
Power of Positive Thinking - Does Positive Thinking Work?

Positive Thinking is one of the most discussed ideas in the present times. 'Think positive' is the message that is often flashed across several areas. This concept has become so popular that hundreds of books have been written on this subject. Seminars and workshops on 'Positive Thinking' are being held almost everyday in different parts of the world. Thousands of people belonging to various strata of the society have been attending workshops and training programs on positive thinking.

Yet, the fundamental question whether positive thinking works has defied a conclusive answer. Empirical evidence may be produced by people to show that positive thinking has, in fact, transformed their lives. But, it cannot be conclusively shown that it was their thinking that got them the results. And for every assertion in support of thinking positively, there may be assertions to the contrary by people who might have found that harboring positive thoughts had not brought them any benefits.

So, can there be an answer to the question about the effectiveness of positive thinking? There is not likely to be, unfortunately. Believing in certain way of thinking, practicing it and perceiving results is a subjective experience. It is not like conducting a scientific experiment to prove a theory. Thus, the claims that positive thoughts will produce favorable results is bound to be questioned at least by some people for all time to come.

So, how will you find out whether the concept of thinking positive works or not? There is only one way. You have to find out for yourself by practicing the concept. Decide to consciously think positive for the next 90 days. Why 90 days? The period can be longer or shorter but 90 days is a fairly long period for you to observe the results and conclude whether the type of thinking that you practice brings results or not.

It may be difficult to follow this regime because you are bound to be hit by worries, disappointments, frustration etc. But make it a point to force yourself to think positively even when a situation appears to be hopelessly bad. In all probability, at the end of 90 days, you will have cultivated a mind attuned to think positively. You might have concluded either that positive thinking works or that it doesn't. But in either case, you will have gained a mind that has learnt to think positively. Having a mind that can think positive in any situation is a great advantage.

Five Possible Reasons That Prevent You From Achieving Your Goals

Probably no one of us started out in life saying, "I hope I'll end messing up everything." Just like everyone else, all of us have the best intentions in all areas of life: relationships, health, careers or business endeavors, as well as recreational pursuits that will contribute to our personal growth.

And yet, to leave everything to chance, or to assume that success in achieving our goals is a matter of luck, is a dangerous presumption. We are deluded if we believe that fate determines the ultimate fulfillment of our goals.

Sit back and take a good look at your life right now. Have you achieved most of your goals, or at least, gradually getting to that point? If you're feeling dissatisfied, consider the following as the possible culprits that hold you back:

(1.) Your goals lack clarity.

Before making a definite plan to go after what you want, first you need to decide what it is that you want. Different people set goals for different reasons. There is most likely an underlying motive that serves as the driving force behind every worthwhile goal.

If you only have a vague or hazy idea regarding what you want, you won't feel compelled enough to take action.

(2.) Your goals are in conflict with one another.

Some people make an effort to work on several goals at once. This is perfectly all right if each separate goal complements, or is in sync, with one another. To illustrate, let's say your goal is to learn a foreign language, like Spanish. You then make up your mind that the best way to learn is to take an intensive course in a foreign language school.

So to be able to afford the tuition fee, you take in odd jobs in addition to your nine-to-five, like waiting on tables at the Spanish restaurant near your place in order to become familiar with the cuisines.

Now, if you're a high school student and you want to qualify for an academic scholarship in college yet you spend most of your time going out with friends because you also consider a social life to be important, this can cause conflict. Make sure that if you want to get on the right track towards a scholarship, strike a balance between doing homework and finding time for friends.

(3.) Your goals are unrealistic.

While it's good to set a goal that will challenge you to stretch beyond your capacities, there are some goals that are impossible to achieve given a certain time frame. A very good example of an unrealistic goal is to aim to lose 20 pounds in just one month.

A more feasible plan of action would be to whittle away a pound or two a week, not by drastically changing your diet, but by making small sacrifices like skipping desserts, cutting back on soda, or getting up 15 minutes earlier every morning to exercise.

Your goals may also be considered unrealistic if you wish to work in a certain type of career, trade, or profession and yet, you have absolutely no talent or aptitude, or even the right credentials, to have a fighting chance to succeed in that career.

For example, a career in sales requires that a person is by nature gregarious and enjoys frequent person-to-person contact. Individuals who are introverted or have to summon up enough courage before making cold calls are not suited to be salespeople.

(4.) You have no idea if you've made progress.

Goals, in order to be effective, need to be measurable. Ask yourself, "Am I moving towards the direction that I desire?" or "Am I achieving what I'm supposed to achieve?"

Devise a system that will allow you to keep track of your progress. Assess yourself regularly to see if you've made improvement.

There are times when the results of the goals that people set aren't tangible. I've heard parents say, "I want to grow closer to my children." Closeness can never be quantified. Usually, to grow closer to their children, parents would need to schedule more quality time with them. While fathers are expected to provide, a mother may decide to give up her career, or juggle her schedule so she can come home early to join her family for dinner a couple of times a week. A father can keep most of his weekends free so he can take his kids camping or biking.

(5.) You're not fully committed.

Goal setting requires hard work, determination, and a willingness to delay gratification. Making constant excuses or relaxing your resolve when the going gets tough won't bring you to the completeness of your goals.

Being Bliss Is an Attitude - Not Dependent on Outer Joy or Perceptions of Peace

Bless others in your gaze by an engaging stare; You don't need to identify the reason(s) that bring you bliss, joy or happiness. Sometimes your life unfolds through well-deserved, synchronized occurrences, through planned actions receiving positive outcomes, your authenticity is what distinguishes you from others, it can be overwhelming, at times, and make you want to cry. Tears of unrealized dreams, only you know the reason for your fears; even when others don't. YOU CAN HOLD YOUR HEARTFELT REACTIONS NEAR OR DEAR TO YOURSELF; BRING BLISSFUL FEELINGS BACK TO YOURSELF, ALWAYS LIVE IN BLISS; BLESS THE BLISSFUL EVENTS, IT WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU; DO FOR OTHERS WHAT YOUR OWN BLISSFUL BLESSINGS DO FOR YOU! ENJOY YOUR Joyful days, joy brings strength, and it can even lengthen the days that you feel thankful, powerful and rewarded by your choice to choose to remain calm, authentic and true to your nature of living, creating or thinking, be blissful, don't detest your own life situation, things could always be worse.

BELIEVE IN WHAT IGNITES THE FIRE IN YOU; leading YOU to your authentic, internal flame that grew and grew, exasperating your buoyancy and fulfillment in your current reality. Gain animated authenticity, colored by what entices your genius potential; be secure in the knowledge that you have already accomplished many of your life goals. When we sleep, we dream. and create other forms of reality, realize that dreams, from youth, have already been realized. As time propels forward, so do our dreams, let them come across in this dimension, like you have already accomplished before by being authentic, original and by living your life, be true to your own talent, education or skill.

