
Unyielding Resolve Has No Conqueror

I lifted the title from a character from "The Transformers". I wanted to start out by being honest, and this article will be one big honest affirmation. In life and existence, we must always blaze a trail, an honest trail for ourselves or be normal with "nothing good in particular happening" to us. Indeed, the great person makes themselves great by not seeking short cuts and having unyielding resolve within themselves that is completely from within themselves.

I am not saying that about personality. I am writing about essence, really. Only the essence is genuinely original anyway, everything else is just borrowed for our stay on earth or wherever we are at on it or in the universe, including personality.

When I think and understand about the "spark of the soul", that is what I genuinely understand. I do not count personality, I do not count anything outside of ourselves: I count only the essence and what we do with it. Here is my point: We can bury our essence and be normal or live up to our essence and be great, it is always our choice. That is what I really mean by the quote in this article: Unyielding resolve has no conqueror. Live with total courage, and I do not mean "foolish bravery" either. I mean to live honestly with yourself and be totally real with yourself without compromise even when fear rears its head too at times and you can be honest about that "facing the music courageously" instead of looking for an "easy way out" with fear and conformity. If you can say "My virtue!", you can also honestly say "My fault!" when warranted with guts and honesty that will make you great. After all, as long as there is existence, there is always a chance to make reality right, and existence is not going to stop existing anytime soon.

When you cheat and short cut, you only cheat and short cut yourself, like the older kid in the eleventh or twelfth grade of high school who pays twenty dollars to the autistic savant in the fifth or sixth grade to do their Algebra and Calculus homework while they party and have a good time on dates and skip the necessary work. It is the rare and smart kid or person that sees the value in learning and genuinely growing without skipping it. That is the basis of what I am getting at. Real greatness comes ultimately to those who do not skip over the work, and really do it any way it goes, indeed, normal people look for short cuts, and cheating ways, extraordinary people have resolve.

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