
Goals Vs Intentions, What Gives?

I've been sticking to my extra self-care practice once a day 90% of the time and it feels amazing!! Realizing some days it won't happen, but for the most part it will, has made all of the difference in feeling good instead of not. It can be easy to beat ourselves up if we're not perfect all of the time - and for me - if I can do this most of the time I am legitimately happy and satisfied and that's really all that matters. What will make you feel good about your goals and intentions this year?

So I've heard a lot of judgements lately about the word "goals" and how no one wants to crush anything anymore and how that doesn't feel good. I've peeled back the layers on this and hope this helps you in looking at what feels best for you. In today's article I identify the ego and how it plays a part in this practice.

Goals vs. Intentions

What I've come to realize is what's rubbing people the wrong way about "setting goals" is that it tends to be about pushing. Pushing for more, wanting more, never being satisfied with what you have, and continuing to strive. Bottom line meaning you are not enough. Whatever you have now is not good enough, meaning you're not good enough, as most people measure their self-worth by what they have or don't have and not by whom they are on the inside. Their worthiness comes from the external and is not internal.

This is the ego.

Those thoughts that are telling you don't have enough and need more. That you need to keep striving so that one day you can finally feel good enough after you have "made it". Whatever that means.

Here's the thing though. The ego is never satisfied. So if this the thinking you are identifying with and listening to...


You will get there only to find you need more, and the cycle starts all over again.

So when people are getting upset with the term goal setting, what I really believe deep down is that most people are setting goals from their ego. And this is why it feels off. We're tired of this. We want a new approach that actually makes us feel good as we are now and not as though we are lacking in some way.

What does that look like...


The decision to follow our hearts and what brings us joy, and xoxo.,-What-Gives?&id=9873970

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