
Affirmations - Subconscious Mind Power - Take Charge of Your Mind and Become Successful Today!

silhouette of woman raising her right hand

A common thread between successful people is that many of them use affirmations to reprogram their subconscious minds. These men and women recognise their own failings as humans and they take a disciplined approach when working at rectifying their negative traits and habits; first by reflection and then through the action of using affirmations. The onset of this regimented behaviour is that they have many positive personal changes in their lives, causing them to be very successful.

Sports people are spending thousands upon thousands of dollars employing the help of clinical psychologists who train them in the art of positive thinking and habit forming to assist their becoming world champion athletes and Olympians. In the business world it is now becoming common practice to spend large sums of money to retrain staff using power thinking seminars etc. From the money that these people are spending we can see that there is obviously some logic in looking at the mind.

Where do our thoughts come from? All thinking comprises of one of two conditions; either thoughts we choose to think or thoughts we are programmed to think. Over a lifetime, our habits have conditioned us to certain thoughts arising. These thoughts are kept flowing through our fears, our expectations, angels and God, as well as our subconscious mind and the superconsciousness - a global consciousness or etheric web that connects all beings. The local or personal mind has two levels of consciousness - conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is that with which you communicate and directly react to your external world. The subconscious mind is a sponge that over the years of your life you soak information into. This soaking of information forms patterns or imprints that the subconscious mind then uses to execute instructions for your behaviour. Your subconscious mind is much like a computer in that it doesn't know right from wrong and executes orders based on what is programmed into it.

Before birth we are influenced by the environment that surrounds our mother, with her feelings and emotions affecting us in the womb. A mother, who reads and talks to the baby and makes a point of nurturing her own soul, will most certainly affect the baby in a positive manner. As we grow from our entry into the world as a small baby, we absorb all that surrounds us. These surroundings, whether they are parents, teachers, television or major events in our lives, program us quietly behind the scenes. We are walking programmed individuals. The down side to this is that we have reactions to situations programmed into us. We have ground-in negative habits and the subconscious mind plays them out over and over again. When it comes to cigarettes, weight-loss and other habits, many of us feel we have poor impulse control; a seeming inability to control ourselves in the moment. This is due to our subconscious programming.

Considering our subconscious imprints, and regardless of our actual conscious thoughts, we are automatically set on an unchecked course where we go about life often wondering 'Why did I do that again?'. An example being that although we know deep down that 'expecting negativity' or being negative in any manner never brings any good, we have habits formed in our subconscious mind that cause us to play out negative thought patterns and behaviour time and time again. To act without 'expecting' negativity is an essential element for growth on ones personal spiritual journey; therefore, this is an area that can be addressed through the re-programming of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind does not know right from wrong. This can be positive in that we are able to use this peculiarity and 'feed it' (the subconscious) with affirmations or 'new habits', positively 'reprogramming' ourselves. The subconscious mind can be programmed to 'believe' anything. The procedure is quite simple; however, it requires dedication to a process.

The affirmation process works in two realms. Physically, an affirmation reprograms your mind, emotions and body. Spiritually an affirmation affects your spirit and changes you from the inside out - causing positive inner changes, all the while externally attracting persons who both test and support such changes.

My experience in teaching others about affirmations over the years is that some people are quite lazy and can't really be bothered to reprogram their negative habits. Some people feel that it is much easier to just sit back and let their habits rise over and over again, or in the case of one particular group of people, to take medication as a substitute for their laziness. Or so they think. The reality is that with a little work over time, it is quite easy to get into the new habit of using affirmations on a daily basis. Many ordinary people use affirmations. The irony for lazy people who can't be bothered to do affirmations is that they would have such an easier life and so much less stress and more time to be 'lazy' (or take constructive time out), should they take the path of actually giving affirmations a go. I have learnt that laziness is actually negative karma. The word "Karma" means 'Action' or 'Deed'; therefore if you do not do any action (not counting proper rest breaks) you are creating negative karma and if you do perform action, whatever it may be (providing it is not harming yourself or others), then you are creating positive karma.!&id=8608977

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