
How To Become Wise

Wisdom is the ability to make sound judgments and choices based on experience. It's possible to be quick on our feet and skilled in processing complex information without reaching sensible solutions to problems. Cultivating wisdom is a deliberate choice that people can make regardless of age and intelligence.

We need to think before we speak. It's something we possibly know we ought to do, but may find difficult because once we say it, we can't take it back. Before we open our mouth to say something, make sure it's something we would be proud to post everywhere on social media. If it's something we might regret later, then maybe it's better if we kept it to ourselves.

Moreover, wisdom is the ability to look beyond our personal desires. People who have gotten where they are by not taking other people's interests into account or even by actively thwarting the interests of others cannot not be viewed as wise. However, it doesn't mean that wise people are self-sacrificing. Well-being and success both suffer if we're too focused on others or on ourselves. We don't have to be selfish just to get what we want. People who pursue personal gains at the expense of others ended up destroying their relationships and reputations.

Wise people are willing to question rules, instead of accepting things as they have always been. They are willing to understand than judge. However, many people are judgmental. They judge the actions of others. But wise people resist this impulse. Over time, this emphasis on understanding rather than evaluating yields an advantage in predicting others' actions, enabling wise people to offer better advice to others and make better choices themselves.

Put things in perspective before jumping to conclusions. Emotions always soar high when people are upset. But problems can occur when we engage in conflict with another person before we calm down because if we're too caught up in our anger, we're not going to think clearly. Wise people realize that they are always in control of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Most people let others' behavior affect them negatively without realizing that they let that negativity permeate their lives and make them miserable.

Wise people have purpose and a goal. Acting on impulse can lead to regrets. If we don't take the time to think things through, we might create problems. Wise people use a combination of logic and instinct to come up with the best decisions possible.

Wise people don't get blinded by charm, personality, or looks right away. In defiance, they are also not turned off by anyone who is not beautiful or charming on first impression, either. Meaning, they take the time to get to know people and judge them based on their inner self, not who they appear to be. Physical appearance is just temporary. What's more important is the beauty inside out. Wise people never judge rudely. They practice empathy by putting themselves in another shoes and trying to see the situation from their point of view.

Indeed! Thinking like a wise person is very difficult. But with constant training and control of our emotions, we can do it even if it is easier said than done for many people, but it is really possible to think wisely.

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