As we dream, we go freely to ANOTHER dimension of EXPANDED UNDERSTANDING, WITHOUT EXCUSES, AVOIDANCE OF COMPLICATED CONCERNS, AND DEVOID OF OUR OWN EGO. CHANGE OR AMEND your focus, concentrate on OMITTING ANOTHER'S FALLACIES- FILLED WITH LIES, GOSSIP OR JEALOUS RANTS, THESE ISSUES ARE THEIRS, NOT OURS, AND SIMPLY UNTRUE. How better can I explain this to you? Please comprehend, my intention is to enlighten my fellow man or woman.

Make things clear and simple, introduce enjoyment in your actions;however you judge them, big, small or insignificant. Give your best effort in everything that you do. Know that we are all inter-connected; Like tiny grains of sand, when put together make cement. All are the dots of life-giving cells, thoughts assimilating in your life; connecting you to the matrix of the bigger picture, and the very reason for our existence.

Soon you will be finely attuned to the impressive perception of life made simple; becoming a better antenna receptor for the gestation and electricity of your conspicuous, contemporaneous gestures, in ample and endless abundance, and in great measure. Treasure your existence on earth! It can bring you great accomplishment, pain, or pleasure in a balanced effort. Brought about by doing simple things, that you allow yourself to do, uplift yourself, generate wealth; press your thoughts or buttons; cause yourself to smile, to seize with ease, the next given opportunity;seek over and over again and have fun while learning or enduring the process. You'll be blissful and excited when you start painting, writing, dancing or singing again, just like you had before, when your life was more balanced and less complicated, than how you choose to live now.

Live in bliss and happiness, perform one adventure after another, once the last event is done; move-on to the next adventure; venture into untraveled territory seeking new ways to rebuild, relearn a new craft, reinvent your talent, art, or skill.


I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

Enjoying Life In Every New Experience

Life is hard and stressful. Whether it is trouble with family, friends, at the workplace, or perhaps, the inability to even find employment in simple things. There are many factors in our lives that are more difficult to deal with. But anything that is worth having is worth working for.

Accept past mistakes. Allow the knowledge you carried afterwards to make you a stronger & wiser person.The only a problem is if you keep on repeating these mistakes without learning at all. While it is easier said than done, it must be done. You cannot alter history. As devastating or hurtful as the past can be, it is the future we look toward and can impact. Remember that whatever you are doing should be geared toward making a brighter tomorrow rather than reminiscing the past.

The second most popular reason that prevents people to be happy is the lack of courage to step out of their comfort zones. The person who spends his life hesitating is someone who is not brave enough to move a step forward. The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Even if you aren't the person you'd like to be today, love yourself and send love to the person you're working so hard to become.

Live every day as if it were going to be your last. Simply enjoy life and the great pleasures that come with it. I enjoy life when things are happening. I don't care if it's good things or bad things. It means that I'm alive. If you go around being afraid, you're never going to enjoy life. You have only one chance, so you've got to have fun.

Do anything you want. But be sure that it would lead to happiness rather than regrets. Do what makes you happy. Be with someone who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live. Enjoy life. Have fun.

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did. Quit hanging on to the handrails. Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day.

The future is important to plan for, but it is important not to obsess about it to the extent that you ignore the present. Remember, the only way to get to the future is living each day and every day of your life.

However, no matter what you have or what you do or how great your circumstances, if you are not happy with it, it won't mean much.

Slow down and enjoy life. You miss the sense of where you are going and why. Simply relish the pleasures that come with every new experience.

Letting Go of the Fear of the Future

In the future, there is a true hope. In the future, there is a reflection of the abundance and gratitude of today.

Letting go of the fear of the future means, in general, letting go of most of your fears.

Just think about it: 99% of all of our worries and fears are connected only and exclusively with thoughts about the future:

  • What will tomorrow bring us?
  • What if it were something highly unpredictable, or even painful?
  • Will I be able to handle it?
  • Am I ready for that?
  • How will I protect my family?
  • How will I deal with that?

But, what happens when we let go of all these fears?

What happens when we surrender ourselves to the uncertainty of the future, letting ourselves experience all the feelings that lie behind, and letting them simply go, once and forever?

Can we even do that?

Can Letting Go take us so far?

After several Letting Go meditations related to the uncertainty of the future, some interesting revelations came to me when all the negative emotions behind these fears were surrendered, released, and let go.

The most surprising one was the realization that there is not such a thing as a future.

Any moment of our life we live at is defined by being in a state of a clear presence. We simply can't live in the past or future; we can only live in the present.

So, all we can really be fearful of, is just our presence, as this is the only state that we are actually experiencing. Yes, we can also think of extensions, multiplication or variations of the presence, which are often falsely altered with the word "future", but it is still just another form of the presence.

Now, this is great news.


Because the good thing about the presence is, that we can shape it and define it exactly as we want to - in any given moment. We can instantly decide if we want to be joyful or fearful right now, if we want to be exuberant or impoverished. We have the power of the full choice about the presence, about the actual, instant moment.

But, because the future is, in fact, just an extension or multiplication (or variation) of the presence, by shaping our presence, we can then immediately shape our future as well:

If we feel true hope today, we already create it for our future too.

If we feel abundance and gratitude today, we already create it for our future as well.

I admit that this concept can be a bit difficult to understand for most of you right now. However, after several letting go of these future related issues, you will start seeing it clearer.. This concept needs to be fully experienced (by letting go of the barriers for this experience) first, in order to be able to absolutely understand it, accept it and take great advantages of it.

So here is letting go process of the fear of the future:

1. In a quiet place, close your eyes and think of any of your recent fears about the future.

2. Start noticing the feelings (as they will start coming up) behind your thoughts.

3. Don't try to label these feelings in any way, rationalize or analyze them. Just let them come out and express themselves.

4. Start surrendering yourself to these feelings slowly, let them express themselves fully all over your body (or any other part where you feel them most intensively). Don't push them back, don't block them or act on them either. Just let them be in their natural way and instead, be an independent observer of them, as if they weren't even yours.

5. After a while, make a decision about letting them go once and forever, and then let them actually go and disappear.

The process above will probably need to be, in the case of many people, repeated during the following days, or even weeks, to start experiencing the new, clear perception of the concept of the future (anxiety about the future is in general quite a strong issue) and to start experiencing how worries about the future begin to vanish.

