
Suggestion Is Power (Follow The Laws Of Nature And Everything Is As It Seems)

Person Under Delicate Arch at Night

The title honors one of my favorite books, The Magic Of Believing, by Claude M. Bristol, and the subtitle honors a reality that controls everything really. We may or may not like the fact that everything works this way, but it does. Everything conceivable can be achieved through natural laws like a combination lock opened by a certain combination of circumstances that are worked out in reality. But, here is the catch, everything must be worked out realistically without flinching to unreality or wrong concepts, or it will not work. Get it?

Sure, I take a minimalist view of reality in a way that is in stark contrast with the miracle oriented thinking most people can or do believe in this "stuff" have, but, ultimately, following natural law will pay off more than not following it. Thus we have the genuine secret of "magic", "miracles" and technology. They are all one in the same when all is said and done. What is magic at one level is simple technology at a higher level.

Secrets only need to be kept from those not ready to know them as technology and not "amazing miracles and wonderous signs that cannot be explained" and all of that silliness. In thought, the person who knows that reality is all there is and there is really nothing new in reality is right. I have to admit, although I am and are an open thinking, genuinely creatively practical action oriented and liberal guy, I look at life that way. Because, the amazing at one level is normal for another level. Think about that fact.

Sure, we can say one level of trash is the treasure of another level that is higher or lower, but, when you or I understand, then we can genuinely grow.

Sure, knowledge is potential power, but, being able to use knowledge correctly is genuine power. The magic of believing, is believing and seeing in right ways in line with nature instead of wrong ways out of line with nature or just because it does not work at one level does not mean it does not work at another level, higher or lower.

So, learn from the past, do better now, grow forever. It is possible. Sure, I could put it in a less succinct, more unrealistic way that sounds more "exciting" and "mysterious". But what do you really think was meant in all religious and philosophical thinking by "the truth will set you free"?

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