
Keeping The Faith When You've Hit Rock Bottom (By Mick Janssen)

Let me begin by sharing a story of what I experienced when I felt like I hit financial rock bottom. You might be able to relate to this.

That moment was when I realized that my wife and I did not have ANY money, cash or card, left to buy a sandwich, on our way to the climbing gym. Just before I spent our last cash on two coffees (fortunately, they were really good coffees!) because my credit card was refused. So, we had to return home because climbing with an empty stomach is just no good.

That was a tough blow. I had experienced periods of being low on cash, since we were building our own business and jumped in there together. But not having any money for a simple sandwich, that was something new.

Feelings of disempowerment, failure, guilt and futility washed over me. Basking in it, while knowing that this would not lead to something better, my wife asked me: "Do you think you've on the wrong path?" My answer was complete and clear: "No, I don't." And do you believe you should have done something different (apart from spending your last money on coffee instead of food... )?" I took me a bit longer, but again I clearly felt "No, I don't."

I realized then, more than ever, that I really believed in my vision. My vision of my personal future, my business and the world at large. Even though the going was tough, my vision and mission to achieve it were unshakable.

The word 'faith' popped into my head. Believing in something before it is. Trusting that it will be.

Faith is often used in religious terms, but really everyone uses it, either aware or unaware. When designing, developing and constructing a house for example. You have to be able to envision it before it is there. And then you have to keep faith in the end result throughout the whole process.

Like the apt metaphor by my favorite spiritual teacher: when you are driving your car from one destination to the other, you don't stop and turn around all the time, just because you're not there yet. You know, expect and believe you are going to get there, even though you're not there yet 99% of the time!

So that's what I'd like to give to you here. You're probably reading this because you're in a similar situation, or have been.

Know that everything you desire, everything you feel you have to give to the world, is worthwhile. And you are completely worthy of receiving all the abundance that you have been asking for. You just have to believe it before it's there. It's on its way right now. This I know. Can you feel it?

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