
Life Challenges Me, Then I Wonder (By Liah Howard)

As a psychic, people often ask me, "What is my purpose? Why am I here?"

While there can be many different answers to those questions in terms of one's life path, career path and destiny, ultimately there is only one reason why we are all here. I believe Alana Fairchild said it best in her book, The Rumi Oracle.

She writes, "... The purpose of the soul incarnating in this world in the first place is to realize its divinity through the sacred crucible of life... "

How do we live in a sacred crucible of life and how do we realize our divinity? According to Google's dictionary, the word sacred means "connected with God (or the Gods)... " The definition of a crucible is "a situation of severe trial, in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new." For example, "their relationship was forged in the crucible of war." When we unite these two words, sacred and crucible and apply them personally, the purpose of living is to allow life to turn up the heat and melt away all that is not true to our divine nature, so that we are transformed. Through this transformation, we remember our connection to one another, to nature and to the divine as souls.

Like the soldiers in the foxhole facing death, we must be willing to face our own deaths as well. This doesn't mean just our physical death, it can refer to the loss of a role we have played, a career we have had or a belief we have held. One of the most courageous paths we can walk within the context of "the sacred crucible," is to challenge our long-standing beliefs and allow them to burn up as fuel for our awakening.

When we become vulnerable and honest about our insecurities and doubts, we can transform them. When we become willing to see ourselves from a higher perspective and act accordingly, then the divine can lift us and carry us to a new realization of who we are and why we are here. Within this crucible of change, we come to know who we are beyond our former definition of ourselves.

Life is constantly inviting us to reinvent our lives. There is a strong inner calling that beckons us back to wholeness and to transmute feelings of separation, inferiority, lack or shame. All things in nature seek to grow. We are here to remember our soul's blueprint and to grow beyond all concepts of duality, death and fear. The purpose of life is for the soul to realize its divinity. Our divine selves know that this world is temporal and that no matter what, there is a peace beyond all understanding that exists in the core of each of us. So the next time the universe strips away your cloak of "I've got it all together" and leaves you standing naked in the rain, know that you are in the sacred crucible. Remember that you are the perfect expression of the divine in action and humbly bow and say "OK, what next?"

When we surrender, we open to new possibilities as yet, unseen. In stillness, we can hear the voice of our soul; the voice that tells us to let go and trust that all is well. If we allow ourselves to be remade in the sacred crucible of our life experiences, we will ultimately realize that who we are is limitless.,-Then-I-Wonder&id=9785400

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