Remember that, with Letting Go, we can't control the moment of the revelation. All we can do is to let go and then let the revelation come to us in the moment it is ready to come. I can guarantee you, that sooner or later it will come, if we let go and surrender ourselves properly. There is no other way.By letting go and surrendering ourselves, we clear the path ahead of us; we clear the vision, and we only need to wait for our own conscious and unconscious mind to adjust to this new reality. Paradoxically, our own brain is quite often the weakest link in our growth!

This Is Why You Live In The Feeling Of Your Thinking And Experience Life From Inside Out

Experience Life From Inside-Out

The late Scottish born philosopher Sydney Banks stated: "Someone once said to me, 'Are you telling me that chair isn't real, that it's only thought?' I said 'Of course the chair is real. But it comes to you via Thought'."

Banks went onto discover The Three Principles of Mind which influenced the practice of psychology and psychiatry in the years to follow.

The Three Principles of Mind are:

1. Mind: The universal intelligence behind life which is the source of all.

2. Consciousness: The awareness of life unfolding and what we create.

3. Thought: The ability to create, through thinking.

How does this relate to you?

Stay with me a moment as I unpack this further.

Many people subscribe to the outside-in paradigm whereby circumstances out there are responsible for the way they feel.

And that makes sense.

I don't disagree because I've experienced such moments until I became aware of my thoughts.

The point is, you create your experience of life from inside-out, not the other way around.

American sports psychologist Garret Kramer says: "You're never feeling your circumstances. You're always feeling your thinking, which, independent of your circumstances, is constantly in flux. This explains why a circumstance can look troubling one moment and okay the next."

No one or no event can make you feel what you don't already believe. I may try to impose my thoughts or reality on you, but if you don't believe it at the level of thought, you don't experience it emotionally.

It was the Cuban born essayist Anaïs Nin who said: "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

Your reality is the sum of your past conditioning. It has to be, because no two people share the same view of reality, even twins differ in the way they perceive the world.

This is empowering for several reasons, not least because it confirms we are in control of how we respond to life's circumstances.


The Four Noble Truths

Life does not happen to you, but develops through you.

Moreover, life is happening for you.

I know it may not seem that way and I didn't believe it until I upgraded my perception of reality.

When you allow life to be what it is without attaching a narrative to it, suffering is diminished because you cease to oppose what is.

Consider life being akin to water instead of a rock. Since water is malleable, it will flow around the rock and erode it to find its own level.

By embracing the same attitude, you abandon your storyline of how life should develop in a certain way and allow life to advance in its own way. Your thinking is a mind-made narrative and not the reality you experience.

The Japanese writer Haruki Murakami writes in What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Pain and suffering are important tenets espoused in Buddhism and encapsulated in The Four Noble Truths:

1. The Truth Of Suffering

2. The Truth Of The Cause Of Suffering

3. The Truth Of The End Of Suffering

4. The Truth Of The Path That Frees Us From Suffering

The point worth emphasising is that suffering is a state of mind. This is illustrated in Viktor Frankl's personal experience as a Holocaust survivor in a German concentration camp.

Frankl writes in Man's Search For Meaning: "Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose."

Similarly, the evangelical Christian pastor Charles Swindoll said: "Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitude toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I've come to believe that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it."

The connecting theme lies in our response to events outside of us, not the circumstances themselves.

"Knowing that your feelings come from the inside (your thinking), and not the outside (your circumstances), is what allows your state of mind to self-correct when you are troubled," affirms Garret Kramer.

You Live In The Feeling Of Your Thoughts

I often hear my young nephews cry out when their playing together turns sour: "He made me feel this way." In that instance, I'm reminded how naïve their perception is, albeit given their age.

However, I've heard the same conversations in adults who subscribe to the same thinking. Curiously, these same people endure intense pain and suffering, since they concede other people or life's circumstances are the cause of their suffering.

They are not wrong, nor are they right. They are simply unaware of the inside-out paradigm and respond to life based on their level of awareness.

Can you see how misleading and painful this line of thinking can be?

No one outside of you is responsible for the way you think and feel, if you don't already act that way for the most part.

They may try to impose their beliefs on you and succeed because you already subscribe to those beliefs and so they become active in you.

You also needn't follow the Buddhist Eightfold Path to overcome suffering, but just realise you live in the feeling of your thoughts.

When you become aware and awake to your thoughts, you are less attached to the meaning they carry.

You become an outsider looking in on your thoughts. You are the witnesser and observer, rather than the person whose thoughts are being imposed upon them.

New Year's Resolutions: Mistakes To Avoid + Be Successful

Most people look at the beginning of the year as a chance to change their lives,

However, I have seen that at least 50% of those who establish New Year's Resolutions or Big Goals for the New Year fail.

Reasons are that people are putting so much pressure on themselves to make New Year's Resolutions. or believe their lives will change at the stroke of midnight. Such extreme pressure sets your up for failing. Most people are in a fog from the holidays on January 1st that they don't even think about starting because they are tired or stressed.

For example, I had a client who for a couple years in a row said he was going to stop smoking for the New Year. He never did because he really felt pressure and in his heart really did not want to stop. This is so common to make such grand choices because people feel they are expected to make choices such as losing weight, stop smoking or other

habits that they really don't think about much the rest of the year.

How you can increase the likelihood of keeping a resolution or a new habit?

Whether is a New Year's Resolution or setting goals, people are more likely to success if they just take the time at the end of the year or when they are goal-setting to reflect. People should reflect on the past year or recent month to get a baseline or reference point on what they have been doing with their life and where they are at right now.

Asking 'heart-felt: questions are the key.

You must reflect before you make your choices.

1. Write down what you have done this last year.

Do these for different areas of your life such as work, relationships and self (self-care).

2. Ask yourself: What is missing in my life?

What have I not done yet?

3. Ask Yourself: What would I most likely to have in my life right now?

Image or picture what you most want in your life.

How would I feel in the next few years if I have not pursued my dreams and goals?

Don't be upset if you have negative thoughts or reactions, let 'inspirational dissatisfaction' motivate you.

The likelihood of making goals and developing a new habit are based on the questions what must be asked before goal setting. If you do not take the time to ask yourself these questions you are just shooting arrows in the dark at a target.

4. Goals:

After these questions then you are ready to make 2 to 4 goals.

Keep these tips in mind when you make your goals. To begin building new habits that support your goals or just wanting to make a change inhabits I suggest:

1. Start with small gradual moves or steps.

For example. if you want a new career or skills don't quit your job to go back full-time to school, take one course for a start and see if you like it. Break the goal down to tangible parts.

2. Break free of excuses

What may sound as valid reason for not working on your goals and new habits are really 'agony anchors' that hold you back. These are feelings of fear of change.

I hear from clients that they are 'too busy', 'I had no time this week' and other self-pity statements. This is never empowering. I have clients get a calendar or put in the cell phone calendar the day or evening they will work on their new goals and habits.

