
Using Affirmations For A Better You! 3 Key Steps (By Richard Brody )

After four decades of presenting hundreds of seminars, and training programs, to assist in personal development, and provide methods of more effectively, introducing self - help, I have come to believe, that one of the most valuable approaches, is properly, consistently, using positive affirmations. While many people say, they want to be, or even believe, they are, positive individuals, few of us, are capable, or willing, to maintain this positive, can - do, attitude, despite any obstacles, thrown in our path. Using affirmations effectively, is a combination of an art, and a science, because, one must proceed, in an introspective, objective manner, understand his personal goals and aspirations, strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize, what he seeks to become better at. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, consider, and discuss, 3 keys, to effectively use these, to become a better, you.

1. List your goals, objectives, strengths/ weaknesses, priorities: Before you can use any affirmation, in a significant way, it must be something which truly matters to you, and will motivate you, to take action, in a positive manner! Know, and understand, your personal, professional, and work - related goals, and list those, rather than trying to seek, what others do! Analyze and consider, what you do extremely well, fairly well, and/ or, need to improve in. Consider your personal, existing, strengths and weaknesses, and use areas, where you are strongest, to their best avail, while addressing any weakness, etc. Once you have fully developed, and better understand, and recognize, these, you are prepared to proceed, to create your, personal Affirmation List.

2. Write 10 positive statement, in the present, and affirmative: An affirmations list, must be proactive, in the present tense, and positive, Never say, I won't do something, but, rather phrase this, as if you are already doing what's needed and necessary. For example, someone who feels, they need to lose weight, should not say, I'm going to eat less, but, rather, something, like, I eat healthy, exercise, and pay attention to doing, healthy things. Someone who's afraid to address a group, should not state this in the negative, but, rather, in a statement, such as, I enjoy speaking in public, and those listening, love listening and paying attention, to what I have to say. Limit this to 10 positive statements, write them down, and repeat them, at least 3 times, every day (normally, upon awakening, in the middle of the day, and in the evening). Write it down, and read these out - loud, in whatever location, works best, for you!

3. Prioritize: Your 10 statements, should focus on, areas which you consider, as priorities, and continue doing these specific statements, until you have transformed your inner - thinking! Then, you can tweak, and adjust them, to properly, proceed, forward, in a relevant, meaningful, way.

Regardless of what one does, he can always become better, and more effective. Becoming so, begins with having more self - confidence, and effectively using affirmations, is a key component, in doing so!!-3-Key-Steps&id=9905975

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