
5-Second Rule - Pick It Up, Blow It Off, and Eat It

"The 5-second rule for food dropped on the ground does not work if you have a 2-second dog!"

Studies have been done. The myth, long held in families, that food dropped on the ground scooped up within 5-seconds, is safe to eat. The idea being, it must be picked up within 5-seconds.

Haven't we all been faced with that snap decision of whether to eat or discard? How many of us blow off the morsel and eat it anyway? I think even us germaphobes have had it flit through our minds that maybe this time I'll take a chance!

Is it truly safe to eat food that has dropped onto the floor?

As one of my women friends replied when I asked if they did this, "Of course I eat it. I haven't died yet!" We all chuckled as she said this. Each of us knowing we too have snapped up something and eaten it anyway!

Is the myth true? Unfortunately, for that tasty morsel that ends up on the ground, science has disproved the 5-second rule (read more about the study if you wish). We are at risk of foodborne contamination.

But what does this have to do with money, money behavior, or your creative endeavors?

Plenty. And, let me share how it relates.

Let's apply the 5-second rule to something else. Let's apply it to those crazy ideas that pop into your head.

You know, those things that make our breath quicken, hearts race, and pump us up. Those ideas that crop up seemingly uninvited. The urges that excite or scare us.

Creative ideas, juicy thoughts, career or business shifts, life changes, or anything that pops up in your mind. It doesn't have to be life altering necessarily -- just attention getting.

How often do you let them pass through and do nothing with them?

All of us have done this -- gotten a great idea, or a crazy one, and tossed it off as unimportant. Ignored it as pie-in-the sky. Decided it was just wishful thinking. Or, decided you'll get back to it later when you have time to deal with it.

There's the big mistake. There's where the 5-second rule applies.

You must, within 5-seconds, grab it and take action. Or, it merrily floats on by, gone forever or lands on someone else to experience or create it.

No kidding. This is serious stuff. At least for those of you who wish to capture your inner most urges, those things that you are meant to be, do, have, or experience.

I almost let Mr. Uppity Frog slip on by. He showed up in a waking dream, a waking message. I get most of my guidance during my first waking awareness. I'm not quite asleep, yet not fully awake either. It's when I'm in a place of open allowance.

And the knowing comes. The message arrives.

In the past, I have often let those float away. I would believe I'd remember once I was truly awake. I would convince myself that my rest was more important in that moment, and drift off without capturing the gift. I've lost many gifts in that way.

Not this time. A voice spoke to me, out loud. Three words were shared with me... THE UPPITY FROG. Say what? I turned over to ignore it.

Once again, only louder... THE UPPITY FROG.

Okay, I got it. Wait! No I don't. Let me immediately write this down. I sat up, pulled out paper from my bedside table and wrote this down. Then came a few more... The Lonely Lobster. The Silent Cougar.

Since that time, I have tried numerous times to just table Mr. Uppity Frog (he did make it known he is a mister!). Thankfully he's pretty darned persistent, even a bit pushy, and won't let him pass me by. His messages are meant to be spoken and taught through me.

Why me? Who knows. I just know that he taught me a valuable lesson. He taught me the value of the 5-second rule.

How about you? Is there something that has nudged you, pushed you, kicked you in the butt, and asked you to pay attention and you have not? Have you tabled that insane idea, a scary one, or one that seems impossible?

Maybe it's time to apply the 5-second rule? Apply it to something other than food. Don't let it pass you by. Pick it up. Run with it. Take an action to say "YES, I hear you!"

I promise you won't regret it. I certainly have not as I continue on the crazy path, yet profound one, of Mr. Uppity Frog. It's nice to have a partner in business -- especially a wise frog!,-Blow-It-Off,-and-Eat-It&id=9625497

No Days Off - Making Positive Changes in Your Life Is a Serious Endeavor

Making positive changes in your life is a serious endeavor, never to be taken lightly.

Putting off until tomorrow what needs to be done today is not only self-defeating, it also complicates your life, making it harder and harder to experience permanent, positive change.

