
Secrets of Prosperity

The Secret of Prosperity is really very simple. The Creative Principle that brings about abundance, health, riches and great relationships is the very same one you are now using to command lack, sickness, sorrow and lack into your life space!

The heart of this great secret can be found by answering one simple question. What do you identify with? Don't respond with a glib answer, sit with the question for a while, perhaps even a few days. If you need a bit more help look at your life. What are your present circumstances? Write them down. For best results take a few days to do this exercise.

What you are experiencing at this time is the result of you using Creation Principles to bring into form exactly what you are asking for through what you identify with. An identity of I Am sick brings about sickness. When you identify with I Am broke you are bringing about poverty. Whichever state you say you are always reflects perfectly with life experiences. It's law.

In order to change any state of experience you must change your State of Being. Prosperity is assured when you totally identify with Being Prosperity. It's a head game to be honest. You have got to change what's going on in your head as it affects what you are feeling and what you are feeling brings about more of the same.

Try this exercise for a week or longer.

Start by honestly identifying what state you are presently in. Write it down. Now write down thoughts that you consistently have that lead to the feeling of being in that state. Take your time with this first part as it will help you to move into a new state of being.

After finishing the first part of the exercise ask yourself if those ideas, beliefs, are working to your benefit? Are they getting you the results you want? No? OK, time to move on to the next step of the exercise.

What thoughts, beliefs, would you need to hold as true in order to live as you desire? What beliefs lend themselves to success, abundance and prosperity? Write these down. As you read through them notice your reaction to them. Where do you feel uncomfortable? This is an indication of a belief lodged there that you need to release in order to replace it with a new program that works as you would like to experience yourself.

Next you want to practice this new State of Being I Am Prosperous. At first it might not feel true or real for you, but through practicing the abundance that is all around you, in just a little while you will start to see the result. Be aware and alert to notice as proof of prosperity shows up. Pick up the change that is there for you in the parking lot. Celebrate it. The more you stay in the Feeling Place of I Am Prosperous, the more it will show up.

The Big Secret to Prosperity is Being in that State of Being and that comes about through practice.

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