
The Power Of Positive Thoughts In Action

So I am I exist. Within that thought we find a multitude of information. I am, so I exist. The very act of cognitively knowing that "I am" creates the opportunity. What is this opportunity? It is an open invitation to think. To manifest one's thoughts into the material world. To become that which one imagines. To construct ones environment from one's thoughts.

We Have Heard This Before

So you believe this is some rehashed thought. Something that you have seen time and time again. I am here to inform you that it is not. It is something far beyond the craters of your deepest imaginations. You see, this truth that I am about to show you is as ancient as the universe itself.

Beginning with the first spoken, deep within the memorials of time we find the Word. This Word itself became all things, and all things became composed of this Word.

The Word is a manifestation of a principle, a thought. It brings a tangible appearance to intangible things. To use its power is a double edged sword. It can heal as well as kill. It can build and also destroy. In it is found all life, and this life is the light of all men.

Don't believe me? The same fire that brings warmth and light is also the same fire that burns away the impure dross. The tongue allows us to utilize this power. To open the gateways to the spiritual, and unlock the mental treasures within heaven's storehouse.

So What Do You Use That Power For?

The power can be used for good or evil. The results of our great ancestors have given us this ability. We can cultivate the thoughts of goodness, thereby drawing good to us. We can also cultivate the thoughts of wickedness, thereby drawing all manner of iniquity to us.

It is the power of your mind to think and your tongue to speak. The thought is the seed, the word is the sower. The crop is the fruit of your harvest. The fruit of your labor.

If you continue to think bad you shall receive bad. This is not as a fleeting thought. A harvest is not wrought from one seed, and the same holds true in the mental plane. That is why just thinking a few good thoughts changes nothing. It takes you diligently cultivating your garden to bring forth a harvest worthy of the name "change".

Your Position

You are made the steward over your garden. The seeds you plant will determine the crop you harvest. You can choose to build mansions in the heavens or tombs within the depths of hell itself. It is the right of all created humanity to determine their way.

The day we stop believing this is the day we stop progressing. Things that do not progress or grow are either dead or dying. We want to live, and live life to the fullest. We want the best and we should not stop until we have it.

It Is Your Right

If you have never heard it before, it is your right to live your life and live it to its fullness. My hope is that you achieve greatness in all you do. Let my words be a sign and my way the road.

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