In this world of instant breakfast, miraculous cures, mail order brides, wonder drugs and overnight healing, we begin to believe that achieving success and changing our lives can be instantly accomplished with a set of rote prayers we rehearse daily. When we are unable to manifest change, we ask why. After all, we said our affirmations and prayers; we asked for help with our forgiveness issues; we listened to our "positive thinking tapes". Nonetheless, we often neglect to finish the task at hand.

Change is never easy. However, it is necessary if we are to survive.

Identifying existing weaknesses is not enough. We must take positive steps to correct all errors. If you are having trouble relinquishing debilitating behavior patterns, come to terms with this and seek help. Perhaps, the real problem is the inability to recognize that in spite of our perfection, this world is not an island. From time to time, we all need a helping hand. This does not take away from our true nature.

Changing your life requires honest confrontation with uncomfortable issues on a daily basis.

Prior to taping an alternative lifestyles segment for my television show, the staff and I enjoyed an amicable relationship, but suddenly, members started to drop out. I later discovered some were uncomfortable with the topic.

Insisting upon remaining in the places we feel the most comfortable, makes any new growth impossible.

Not being willing to extend the same respect we expect to receive to others, regardless of race, creed and sexual orientation will build an insurmountable wall that retards prosperity and intensifies turmoil.

Infinite Kindness uses every circumstance imaginable to highlight our growth areas.

Everything we experience has nothing to do with others; it is our lesson, our moment of truth.

Being dedicated to your true development will lead you into many uncharted waters. It is up to you. At every point during this journey, we make choices. We choose love or fear. Choosing love guarantees we emerge a new person. Shedding behavior patterns that are no longer for our highest good, will be the hardest, most difficult road to travel, but it will by far be the most rewarding.

Several years ago, I developed the habit of complaining. No matter what happened-good or bad-you could count on me to find the bad. I would always be the first to find the "buts" in any situation. Over time, this behavior alienated me from my good. It became impossible to attract prosperous people and/or circumstances. For years, I wondered why everything in my life was going wrong. Once I realized I was responsible for this chain of events, I vowed to change. Changing was not easy, but change I did.

Now, I am conscious of all my thoughts, every word I utter and every action I take. At times I amaze myself at all the good things I continually attract.

If your most inner desire is to be as the Creator sees us, there are no days off. You must begin now to polish your most prized possession-YOU.

Dream Big! Life the life you have imagined.

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne!

"Do not go gentle into that good night; find a hill worth dying for and take It; be the person you're waiting for; make today so awesome, that yesterday gets jealous and above all else do it Your way."

Your Best Teacher Is Your Last Mistake

When you value the fact that your best teacher is your last mistake, you come to realize that you are only human. And even if you have your fair share of problems, you can recognize that everyone makes mistakes in life. There are no exceptions to the rule, but why is an error our finest tutor?
So why do we get upset when we make mistakes? What is the reason we blame the people around us when we cannot do it? And why do we live with regrets after making blunders?

Your last mistake is your best teacher who is showing you to learn from your errors. It just means that whenever you make a blunder, you come to see that what you did was wrong. The mistake you made teaches you a lesson. And you learn for future reference that you do not repeat that slip-up.

Therefore, it demonstrates that your last mistake is the best teacher. Learning is all about trial and error. Making mistakes does not tell you that you are less capable. Even when you make efforts in life, it may bring failures. Growth only happens when you learn from falling and apply the lesson to your next try.

Applying the Lesson of the Best Teacher
A baby tries to walk, falls, gets up and tries again, but never complains. So you have to learn from the mistakes you do, and then apply that lesson the next time around. This way, you will not repeat the same error.

Your last mistake is teaching you not to do something you did in a wrong way earlier. And it is precisely what a great teacher does, right? As best teachers, successful people say that failures are stepping-stones leading to success. With each mistake and failure, you tend to learn new things to not repeat the same mistake over and over.