Example: If it is to go to the gym, schedule it in your calendar. Pre-plan and make this appointment with yourself. I am amazed how crowded my gym is in January and have many people stop going by Feb, because they have allowed many 'distractions" in their lives. Yes, things pop-up. If and when they do, immediately re-schedule your calendar when you will attend.

3. Don't share your goals or some of them with people who will act critical. Only tell those who will encourage and support you.

To become happier and more confident -- avoid emotional vampires. Unhappy people allow "emotional vampires" to suck their positive feelings right out of their skulls. Emotional vampires include people who put you down, criticize or mock you, or sabotage your dreams and aspirations. Never let snipers or negative people shoot holes in your boat. These types of people drain the life out of you.

Take survey of your life by making a list of people and situations you expose yourself to. Then, discard or limit people, habits or situations that keep you from feeling optimistic and happy. In other words, 'burn your bridges' if needed.

Example: I had a young client in her early 30's who wanted to train to run a half-marathon. She was very excited. She told her mother what she was planning to do and her mother looked at her and said, "you can't do that... " She was upset and learned very quickly this principle of enlisting those who are only positive and supportive.

Follow these tips and you will not only be successful in the New Year, you will feel happier and optimistic.

Message From the Universe: Focusing on More Important Things

"The best way to find "love," which, incidentally, is just as true for finding money, is to focus less on these by-products of a life well lived and more on a life well lived.

Simple is as simple does, 
The Universe"

We focus too much on materialistic items to get love, nicer car, bigger home, top of the line gadgets, and so on and so forth. I would say many women out there love these types of men who can shower them with gift in exchange of, well,... you know. Our society is based on image, of popularity, on how many followers you have or how many friends you can acquire. Isn't the quality better than quantity? Shouldn't we focus more on the friends who will stick around just in case things go badly for you? It is easy to be with someone when all things are great and dandy, but the true color of a person comes out when things start heading south. They suddenly show no more empathy, no more attention, suddenly work is demanding a lot of their time but suddenly were ready to travel the world when you had the money to finance their trips to paradise. What a convenience isn't it?

When you focus more on what's important in life, you forget the by-products of that life. You work on making yourself happy no matter what the outcome. For many entrepreneurs out there, who can work 16 to 19 hours a day, have no clue as to where they are really going but their ambitions and dreams keep them moving forward. It's not longer about money, or about financial freedom, it is about doing what they want to do and they know the money will come. Nothing in life comes easy and once you learn to master that part and focus less on every penny that comes in to your wallet, you can start living your life, start enjoying and appreciating the important things. You may be closer to your goals then you might ever expect. Never give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Four Ways to Deal With Gossip

three women sitting on brown wooden bench

Here's the ugly truth. Gossiping tells more about the person gossiping, than it does about the person being talked about. Not only is it extremely hurtful to the person being spoken about, but it also shows that the person who is gossiping talks badly about other people and that they can't be trusted with personal and confidential information. People who gossip to you will also gossip about you. ~ Spanish Proverb.

So why do people do it? One reason we share things about others is to hot-wire a connection with a friend. The closeness in that friendship is built on talking bad about other people. Famous vulnerability researcher, Brene Brown, spoke about this on the Oprah Winfrey Show commenting that these types of friendships aren't true friendships because the intimacy that surrounds the relationship is built on hating the same people and this is counterfeit trust, not real trust. She instead referred to this as "common enemy intimacy".

We also find it easier to highlight other's problems to distract us from facing our own. It makes us feel better about ourselves because we get to revel in the fact that other people have problems too. This is especially gratifying when their problems are seen as more severe than our own.

Four Ways to Deal With Gossip:

1. Appreciate the difference between "helpful" and "gossip." There are times in life when it is genuinely helpful for you to know the personal background or personal details of a friend's life. But if someone begins sharing intimate details of another's life and you are in no position to help (or have no intention to help), it is not helpful speech. It is gossip. And will only lead to disaster.

2. Stop it before it starts. If your conversation begins to turn toward gossip, take the high road and end it. A simple sentence that goes like this, "I'm not sure I'm in a good position to be having this conversation," quickly shifts the focus to yourself while communicating your point to your partner.

3. Engage in meaningful conversations about the people around you. There is a 100% chance that you have not fully explored the deepest places of the heart and life sitting right in front of you. Rather than engaging in conversation about someone else, choose to ask deeper questions about the hopes, dreams, and fears of the people who are present.

4. Stay positive with your speech. Use positive words as much as possible - even when talking about another. Speaking positively about a person who is not present rarely leads to gossip and almost always leads to a closer ally. This positive speech will also encourage the people around you to do the same.

Have you given up gossip? If so, what happened as a result and how has your life changed?

What is it that makes you give in to gossip?

Have you ever been the victim of gossip? How did that affect you?

When There Is No Hope Or Chance Left, This Is What You Can Do (By David Samuel)

I have received a comment on the article; How To Find Hope When There Is No Hope Left When I wrote the reply to that comment, I realized that this makes a really good article in itself, so here you go, a great answer for people who think that article is rubbish and not at all realistic. I hope this new version answers many more people in their search to get out of a hopeless or simply 'stuck' life.

There are two ages which we are not acceptable to mainstream workforce, too young and too old. However, with a little creativity, we can overcome these limitations. For example, when I was 12 years old, I understood people like a good deal, and they think they can take advantage of kids. So, I used their greed to put myself in a position to get lots of work, and do a little freelance business at much lower than 'adult' prices.

That got me started in my career as a photographer as I built up enough happy clients who paid less than a quarter they would for an 'adult' and eventually I could raise my prices and build my finances from there. Several young teens have done the same thing.

It's all a matter of accepting the situation and working with it, rather than fighting or complaining about the unfair conditions.

When we are old, we have experiences that we can use in a similar way to create a business for ourself if we cannot get a job.

People are stuck because they cannot see the forest through the trees, as the saying goes. It takes someone looking at them from the outside with enough varied experience and creativity to help them find what they can do on their own to earn some money.

Ethics are the foundation of what is required to open up creativity and build the self-esteem and other qualities necessary to become someone who is in high demand regardless of age or any other factors.

There is a saying in business. The location, the type of business, the funding, and everything else is easy compared to the hardest part of running a good business, which is finding good people to work for you. Maybe you are not as good as you think you are, and need a little polish.

You may have heard this other old saying; 'Necessity is the mother of creation.' The problem is that people tend to think they have tried everything, but that is a rather arrogant saying if you think about it. It implies that you actually know every thing that exists in the universe. Who could honestly say that without it being tantamount to proclaiming being God.

It takes humility and acceptance that just because you cannot find a job or solution, the reason is that you just have not found the right thing yet. So you have to keep looking, or get the help to open your eyes and mind to things you never thought of before.

