? I think NOT.

Second, when taking action, you need to believe. You can't allow contradicting thoughts to not believe in yourself when bringing these dreams to reality. The belief is a crucial element to let the Universe know that you will do WHATEVER it takes to get things going and reaching your goals. You will allow the Universe to pay attention to what you want to do and give you that extra nudge to get to the next level. Never allow anyone or anything to stop you from reaching your destination. Many can't get there because they let fear take over their dreams, so make sure not to be one of them. Dream big, take action but most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

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