Often after making an error or failing, questions are more challenging to our education than answers. They test your integrity, and if you listen, it demonstrates respect for the lesson you receive. You have to practice through tries and blunders, stumble and fall. Then you must listen, learn and apply the feedback from your last mistake.

Learning from Your Last Mistake
There should be no time wasted by grieving over past mistakes. As your best teacher, learn what you can from last error and move on. Your mistakes have the power to turn you into someone better than you were before. Making mistakes is a part of life, you learn so that you do not repeat them.

We are all human, and no one is perfect. How you correct your last mistake defines you. Remember that your errors are meant to guide and lead you, and not to identify you. To make mistakes is far better than to fake perfections.

Your last mistake is your best teacher, not your enemy. An error is just temporary and not a dead-end. Yet, most of us have a hard time admitting when we make a mistake. It always seems more natural to justify it or find an excuse for it.

Your Last Mistake and the Brain
Each time something happens in your life, your brain keeps a record the experience. It gathers snapshots of information and creates a file. Then your brain turns into a story by filling in the gaps based on your past experiences. Your last mistake becomes then one long story in your mind.

On the other hand, when you have a great and successful experience, your brain reinforces all the links in the story. It then increases the odds for the same actions to be repeated in the future. With experience and over time, you create more fruitful stories and thus fewer last mistakes.

You need to understand that life is inevitably unpredictable. It does not matter how old you are or how many experiences you got, errors are inevitable. Life is full of slip-ups, and there will always be the best teacher to illustrate your last mistake.

Growing through Mistakes
Growth takes place when you challenge yourself. When something becomes easy, you have to expand and try a more advanced level. You need to go outside your comfort zone. And yes, you will make mistakes and fail at times. Growth only occurs when you are in uncharted territory.

As a human being, you always come to a point in which you realize that your life has its share of mistakes, some bigger or smaller than others. But there is something you can do, and that is to let your last mistake be your best teacher.

Real maturity is when someone makes mistakes, and you try to understand their circumstances instead of putting them down. Errors and blunders are universal, so learn to forgive.

Your Best Teacher is Your Last Mistake
You need to become someone who can recognize your last mistake as an opportunity to win in life. And you can only progress if you treat your errors as lessons from the past to assists you in your future.

Too many people are never able to get past their errors and are living a life without hope or plans for the future. The solution is to let your best teacher be your last mistake. Hold your head high, and do not live in the past. You just have to keep moving towards a better and brighter future.

If you focus on the positive thing you have done rather than just looking at your mistake; your life would run more efficiently. So, it all depends on how you handle your circumstances and what you learn from your mistake.

Tips to Learn from Your Last Mistake
To be truthful, what says a lot about you is how you deal with mistakes and failures! By noticing your habits, you can learn so much. More often than not, your best teacher is your last mistake. Here are some tips from your previous mistakes and how it can help you:

  • Face your fear of failing or making mistakes.
  • Live your life with fewer regrets.
  • Be humble enough to see your mistakes.
  • Forgive others for their mistakes.
  • Be courageous to admit your last mistake.
  • Use errors as the best teacher and as stepping-stones to rise above them.
  • Be wise enough to correct errors you make.
  • Find answers more rapidly.
  • Be easier on yourself, less critical, and less judgmental.
  • Learn how not to give up as soon as discomfort or failure shows up
  • Forgive and forget your past mistakes enough to get over them.

The Last Mistake - The Best Teacher
"We can always forgive mistakes if one has the courage to admit them." - Bruce Lee
Therefore, you learn so much more from your past errors and mistakes than you can when life is comfortable. Learn to admit your mistakes before it is too late to learn anything. You may feel like your last mistake seems like the end of the road. But know that there is a myriad of successful people who created success because of their mistakes.

I believe your best teacher is your last mistake. Learning is a process, so if you make a mistake and can reverse the effect, you would have learned more than you thought. So accept making mistakes and follow through with your dreams no matter what.

Message From the Universe: The Power of Your Thoughts

"Today, be the person of your dreams.

See life through THEIR eyes.

Make decisions with THEIR mind.