After saying all this, I think I have come up with the one line that answers the title How to find hope when there is no hope left.

The answer is; to know that you do not know everything and that the answer exists. You just have to keep looking until you find it, have an open mind instead of your fixed opinions, and be humble enough to seek the right help. But before you can do this, you have to let go of your ego and your imagination that you actually have tried everything possible. Basically, you are not as smart as you think you are when you think you have tried 'everything'.

One word of caution about seeking help. If someone makes a living and charges a lot of money to give you advice, they usually do not have very good advice. Just think about this when you go to a coach or mentor. They make a living out of people who are stuck. Therefore, they need you to be stuck so they keep the client. Their main interest is their own income if they work on a set fee so they will give you enough help to feel you are making progress, but never enough for you not to need them anymore.

Find someone who has succeeded so they have proven they know what they are doing, and that they do not have a set fee, but take what you offer or perhaps a percentage of your profits. You need a partner in your success, not someone who makes money whether you succeed or not.

I realized something after being cheated by a lawyer; Never take the advice of someone who will profit from your loss. Choose your guide wisely.,-This-Is-What-You-Can-Do&id=9683877

Super Tips For Turning Failure Into Success (By Naomi Sodomin)

How to Turn Failure Into Success

Acceptance, Communication, Success
DO NOT Let Failure Affect Your Self Worth
"Success is failure turned inside out."
Author unknown.

I honestly wish I knew who wrote this so I could thank him for giving me a guide to what success looks like. I was a freshman in high school when I read this quote and it stayed with me, not only stayed with me... but it changed my life. It was so clear, things can really be that simple!

Whoever wrote this must have known about a young girl who wanted to be successful but had no idea what success looked like. She thought her life was full of failures but in reality, the failures were really successes. It's like holding a t-shirt in your hand and you're about to put it on but then you realize it's inside out. What do you do? Well, you fix it and you put your shirt on the correct way. Then you go about your business, never giving it a single thought.

My friend, it is that simple. All you must do is take the failures and turn them into successes. Why is it so hard for you to turn your failures into success? Because you've tied your self worth to both the success and the failure.

Here's the problem. As humans, we give everything way more meaning than it should carry. For example, let's say your marriage failed and you started blaming yourself. You ask: How come I did not see this or that? Shouldn't I have known better? All the signs were there, so how could I have missed it? I'm such an idiot... and on and on... the madness goes. Pretty soon, you begin to feel badly about yourself. You start calling yourself dumb, idiot, loser, etc. You begin to think about all the people you let down and what they must think of you. Sound familiar?

What if you didn't give it any meaning at all? What if a failed relationship was just a failed relationship? What if a bankruptcy was just a bankruptcy? What if losing your job was simply that. What if none of it had any deeper meaning at all?

Here's what you should do to keep the failures in your life from affecting your self worth. First, you must stop taking everything personally. This was huge for me. When I stopped taking everything personally, and looking at them as "things that happen in a broader context" I could look at things more objectively. The failures aren't personal. It's all part of this thing called "life". Everyone who takes on this human incarnation is going to have a certain level of failure as well as success.

The second thing to do is to look at the failure objectively. It has no meaning except for the meaning you give it. I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work with T. Harv. Ecker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. One of the things T. Harv. Ecker taught me was that nothing had any significant meaning at all. He constantly reminded me of this simple fact. It's the same thing with failure and success. They have absolutely no meaning at all besides the meaning we give to them.

For a lot of people, having success means they've made something of themselves. they've proven to aunt so and so or their father that "I'm not a loser." Here's what I've learned. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, not even yourself. Just accept that your successes and failures are impersonal.

I meet millennials who seem to define themselves by their career. What they do for a living has become such a priority, they don't even realize how closely they've attached their self worth to it. Today, the pressure to get married has been replaced with the pressure to become successful in your career as quickly as possible. Sure, it's a good thing to be successful in your career, but you are not your career. There's more to you than the initials behind your name or the title of your job. When you are at the bottom of the totem pole at work, you can't translate that as to where you stand in life. This is where you are today. That's not where you will be five years or ten years from now, so why does it matter so much?

Here's a different take on it. You may lose your job, all your money, and all your earthly possessions, but you can never lose the ability within you that got you those things in the first place. And if you can remember that, then you can turn every failure into success. When I left Florida, I left with my Honda Civic, my clothes in the trunk, and a few toiletry items, and that's all I had. My tribe was very upset because they felt like I had thrown away everything I had worked so hard to achieve. What they didn't realize was that my ability to get those things was still within me.

I don't know how I knew this but I knew that I could own another home. I knew that I could recreate an even better life than the life I'd had in Florida, and I did. I want you to awaken to the possibility that you can create better. You can always have better than you had before. The ability to get a great paying job is inside of you. The ability to start a new business after you've lost a business that you've worked hard at is all inside of you.

Last year I had the opportunity to interview Angela Martindale. She transforms lives from ordinary to extraordinary. She's a highly sought-after nutritionist, and fitness coach to Hollywood moguls and models. She's the creator of Chi Yoga Flow. The one thing that stuck with me during our interview is the fact that she lost everything after her divorce. Angela moved in with her parents with only a backpack crammed with a few personal items. This is after she had built a thriving business. But what she still possessed was the ability to create the results she had created before! Although her ex took her earthly possessions, he couldn't take her ability to rebuild both her life and her business. Angela anchored herself down and rebuilt not just her life, but also her business, and today she is happier than ever. In the process, her work has truly transformed my life and the lives of many other women.

If you want to turn your failures into successes all you have to do is detach your self worth from both the failures and the successes. You've heard of child actors or other performers who committed suicide or became drug addicts and alcoholics because their career started to slide. This happens because their self worth was attached to their job. When your self worth is not attached to your job, your career, or your bank account, you are free to turn your failures into successes. The next time you find yourself down, just remember Angela's story and remember what my mentor, T. Harv. Ecker said: "Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it." Stop giving your successes and failures meaning, just live your life. Enjoy the successes when they happen and when you fall down, just get back up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game.

What Can You Learn From Gossip and Criticism?

Do you have a friend who is constantly gossiping and criticizing other people? And have you noticed that your friend is usually guilty of the same things that he is criticizing? Why then is he going constantly on and on about so and so's bad manners, lack of financial skills and poor taste in clothes, and getting really worked up about it?

The answer is simple - your gossiping friend criticizes the parts of himself that he doesn't like and that he keeps seeing in other people. It may be that he is completely unaware of what he is doing. Or it may be that he already knows his own faults and by talking to you about these same faults in other people, he hopes (partly consciously and partly subconsciously) that he can divert the attention away from his own negatives. But ultimately he achieves exactly the opposite. Your light bulbs go immediately and you think "Wow, my friend is delusional. What is he thinking? He is doing exactly the same things that he keeps critisizing in other people!"

