
101 Things to Be Thankful for

Green Leaf Plant Beside River

Life is not perfect and probably never will be. But there are infinite perfect moments. We are always faced with challenges, but it's these challenges that help us grow. We cannot always control how life treats us, but we can definitely decide and control our reactions to it. And in moments of defeat, we can rely on the happiness that comes from things that we mostly take for granted.

This thanksgiving, I decided to make a list of 101 things that I was unconsciously thankful for. Things that are so 'normal' that we almost forget and take for granted. It was tough, but I got there.

1. Clean air
2. Clean water
3. Family
4. Friends
5. The ability to love and be loved
6. Internet
7. A good book
8. Ability to express
9. Java chip Frappuccino
10. Rain
11. A cell phone
12. Tennis
13. Travel
14. Sunlight
15. A vehicle
16. Camera
17. Online shopping
18. FaceTime
19. Pillow
20. Hot Chocolate <3
21. Air conditioner
22. The snooze button
23. Rainbow
24. Wine
25. Facebook
26. Shoes
27. Eyesight
28. Laughing with friends
29. Music
30. The feeling when your favorite team wins
31. The freedom of choice
32. Having a roof over your head
33. Ice cream
34. Friends that are there in times of need
35. Good health
36. Beach
37. Snow
38. Hoodie sweaters
39. Cupcakes
40. Weekends
41. Ability to cook
42. Hand sanitizer
43. Swings
44. Spotify
45. Having a baby sister
46. A warm comforter
47. The ability to make parents proud
48. Good education
49. Watching your grandparents smile
50. Watching the sunrise
51. A passport
52. Dressing up
53. Waves
54. Light bulb
55. Toothpaste
56. Shower
57. Doorbell
58. Snow-boots
59. Second chances
60. Late night conversations
61. Popcorn
62. Spell check
63. Catching up with old friends
64. The Friday feeling
65. Thanksgiving shopping
66. Sunsets
67. New experiences
68. Making new friends
69. Growing old with the one you love
70. Motivating quotes
71. Cake
72. Reliving old times
73. Discounts
74. Spare cash in an old pair of jeans
75. The ability to laugh at yourself
76. Lessons learned
77. Spa
78. Smell of freshly baked cookies
79. Netflix
80. The excitement before heading home after a long time
81. Sunglasses
82. Morning walks
83. Buffet
84. Brunches
85. Vegetarian sushi
86. The smell of fresh flowers
87. Heat
88. Fall colors
89. Lip balm
90. A glass of water after working out
91. Dancing
92. Discussing how life has changed, with your school friends
93. Forgiving
94. Helping someone
95. Gmail
96. Socks
97. Planes
98. Mom's care
99. Good health
100. Sharing secrets with sister
101. The freedom to be yourself

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