
Honestly, It Is Difficult

Mentor, Help, Climbing, Hand, Adventure, Mountain, Sky

We all love to win, but who loves to work toward it patiently? Napoleon Hill took twenty years on his own pretty much, doing just that, but the point to that rhetorical question is: Not everybody can do that in the right way without tempting short cuts and cheating ways that seem to work quicker. Listen, when we really want something and we need to earn it right, the only way out is through if you get my meaning.

What I mean is that earned goals are always worth more than the goals that are easily given to us. Honestly, I am not saying that we should all have gluttony for punishment, but I am saying that what we earn means more to us when we are willing to do what it takes to genuinely earn it, than what is given to us, right down to an education or the food on the table we cook for ourselves in a good way. Sure, I could make this easy to read, and less vague than the ancient philosopher Heraclitus saying things like "You never step in the same river twice" or more easily accessible and obvious than the Elbert Hubbard essay "A Message To Garcia", but would you get my simple message as easily that the well worked out and genuinely earned is almost always better than the easily given?

Like "easy" steroids versus natural developed strength through genuine working out, my message is not an easily tempting one. But then again, Barry Bonds versus Henry Louis "Hank" Aaron in the baseball history books, right? Cheating looks good until one is caught somewhere, someday, somehow. Cheating, making a deal with the devil, and "exclusive" short cuts always seem like a good idea until it all catches up with a person. On the other hand, where is the guilt in the earned? I can see the pride, but not the guilt actually, unless it is "getting away with the perfect caper or murder" with great effort. Honestly, the genuinely satisfying is difficult and earned really. But, honestly, look at the alternative. To quote Michael Jackson in the song "I'll Be There" written by Bobby Darin and sung with his brothers: "Just look over your shoulders, honey!" That is the problem, you will look over your shoulders, and all the time be caught by yourself in your very soul and in that mirror you are looking into until it is ultimately revealed by reality that you cheated. So, what is better the earned or the easy? You decide.,-It-Is-Difficult&id=9816837

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