
Message From the Universe: The Behind the Scenes!

"The trick is remembering that, at all times, far more is happening on your behalf than your physical senses will ever reveal.

Like right now.

Because of how much you're loved,
The Universe"

We work hard every day and every night, trying to make something out of our lives and pray for ultimate happiness. For some, because of the nature of life, it may never happen the way we expected and get discourage by the results. Despite our long hours, our struggles, our sacrifices, we still experience hell on earth and wonder if it was all worth fighting for. As an entrepreneur, we will have successes and lots of failures. As with my personal experience, I am comfortable to say that failures are more common through your journey in life. I am not sure as to why the Universe is targeting business owners to plague them with the worst issues to test their determination and desire to move forward, no matter what happens. I guess it (the Universe) love challenges and entrepreneur feed that sick mind of the Universe by dealing with constant hurdles and delays. It is somewhat funny to see that when facing a difficult challenge, I tend to look up into the sky and scream to the Universe: "That's all you got? You can do better than that. Bring it ON". Always be careful what you wish for, believe me, I know, and the Universe does NOT hesitate to BRING IT ON, very hard that is.

Overall, whatever life throws at you is there because IT knows you can handle it. So harder the problem, more credit you are given because of your aptitude to deal with difficult problems. If the challenges were simple, this is when you need to worry as the Universe isn't seeing you as a capable individual ready to tackle the difficult challenges of life, in results, ONLY throws you the easy stuff. As you continue moving forward in life, regardless of the hell you are dealing with, things are happening in the background, good things that is. You may never perceive it as such, and may ONLY look at the bad part of this fabulous equation of life. Change your perception, and KNOW that lot more is happening behind the scenes of your human soul. The Universe is looking at your progress, your changes, your determination, your persistence, and apply its magic to make things happen the way it is SUPPOSE to happen. Stop asking as to the "How" it will happen, but focus more on the "When" it will happen. It is no longer a question of "if", because at the rate you are headed, expect miracles coming out at you and experience the life you always wanted. Again, be careful what you wish for!!!!&id=9494419

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