
Message From the Universe: It Is Time to Say Something

                            Man On Cliff About To Jump

"Give it thought. Consider every angle. And then speak your mind.

You've not been drawn into anyone's life just to listen.

Loud and proud,
The Universe"

Just like going into business, it is important to take calculated risks before you jump into anything. Prepare yourself to work towards the goals that you set yourself to and figure out the best way to get there. I am not saying that you will achieve everything without experiencing difficult challenges, but at least you will be well prepared in advance to deal with these hurdles. More prepared you are, more chances to resolve your issues. No one can predict everything that will happen before it does happen, but as long as you have somewhat of an idea of the probability that it MAY happen, you will know how to handle the situation professionally and effectively. The line of success is never a straight one, so never feel like a failure if you weren't able to go straight. You will experience difficult moments, problems that are as high as Mt Everest but you will need to figure out how to get around it. There is no IF or BUT about it.

So what should you do? First and foremost is to take your time before you jump into anything and consider every angle imaginable. I am not saying to just find excuses to move forward, but once you are sure within yourself that it is the right opportunity for you, then I would suggest to take that leap of faith and jump. By jumping, you are moving forward towards reaching your goals and accomplishments. If you stay up in that mountain, you will be looking down and see the ones who did take that leap of faith and discover themselves better. You can't let that happen. Figure out the problems as you go along, and you will get smarter doing that as well. Again, you will need to jump off that cliff and figure out how to do things better.

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