But is your friend simply delusional? Or is there something else at play? Sure, if he is completely unaware of what is going on, then yes maybe he is indeed delusional. But he must also be scared, separated and disconnected. He doesn't know how to experience love and how to feel part of everyone and everything and that must be what is driving the negativism and the constant criticism that he is directing at the world.

The surest way to transform a negative person who constantly criticizes and gossips is to help them understand unconditional love and connectedness. When we feel love, when we feel connected, then we focus on the similarities between people, not on the differences between them. This opens the door to compassion, self-reflection, and healing. Your friend notices that someone has bad manners and loves them for that and looks for the same thing in himself, because he knows in his heart that we are all the same.

So how do you offer your friend a path from Separation to Universal love? There are many healing therapies that work on the level of the consciousness and that can bring us closer to experiencing love and connectedness. And by the way, if you know a friend who needs a therapy like along those lines, then you certainly need it yourself because we are all the same!

An Amazing Law of Attraction Story (By Chris Atley)

After booking my flight to Dallas, I learned that the talk I was giving was in the morning and not the afternoon as planned. I called the airline to see if I could bump up my flight and was told I would have to pay the increase in fare, since it had gone up. It was pretty hefty and I didn't feel it was worth it. Not a big a deal, I thought, I'll use the day to connect with folks and then head to the airport early and get some work done.

Fast forward to my travel day to Dallas. I was flying Southwest and it was my first time flying with them. I knew there wasn't business class on these flights, but had no idea that bumping up to "A class" meant you got to move to the front of the security line AND pick your seat. I also didn't realize being in "C class" meant you picked your seat last! I was in "C class" and the lesson was learned.

While I was waiting to be called, I started envisioning how I wanted to experience the plane ride. I wanted a window seat and wanted to be cozy. I also wanted the person next to me to be respectful of my space. We've all been next to those folks who take up the entire shared armrest!

I boarded the plane and got closer and closer to the back. I still felt like it was all going to work out. The woman in front of me panicked and went for a middle seat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the window seat. Yes!!! I moved in and created exactly what I wanted. It was a full flight and I still can't believe there was a window seat left! I was happy, cozy and sat next to the sweetest couple who were very respective of the arm rest.

What's interesting is before boarding the flight; I grabbed a healthy lunch from a zenned out eatery. I thanked the cashier and told him I loved the love beads he was wearing and then left him a big tip. He smiled so bright!

Coincidence? I don't think so. As I'm always saying, what we put out we will get back. I didn't give him a tip for the purpose of getting a good seat on the plane - I had no idea at that point how it worked with Southwest. It just felt good to be nice.

Fast forward to the next day after I gave my talk. I hung around for a little while talking to some great folks and to have lunch. I ended up having the most inspired conversations and was so thankful to be given the opportunity to speak. When everyone went into the next session, I though maybe I'll try the airline one more time. Well what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. She said there was a seat and the fare had gone down so I would be given a $90 refund!!! I booked it and continued to the airport.

I called Uber and then had the most fascinating conversation with a driver who is originally from Pakistan. We ended up having the deepest conversation about how he an his and his family are Christian, and their children would not have survived if they stayed. Like literally survived. Christian Pakistanis are not being given jobs and are being killed. His daughter who is special needs would have been kidnapped and raped if they had stayed. This is what is happening over there. Although, I'm still not sure what to do with this information, I do know it makes my mission for world peace even stronger. AND because of this string of events, I also get to share it with you to spread awareness.

We said our good-byes and I proceeded through security. There was no line - I had just missed it by 20-minutes. I got to the gate and immediately bumped up to this "A class" that was so necessary. The flight was completely full and I have no idea just how I even got a seat!

Well, I do know how. It's because I asked and I felt good enough to receive. I gave where I could and received some pretty cool miracles as a result.

Pretty cool right?!

Just remember, the universe knows no size of miracles. Only we put constraints on them because of our own limited viewpoint. We can create the most ginormous things in our life, and also remember sometimes it's the smallest miracles that have the biggest impact. I got to share this story with my kids and they are now learning this as a way of life.

Prosperity Tips: 3 Keys to Abundance

There are many keys to prosperous living, but the 3-pronged approach I shall call the PAG Effect is a quick game-changer for the willing student of abundance, ready to make a difference in their life and those of their loved ones.

The acronym PAG, stands for Purpose Action (and) Gratitude. To start with, if you want prosperity to show up in your life, then you must start with the intention to live a prosperous life. That means, to live with a sense of PURPOSE in making sure you think thoughts of prosperity, and hence, live the dream; in the words of Descartes "I think therefore I am"!

Truly you CANNOT fill your mind with thoughts of lack and doubt and at the same time manifest the glory of The Most Gracious, God! Think abundance both for yourself and those you come into contact with. There is abundant evidence that thoughts do make physical impressions on people and objects; so given the reality of the scientific law of actions creating reactions as taught by the legendary Albert Einstein, make it a HABIT, to think prosperous thoughts about yourself and those you interact with. The results will amaze you!

It is a fact, incontrovertible, that wishes and desires alone would not bring you results in the real physical world without ACTION. Therefore transform your thoughts into reality by taking the right steps in the right direction of prosperity. The results may not come out in one-to-one proportions for the Divine Grace has a great multiplier effect, but you must do the act to see the effect. It is true that the Good Lord feeds all the beasts of the fields, and the birds of the air neither sow nor reap, but they all must take the step towards the bounty out there in the fields. The bird leaves its nest and flies out to get its food. So do the beasts go out in search of their sustenance. Do not miss this lesson, as a human being blessed with more faculty of reasoning than the rest of creation. Do the part, act for yourself and share the grace by acting and giving out prosperity. Yours would be a result multiplied!

Now to the third key to Prosperity, GRATITUDE. In the Quran Allah tells us in the chapter called Abraham, verse 7, that if we are grateful, He would increase His blessings upon us; the exegetes explain this sense of gratitude to include thankfulness to God as well as humans who may be the vehicles that God uses, sometimes, to extend His Grace to us. So being thankful for gifts of God including the often overlooked blessings of life, breath, health and being able to read this essay itself can be an effective channel for creating and sustaining prosperity in our lives. So let us give thanks and praise to God as often, and as profoundly, as possible and the results will manifest in our lives.

Now go ahead and use the PAG approach to prosperity and abundance and see the result manifest itself in a beautiful, life. Just live it!

Raise Your Confidence With Self-Esteem Videos - It's How Successful People Grow

When it comes to how to raising self-confidence it's the old line of, "What works for one might well not work for another."

