
Start Moving Forward: Take Some Action

Woman in White Skirt Walking Along Road Holding Teal Umbrella

Setting goals and developing a plan of action are great methods for starting to move forward. However, writing down action steps is different from actually acting out those steps. As you develop your plan of action with your goals and milestones, you must be honest with yourself about your level of commitment. Your commitment and determination will help drive you to keep pressing until you finally achieve your ideal goals!

There are questions you can ask yourself once you've completed your plan of action document. Once you set the specific goal, specific milestones, and specific deadlines the next step would be to ask some very important questions about your commitment. Here are 3 to consider:

• Are you 100% committed to attaining these goals? If you answer with something greater than 100%, that's great! You have hopefully made it up in your mind that no matter what, you will keep pressing forward towards your goals! However, it's important to say to yourself, and possibly even include it as the last line on your plan of action, that you are 100% committed to attaining your ideal goals. Some may even have a line for their signature to prove and authenticate their level of commitment.

• What has to happen in your life in order for you to be 100% committed? Now, some may not say 100%. Some may get real close, e.g. 90%, 85%, etc. If you work with a coach, or just someone you really trust and admire, you should be able to develop a plan of action that doesn't necessarily scare you but yet challenges you. I believe having detailed milestones and deadlines can help further find what is possible for you. Detailed milestones can help break down the exact action steps you will need to do to accomplish your ideal goal. Make sure these milestones and action steps include everything that involves both your money and time. Knowing your budget (for money and time) will help you to recognize if something will be too overwhelming and also develop a proactive response to challenges. Finally, you don't want to set deadline dates too far off where they'll make you fall into procrastination. But you still want to set deadline dates that will keep you focused and motivated.

• When you get afraid of making new changes, what are some ideas about how you will cope with the fear until it passes? This is a good question to ask when you are making those proactive action steps for potential challenges. Fear is one of the top reasons most people don't embrace change. Change is difficult and challenging. However, recognizing the benefits of the positive change can be one way to help cope with fear of change. For example, if your goal is to change career paths from fixing computers to becoming a registered nurse because that's your passion and you love that nursing environment, then focusing on all the positive ways you will be helping people will help you cope with your fear of making a career change.

I encourage anyone who is ready to start taking action and moving forward towards their ideal life goals! Fear may occur and cause you to feel a little hesitant at first but just stay focused! Allow your burning passion to outweigh that small flame of fear!

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