Let every thought, word, and action come from THEIR perspective, as if you had already arrived, and just watch how everything comes together, just like a well designed puzzle.

Peace, love, and lots of happiness- 
The Universe"

Envision positive changes, the changes that you've been looking for in years. You feel it because it is new, something that you have never experienced before. You know the changes you have made will direct you to a new path that feel right, that looks great. You are on your way to accomplishing miracles for yourself and everyone around you. It's a given.

Be careful what you wish for, because in many cases, it will happen and it might render much better results than what you've anticipated. Do not let yourself be intimidated by your own dreams, because they are yours and you are familiar with them. You are the one who created them, so there shouldn't be any surprises. For the past couple of decades, you have dreamed of being wealthy, being famous, being this or that and now that it is happening, be grateful but be careful. Do not let all this changes transform your being. Remember where you come from and it was through the hard struggles and sacrifice that you have reached your success. This should always be remembered and helping others reach the same level as you IS a requirement for keeping the wheel turning properly. Life is a cycle, and abundance is there, no matter which way you look at it. Learn to share your wealth and no matter how much you give, it will come back ten fold. So, if I give you 1 dollars, and 10 dollars comes back to me, I would say it is a pretty good investment isn't it? However, if I lose that one dollars, it is OK, I been blessed with a lot more from where it came from.

Expectation Is a Slippery Slope (By Sue Ellam)

Many schools of thought these days recommend releasing expectation, and thereby freeing ourselves. As most of us know, this is easier said than done. Personally, I think that expectation is the cause of much of the misery in the world today.

Physical expectations

When I was a teenager I remember meeting a young woman who was grieving for the loss of her life. Her life was dancing, and she had trained for many years to be a ballerina - her expectations were high and she had this big career all mapped out in her head. Her ultimate goal! Then the unexpected happened - she had an accident and injured her foot so badly that she would never be able to do pointe work. As far as she was concerned her life was essentially over.

How many people have been on a diet and been 'really good', but then hop on the scales at the end of the week to discover that have only lost 1lb, when they were sure they should have lost 2 or 3? How many have then felt the desperation and inner disgust that somehow they can't achieve what others seem to do effortlessly, and that somehow they are doing something wrong? How much happier they would have been if they had concentrated on health rather than weight and embraced any loss as a step in the right direction!

Then there is the serious matter of expectation of illness, as in 'cancer runs in my family, so I will probably get it' (substitute the word cancer for any illness of choice). The expectation of the illness, metaphorically keeping the door open for it to arrive, like an unwelcome but expected visitor, weakens us - it puts us into victim mode. Almost as though there is nothing we can do and that illness is a foregone conclusion. A better way to look at it would be to acknowledge that our family has a susceptibility to a certain illness, and then examine the diet and lifestyle of the people who have had it - which has often caused it in the beginning. By becoming more vigilant, we can often break the chain which means that our children won't be brought up with that same expectation.

The mind is a powerful thing and, if it isn't used correctly, it can have devastating effects on the body. I remember reading about a woman expressing concern that her brother would die when he was 41. On asking why, she said that all the male members of her family died at that age, going back several generations, so there was a strong expectation and 'family knowledge' that this would happen. Sure enough, her brother who had apparently been in good health, suddenly died before his 42nd birthday - as predicted. When asked about the female members of her family, she responded with confidence - oh, it never happens to us!

Mental expectations

We go to school, college and/or university and are told that if we work hard then we will have a well-paid and fulfilling job. When I left school the expectation was that I would have to work my way up the ranks for many years before reaching the pinnacle - whatever that might be! The expectation was that I would take a particular route (in those days the routes for women were predominantly secretarial, nursing or domestic science!) and plug away at it until I retired. Unless I got married of course and had the expected children. I remember being refused employment once, not because I wasn't qualified for the job, but because I was newly engaged and would 'obviously' be getting pregnant within a year or so and they didn't want to have to employ someone else at that time. This might even happen these days - but employers would be less likely to express the idea in fear of legal action!