It is time to consider self-esteem exercises with life enhancement videos if what others are telling you does not work for you, or nothing appears to influence you to improve yourself.

The requirement for self-growth is now a problem many people are focusing on.

There are currently a great deal of personal transformation and self-growth articles out there.

For those who took pleasure in reading, they turn to articles and other kinds of compositions. For those who simply like to sit back, listen and see, self-growth videos can be truly enlightening.

As you read on please keep in mind a spiritual metaphysical principle from the Course in Miracles that states, "You have tried to learn what you do not want should take heart, for although the curriculum you set yourself is depressing indeed, it is merely ridiculous if you look at it."

Not only that, a lot of professionals are also lending their talent and proficiency in helping individuals develop themselves.

Once overcame tremendous adversity, with the web came the most convenient ways of trying to find self-growth enhancement guidance from other people who have.

It can not be rejected that some individuals can better comprehend something when people see something on the screen.

That is the psychology behind these self-growth opportunities.

Why not begin a personal library of life-enhancement self-esteem videos?

The Course in Miracles teaches that, "Your learning potential, properly understood is limitless... ".

The big advantage in getting how to boost self-confidence and life enhancement videos is that at any time you can watch, learn and listen.

There is yoga for healing and for spirit, as well as yoga for weight-loss, and the instructors are awesome because they truly do want to help.

I have discovered that it is how successful grow and continue to grow toward being all they can be.

Some are concentrated on a couple of both physical and mindfulness areas of your life that many individuals may feel tough and specifically essential to improve.

These videos might not come cheap for some who would rather have self-improvement tools that come totally free.

I mean the people behind can assist you with your effort for how to raise or boost self-confidence, or perhaps, get rid of low self-esteem and a scarcity mentality, which are the causes of numerous individual's inter-personal troubles.

These how to boost self-confidence, and self-esteem exercises, videos, are meant to aid in everlasting self-improvement and individual development in all journeys of life.

These how to boost self-confidence and such, videos include info and exercises, and helpful hints on what to study and read, and so forth.

Make Self-Esteem Exercises a Daily Routine.

The Freedom to Watch, Listen, Learn any time.

You can get the life or career or whatever you're seeking with the wealth and success that you know within you that you deserve.

When you begin these practices or workouts and readings, you will instantly feel the wanted modification inside yourself.

If you are bent on attaining individual improvement, videos on life and self-enhancement are not the only tools you can utilize. There are also e-courses and e-books that are exploding everywhere.

There are sites that are capable of providing you with all the self-improvement videos that are needed to get your inner power released, and use it to whichever improvement in your life you see that is necessary.

Being consistent and with repetition is how any muscle is built, and no different with your mind when it comes to crucial life-long enhancement of your personality.

Previously, a while back, I discussed the 3 tools to get and keep you aligned with your full potential.

They can likewise aid with structuring lasting, favorable relationships and lastly show you how you can use the tools for other areas of your life.

And with repeating the exercises and truly getting involved mindfully with how to raise self-confidence, and much more, the modification or enhancements will end up being natural and become automated.

Self-enhancement, if you 'd otherwise prefer, videos, will assist you to take command of your career in addition to your financial freedom and self-reliance.

Hey, you might want to even write your own e-books and begin a new career as an author!

Aim to also look at the other personal transformation tools used by these sites.

The majority of the time the items provided are well reputed and looked into thoroughly for quality and efficiency.

When to get a how to boost self-confidence or self-esteem, life-enhancement video?

Remember, the possibilities are out there for you, and if you have seen a few videos before, you have probably remembered all the important things it needed to show and say.

Perhaps when it came to the point that the suggestions were initiated by the people you love. Or, maybe you saw an ad on the internet that got you thinking about change and self-development.

This would also be your option if you need a tool you can use anytime and anywhere to help you on your journey for life enhancement, and how to boost self-confidence for a better life.

(By the way I hope you will investigate my previous discussions on raising self-confidence and how to lead a life of happiness with passionate positive emotions for the life you want.)

To your full potential!

10 Tips to Help You Practice Self-Love

Woman Doing Hand Heart Sign

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Or perhaps a more relevant question is, 'who's the most important person in your life?' Some people will regard their boss or work as their top priority, and of course earning money, supporting their family and having something, hopefully fulfilling, with which to occupy themselves is important.

For others relationships are the answer; their children, friends, family or partner top their list every time. Then of course, we all know someone rather smug who says without a second thought that they are the most important person in their life! They'd buy tickets to see themselves in concert!

Today, though, we're reflecting on the type of self-love which recognises that making decisions to look after ourselves means taking responsibility for our own health and happiness. When we do that everyone in our lives also benefits. I'd like to share some tips to help you manage the negative events, hurts and disappointments that happen in life which impact on our expectations and influence our view of the world.

Here are ten ways to practice self-love.

- Introduce 'reasonable' affirmations. Saying 'I'm gorgeous/beautiful/perfect' is enough to give many people a bad case of indigestion, but being reasonable in our self talk enables us to say something like 'I am taking positive steps everyday', 'I am moving towards my goals and feeling good about myself'. Find something positively phrased, that sits well with you and repeat it daily.This practice can help to change your mindset and overcome years of unfortunate conditioning.

- Do things that you do well. Even, in fact especially, in a busy life, it's important to schedule time for things that you're good at, so that you remind yourself how capable you are. Playing sport, baking a cake, doing some handiwork, even helping someone out are all ways to boost your self-love and bolster your confidence and self-esteem.

- Encourage others to be appreciative of you. Self-love can benefit when others show that they value you, the help you've given them or the ways you've supported their lives. Be okay about drawing their attention to your endeavours and training them to be appreciative.

- Be gracious in accepting praise. So many of us are embarrassed or uncomfortable about praise or compliments. Instead of shrugging it off smile, be gracious and absorb it. That way everyone concerned feels good.

- Tackle the overwhelm and break tough tasks into bite-sized chunks. Self-love can suffer when we feel swamped or don't know where to start. Could fear or perfectionism play a part in this state of mind and, if so, start to address those issues.

- Build your team. Delegate, even to children at home. Let them feel involved and responsible for chores like setting the table or folding the laundry. At work encourage people to improve their skills - they may even come up with good ideas and better ways of doing things. Consider hiring help so that you get the best person to do the job, like your accounts, social media, PR or marketing. Then you can feel self-love as you do the tasks you're uniquely equipped to do.

- Learn to say 'no' well. No can be the most positive word in your vocabulary when used in the right way, at the right time, with the right person. Without it you can end up running yourself ragged, feeling used, resentful and stressed out.

- Ask for help. Do you expect other people to be psychic and know what's going on in your mind, how you're feeling, what you need? Practice self-love and communicate what you need from others. Communication is also about listening well. So be interested and attentive in your relationships and allow them to thrive.

