
How Do I Plan for a Successful Future and Life?

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

Don't plan! Life is too unpredictable, big and precious to be planned!

It is true! Life or success can not be planned and managed though many people may try to convince you that it can be. A way more better approach is to start with yourself and your situation and alternate with mid term and short term goals!

  1. Analyze your current strengths and situation:- What can you do well? What you like doing well? How are you placed financially? Look closely at your current status and daily activities and try and write down things that you feel are going to help you build a happy and satisfied life.
  2. Dream away:- Write down your long term vision of your life? Do you want to build a business? Do you want to become a millionaire? Do you want to house in the hills? Just let your mind wander and write down whatever comes to your mind. Keep it in the same notebook that you will access regularly.
  3. Build A Bridge:- Take a look at the goal notebook and see if there are any short term or mid term goals there. There may not be. Choose goals that can be converted in mid or short term goals. E.g. if you have a goal that says I want to become a millionaire and your current net worth it 30000, you need to have a goal somewhere that says that I want to get my net worth to some more reasonable number in next 5 years.
  4. Start from your current situation and build a detailed plan:- Please note that this is not a life plan. This is a short term plan taking you from your current status to your mid term goals. If you want to get your net worth to a certain number, you will have to figure out how you are going to earn that much money. You will have to plan to invest, build side-businesses, passive income etc etc.
  5. Execute and track:- This is a very important step. Put your current status and goals in an excel sheet. Update it every month and note down how much closer you are to your goals.
  6. Enjoy the process:- Make sure you do not make the whole thing a chore. You will never be successful that way. Add fun elements to the process. Reward yourself big time when you reach the milestones.

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