It's very different these days and people leaving education will either have the expectation that there are no jobs to be had, so why bother. Or, they will expect to be able to live a laptop lifestyle, travelling the world, or at least be seriously wealthy by the time they are 30. I'm obviously generalising here, but you get the drift. The expectation has changed from belief in a long hard trek to the top of a profession, to almost instant gratification over the space of a few years.

The danger is that expectations become belief systems - which then become very hard to break!

Emotional expectations

Both physical and mental expectations tie very closely into the emotional ones - the emotions are what cement the belief systems and cause the ultimate pain and sorrow when expectations don't materialise.

How many people give love and affection to someone, in the expectation that they will receive equal love and affection back?

How many marriages don't live up to expectation? The 'happy ever after' being replaced by the mundane every day events, which is a natural progression after all. Initial expectations of any relationship can often be too high to be comfortably lived with on a day to day level. If divorce rears its head there is often a deep sense of failure attached to it, rather than recognition that people change from day to day due to their personal experiences, so the person who we married a few years ago won't be the same person we are married to today - and vice versa. The question is, can we grow together and release our expectations - or at least update them?

We have a habit of emotionally attaching ourselves to outcomes of all sorts:

  • Has our child/parent shown by word or deed how much they love and appreciate us?
  • Has our favourite entertainer let us down by not dressing well enough, not writing a better song or being caught in inappropriate behaviour?
  • Has our chosen spiritual/religious leader shown that they have feet of clay, or changed their own beliefs?
  • Has our favourite team won their game?
  • Has the 'wrong person' won that talent contest?
  • Has someone else got the job that we believed had our name written on it?
  • Has someone had the temerity to disagree or disobey us when 'we know' that we are better informed than them?

All this emotional input, which is dependent on other people fitting in to our own expectations, is exhausting. The only person we can control is ourselves, and we would be much happier if we focused on that and let other people do their own thing!
In conclusion

Imagine how much happier we would all be if we didn't attach our happiness to someone else's actions. We ultimately aren't, or shouldn't be, the centre of someone else's universe!

If we can release expectations of other people, and ourselves for that matter, life would become much more free flowing and pleasant. People would be more likely to want to be around us too as they wouldn't feel the pressure of having to 'perform' to please us!

I believe that the only expectations we should have is of ourselves and the Universe (or whatever name you call it by).

  • Our expectation of ourselves is to be the best that we can be, and do the best that we can do in service to others, whilst honouring ourselves and releasing any people or situations that don't honour us to the same extent.
  • Our expectation of the Universe is that it will have our back. It will provide the people and situations in our lives which will best suit us, help us to grow spiritually and ultimately make us happy! That we will be able to trust the process completely and relax in the knowledge that we are being looked after and always will be.

In this way, it will be easier to live in the present moment as we will more readily detach from the expectations of the future. We never really know what is going to happen - it's all just an educated guess really - fueled by lots of emotional wants and needs. Therefore, why spoil the present by continually looking to the future. After all, our future is created in the present moment, so we are only shooting ourselves in the foot!
I wish you all peace and happiness in the present moment, and a future full of the peace and happiness you have created right now!

Manifestation Is What We Do Naturally

Manifestation is what we do naturally and it shows up in all facets of our lives if we realize it or not.

When you are inspired or not inspired, you created it. If you could look back at a record of all the things that you thought or felt on a subject you could probably identify what thoughts and feelings created the results that you are experiencing right now.

It is possible to start to do this more consciously and link these results to what you were thinking and feeling.

Start small and look at things that are in your life and think for a moment what thoughts and feelings you have had in that area. Interesting!

In the beginning it can seem a little vague as you start to put together the puzzle and remember thoughts and feelings that would make sense to have created that result, but you are unsure. As you practise this skill you become clearer and clearer as to the connections.

Often it is unconscious thoughts that control the creation of things but if you watch your thoughts and feelings you will normally notice their presence and content.

They may be following your positive thoughts or they may just be recurring limiting thoughts created a long time ago, either way just give them no notice for now and continue to think the thoughts and feelings of what you want.

