
The Clock Is Ticking

Clock at 8:34

Waiting for a promotion? The perfect mate? Win the lottery? A new job or a career? The perfect vacation? Need I go on? Millions of people are just waiting - waiting for their life, career, business, relationship, job or health to get better or change in some way. I am not against patience, effort, planning, hoping etc. but let me ask you - are you doing all those things but still waiting for something, anything to change, improve, disappear, that will improve some aspect of your life?

Let me repeat - millions of people - spend, no - waste - days, months and even years for just the right time to - get married or divorced, retire or start a new career, travel or start a new hobby etc. and why - because they believe that hoping is often enough. Again, I am a big fan of hope but I am also a fan of reality and reality often conflicts with our plans, goals, dreams and wishes. Did this stuff not happen because God doesn't care, your parents let you down, your spouse is an idiot, your boss is insensitive, the weather isn't cooperating - give me a break.

Many people today feel as though they are not on the right road to success or happiness cause:

-it is taking too long
-the journey is too difficult
-there are too many curves, detours, unknowns or bumps in the road
-there is no one on their path willing to help them


Who is to say which is the right road?
Who can know the future?
Who has the right to dictate outcomes to others in their life?
Who can know the future long term benefits/challenges of present circumstances, choices or opportunities?

I have met hundreds of people in my world travels who:

-were going to begin something when the time or circumstances are right
-were going to stop/end something for the same reasons
-were going to start saving some day.
-some day are going to start their own business
-are going to write a book some day
-are going to change careers or jobs - whenever
-and a million other examples of - I am going to ______________ some day.

Do you know anyone like that? Am I describing you?

Why don't people start or begin something, anything?

-Are they are afraid to fail.
-Are they afraid of what other people might or will think.
-Do they lack confidence, belief in themselves or the will to begin.
-Are they are full of excuses.
-Are they are just trying to impress people with their statements of desire.
-Do they want -whatever - to be perfect, right or acceptable.
-Are they are unwilling to get out of their comfort zones.
-Do they think just by wanting it they will somehow miraculously get it - someday.
-Are they are hopeless dreamers. Nothing wrong with dreams, but you have to begin to make them a reality.
-Can you add any to this list?

One of my favorite questions to ask members of an audience is, "If you knew then, what you know now, would you have lived any area of your life differently?" And the two follow-up questions are always more difficult for many people - if so, "Why?" and "How?" and "When?"

You see, if you knew then what you know now, you wouldn't be where you are now. You wouldn't have what you now have and you wouldn't be with whom you are with now. Not that any of these things are good or bad (they could be either if you choose to see them that way). There is a metaphysical concept that says: each of us is where we are supposed to be - and that we have experienced what we needed to experience to grow and learn. I haven't lost it or gone off the deep end.

Why do people wait? It's called procrastination and it is a thief of time. It steals from the value and essence of your personal life and career. Why do people put things off? We could write a book on this, but I'll give it a try in 25 words or less.

They: fear the future, overestimate their ability to get things done, don't know what to do or how to do it, thrive on pressure, set themselves up for failure, love disappointment, like being a victim, have too much on their plate, fail to set clear priorities, or have poor time management or organizational skills.

What is the cost of procrastination?
1. Missed opportunities.
2. Increased stress.
3. Broken relationships.
4. Failure.
5. Increased anxiety and frustration.
6. The lack of respect of others.

That's enough, don't you think?

So, I'll wager that the clock is ticking for you in some area of your life!

What are you waiting for?

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