
Power of Positive Thinking - Does Positive Thinking Work?

Positive Thinking is one of the most discussed ideas in the present times. 'Think positive' is the message that is often flashed across several areas. This concept has become so popular that hundreds of books have been written on this subject. Seminars and workshops on 'Positive Thinking' are being held almost everyday in different parts of the world. Thousands of people belonging to various strata of the society have been attending workshops and training programs on positive thinking.

Yet, the fundamental question whether positive thinking works has defied a conclusive answer. Empirical evidence may be produced by people to show that positive thinking has, in fact, transformed their lives. But, it cannot be conclusively shown that it was their thinking that got them the results. And for every assertion in support of thinking positively, there may be assertions to the contrary by people who might have found that harboring positive thoughts had not brought them any benefits.

So, can there be an answer to the question about the effectiveness of positive thinking? There is not likely to be, unfortunately. Believing in certain way of thinking, practicing it and perceiving results is a subjective experience. It is not like conducting a scientific experiment to prove a theory. Thus, the claims that positive thoughts will produce favorable results is bound to be questioned at least by some people for all time to come.

So, how will you find out whether the concept of thinking positive works or not? There is only one way. You have to find out for yourself by practicing the concept. Decide to consciously think positive for the next 90 days. Why 90 days? The period can be longer or shorter but 90 days is a fairly long period for you to observe the results and conclude whether the type of thinking that you practice brings results or not.

It may be difficult to follow this regime because you are bound to be hit by worries, disappointments, frustration etc. But make it a point to force yourself to think positively even when a situation appears to be hopelessly bad. In all probability, at the end of 90 days, you will have cultivated a mind attuned to think positively. You might have concluded either that positive thinking works or that it doesn't. But in either case, you will have gained a mind that has learnt to think positively. Having a mind that can think positive in any situation is a great advantage.

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