- Take time out. Breaks are an important part of managing stress and learning to love and respect yourself. Identify the times when you typically start to feel unwell, tense, edgy and find ways to take breaks before this occurs. Go outside for a walk, enjoy some fruit, read a book, listen to music, take a relaxing bath. Maybe even put yourself in your diary like you would an important client, and honour that appointment!

- Learn to say 'yes' too at times. Self-love is about stepping outside your comfort zone and occasionally scaring yourself a little. And often when we say 'yes' to seemingly impossible opportunities it's amazing how doors start to open to support those situations. Keep a 'happy' or 'success' book and record those mini-triumphs. Then you'll have a log which supports you in more difficult times.

Self-love engages all the different elements of your life. When you establish strong roots the tree will grow confident and firm, able to weather the storms that come its way. Then, when you look in the mirror, you'll see a positive reflection that's vibrant, joyous and ready to break out of the limits of its frame.

How To Have The Mindset For Success

Learning how to have the mindset for success is crucial when you want a successful and blissful life. If you are like me, you might have many goals you want to achieve. Whatever these goals are, the key is to have a growth mindset rather than a fixed one. But what is the difference and how you get it?
How can you set and have the mindset for success? Do you want to reach your goals more rapidly? In how many years did you plan to achieve your goals?

Many people, as well as I, preach hard work, focus, persistence and more but these are by-products of something else. It is something much more powerful than we can all develop. This extraordinary thing is critical to success, and it is your mindset.

Without the right mindset, you might find yourself sidetracked by your everyday routine. You can also often be distracted by the latest and most fabulous idea you are just having, which rarely pushes you to follow one path until successful.

You may think that you have all the time in the world to achieve your goals. But you have to realize that if you set your mindset for success, you can apply it to other domains as well. In this way, you will reach your goals much faster and find yourself with the capacity to possibly form new and bigger goals.

The Trap of the Mindset
It is always better to fail many times before succeeding as it will help you avoid many of the psychological traps. One of the key traps is to believe that you are smarter than other people, or that you do not have to work hard because you have talent, or that you have nothing to learn.

To have the right mindset to be successful in life, you do not need to have extraordinary intelligence or be gifted with talents.

"The moment you believe that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability, you will brittle in the face of adversity." - Josh W., International Chess champion.
So, as soon as you think success is determined by talent, you become weak when you have to face obstacles.

The Difference between a Fixed and Growth Mindset
So as soon as people see intelligence or abilities as fixed, they believe that many things are impossible for them to achieve because they put limits on themselves and their skills. And that is what is called a fixed mindset.

But other persons see abilities as qualities that can be developed which is, in this case, called a growth mindset. The important part is that those two different frames of mind lead to not the same behaviors and results.

When you have a growth mindset, you know you can change your intelligence, and increase your aptitudes and skills over time. But people with a fixed mindset do not think it is possible. So, the difference between the two groups is the perspective on intellect and brainpower.

The Possibility of a Different Mindset
Many studies have shown similar effects for the mindset about any ability such as problem-solving, playing sports, managing people or anything else you would like. The key to success is not merely effort, focus or resilience, but it is the growth mindset that creates them.

Your mindset is critical. When you directly are trying to build determination or persistence, it is not nearly as effective as if as addressing the mind frame that underlies these traits. How many people think of themselves as not creative people, or sociable, or math oriented, or even athletic?

On the other hand, some people may think that they are naturals. But if you want to fulfill your full potential, you need to start thinking differently. You have to realize that you not chained to your current capabilities and that you can modify your mindset.

A Mindset Can Be Changed

You should know that your brain is very malleable and has plasticity. You can change your ability to think and to perform. In fact, many of the accomplished people of our era were thought by experts to have no more future. People like Charles Darwin, Marcel Proust, and many others but they along with all high achievers such as Mozart to Einstein built their abilities.

But the vital thing here is to realize that you can change your ability and picture yourself where you want to be. When you have a growth mindset, you bring your game to new levels. So, how does a growth frame of mind do that?

Well, there are biological manifestations to mindset. Tests show that with people who have a fixed mindset, the brain becomes most active when they receive information about how they perform. Whereas people with a growth mindset, they have their mind being most active when they receive information about what they could do better next time.

The Choice of a Growth Mindset
In other words, people with a fixed frame of mind worry the most about how they are judged while those with a growth mindset focus the most on learning. There are other consequences about outlook. A fixed mind sees effort as a bad thing, something that only people with low capabilities need while those with a growth approach see effort as what makes them smart and as a way to grow.

And when they hit a setback or failure, people with a fixed mindset tend to conclude that they are incapable, so to protect their ego, they lose interest or withdraw. It is often taken as a lack of motivation, but behind it is a fixed frame of mind.

Whereas, people with a growth frame of mind believe that setbacks are a part of personal development. They find a way around the problem. So it means that you have to challenge yourself. But it also says that you have to praise yourself for being great at something or being smart; so do not also forget to honor others and even children for the same things.

Mindset Affects Everything
Trying hard pushes you to work even harder next time you face a challenge. Do not get into the fixed mindset of thinking that when you win, you are a winner and when you lose, it must make you a loser. The reason being is that your mindset affects your performance.

Remember that you can change your mindset any time you wish. And that is important because many people have a fixed mind frame about something or another. When you teach or have a growth mindset, not only it improves you as an all, but it also narrows down the achievement gap.

Mindset affects all of us. In the workplace, managers and supervisors with a fixed mindset do not accept feedback as much, and they do not mentor people. A wrong or right frame of mind even touches relationships, sports, and health.

Why do schools not teach the growth mindset to children rather than being so critical?

Tips to Have the Mindset for Success

  • Get a growth mindset.
  • Develop Success Habits.
  • Recognize that a growth mindset is beneficial.
  • Know that your brain changes when you work hard to improve yourself.
  • Make a small step toward each of your goals each day.
  • Learn how to develop your abilities as well as teaching others.
  • Capture all of the information that could help you.
  • Do a deliberate daily practice to develop your abilities through effective effort.
  • Listen to audio books or learn a new language on your phone while you are out for a walk rather than music.
  • Clip articles and inspiring ideas for a vision board.
  • Learn from your failures by asking yourself what you learned from the experience.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Develop core skills that will help you reach and achieve your goals.
  • After experiencing a setback, do not dwell on it. Instead, make an evaluation, and move on to the next thing.

And so, learn that to have a right mindset will allow you to succeed beyond all your expectations. You have to learn to talk back with a growth mindset voice when you listen and hear your fixed mind frame. Therefore, when you hear it say "You can't," just add another word to it which is "Yet."