
How To Use The Law Of Attraction At Work

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Can you use The Law of Attraction (LOA) at work? Of course.

However, if you make any grand statements that you are doing it, you should expect some resistance from your coworkers. Not everyone is going to champion your efforts.

The question is, who actually need to know that you are using it? Most people don't really care about what you are thinking anyway, so why not just keep this information to yourself sometimes to avoid unnecessary tension? It's a thought process that's serving you and you are not obliged to tell people who are not interested in it at all.

Some companies are embracing the concept of the LOA and encourage their employees to use it. Creativity is the net result of it and most companies do want their employees to be more creative, productive and positive-minded.

Small business owners are also embracing the concept to increase sales for their business. Businesses that have not embraced it will likely do so in the future as the concept takes hold.

Employees who are more creative and encouraged by the company to use LOA will enjoy their jobs more than those less creative. When employees enjoy their jobs, they will contribute more, they will work harder and they will champion the company and its mission. This can be a great opportunity especially if you own your business and have employees.

Start small by implementing the techniques yourself.

Hire a coach or consultant who studies personal development and who also is practicing LOA in their life. You can be the guinea pig, or you can select a well-trusted employee to try it out. If it works out well, you can implement the program company-wide.

It's natural to hit some resistance in the beginning.

But, as more employees participate in the training and implement it in their work, others who were resistant will likely take to it. There may be one or two who simply refuse to accept anything new. This is usually a subtle tale sign of the employees who aren't willing to improve.

If you don't have your own business and work for someone else, there are plenty of resources you can explore online and at your library. Simply search for the phrase "The Law Of Attraction" in Google and see what kinds of results you get back.

It's wise to start small, perhaps a book or two on Amazon or the library. Take a look at some videos on YouTube to see what it's all about. After you get proficient, you can try to hit up your boss to fund some training on the subject. Or, you can simply fund it yourself. You won't have to worry about the cost because you will have the tools necessary after the training to potentially earn the investment back.

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