
The Power of Your Mind: Use Your Mind to Reach Your Goals

Do you truly know the power of your mind?

If you decide that something is true in your life, how does that affect you and the outcome of your actions? Are you reaching your goals on a regular basis? Before I discuss the power of your mind I wanted to share my inspiration for this post. The 2016 Olympics.

Do the Olympians believe they can do it? Of course they do! As I was watching some of the Olympic trials I was intrigued by how the athletes that were selected to go the Olympics would answer the interview questions after an event. The one common thread I heard was the belief that they could win and that they worked so hard to get to the Olympics. Some of these athletes shared how they have been dreaming (visualizing) themselves at the Olympics since they were children. I know that all of those athletes worked long and hard for their success. How did these athletes make it to the finals to be considered contenders for the Olympics? In addition to the hard work, I know there are many theories about the genetics, training, nutrition and coaching, but I truly believe that even after all those external factors their mindset and belief that they can win is a huge factor in their success. These elite athletes who are in peak physical shape have to keep motivated everyday in order to train for hours, they must forego all the trappings of life as a young adult so they can reach their goals. If they can reach their goals, so can we, but we must begin by starting with the belief that we can.

People often ask me why work on their thoughts, feelings, and subconscious mind. They would rather just take action and see what happens. My answer usually goes to the explaining the Placebo effect. In clinical trials there has to be a group of people that are given the equivalent of a sugar pill and told they are given the drug, and some of the participants improve their condition. How does that happen? That is the power of their mind. The placebo effect and the Olympic athletes are great indicators of the power of your mind. So what do you want to accomplish? What has been in your way of succeeding? What is stopping you from reaching your goals?

The answer is you and your mind. How do you change your mindset? What can you do to finally reach your goals?

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