When you think about the things that you want, do your best to feel good about those things, this lifts your vibration closer to achieving those things.

If you feel negative thoughts or feelings just realize what they are and bring your focus back to feeling good about what you want. Negative feelings have little power if you do not dwell on them or give energy to them

As your positive focus on what you want, power starts to build in that direction and energy starts to flow to create those things. This is a natural process.

So focus on what you want and feel good about it. This raises the vibration of your energy towards beautiful things.

If you start to feel bad just realize that your focus has shifted to some old pattern or thought and gently bring it back to what you would like to think about and feel.

Allow the energy to build until what you want is delivered. Be open for things that excite you as they may be the beginning steps of the delivery.

Be gentle with yourself in the beginning as it can take some time to build new habits and your thoughts may drift without noticing. Consistent self loving effort will bring great results and change your life

Enjoy your manifestations!

Monsters and Molehills

'Molehills in life are bumps in the road; they become monsters when we accept them as powerful truth, allowing them to become monsters chasing us through life. Molehills like the teacher who could not find anything redeeming in the student and carelessly flung demeaning insults, leaving behind a child who believed every word they said and became what they believed. The molehill became a monster that chased the child relentlessly through life, one failure after another.

Molehills are the path of destruction left after something uninvited digs its way through our sub conscious mind leaving a tunnel of doubt and a path of fear that somewhere in that dark tunnel lies the truth about who we will become. What we believe may be the most important block in our foundation. Even the greatest of blessings cannot be delivered if we cannot believe; we must believe to receive. Harboring the fear that we do not deserve or cannot achieve something that is important to us will ensure that we cannot.

Damage that begins in childhood plants deeper roots in our subconscious; it has a long time to grow and dig in. A child is born believing in goodness, it simply knows no other way. Trust has brought the child to this new beginning with a fragile defense system in place. In the absence of steady and positive reinforcement of encouraging truth and what can be, it is far easier for a child to believe what they see and hear, to begin to grow from those ideas. Sadly this is frequently the beginning of a long and difficult road filled with doubt, self-recriminations and fear of rejection that keeps the best in life at bay. The good things were never unattainable; they just became a mirage that could not be touched.

Sometimes there is no one to provide the kind of direction and reinforcement we need to escape from the monsters. How can we defeat something we believe is more powerful than us? Only by standing still and objectively looking at the monster, without any emotion. Emotion colors what we see and creates a binding force that ties us to the monster. Pain creates trauma; trauma is one of the strongest emotional bonds. It is necessary to tear the wound back open and stop pretending that we don't really care about things that matter a lot.

This leaves us vulnerable; vulnerable to the same pain, the same wrong ideas and yes, vulnerable to receiving the best that we can believe in. It is this that makes it worth the effort of tearing it open and re-examining without emotion what really happened. When we can do this, we can believe in ourselves and the best that life can provide for us, leaving the monster powerless. Like a shape-shifter it fades back into the molehill it always was, just a bump in the road. This is all that is necessary to be free to receive the best we can believe in.

Are You Able to Answer the Biggest Question?

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."- Wayne Dyer

I love to learn. I love to read. If an idea or topic catches my attention and my gut says, "Yes, that one!", I dive in.

My heart races, my soul soars. I'm on fire and ready to soak it in.

Give me the book to read. Tell me what class to take. Who is my teacher? What lesson am I to learn? I'm ready! Let's go!

That's how it happens for me and that's how I ended up in the class, years ago now, which asked the big question -- What is your big why?

Who doesn't want to know that, I wondered? Wouldn't it make life so much easier to know the purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you and to wake up every day motivated to do it?

Sounded pretty darned good to me -- sign me up!

The class began with a number of simple, key questions to answer about our childhood. Easy enough to answer. But then, we went deeper.

We were asked to remember something in our lives that was painful or changed us forever -- what Dr. Phil calls, "A life defining moment!"

We were given ample time to recall and describe it -- to write it all down. As we did so, more questions were asked to help us peel away and reveal why this moment or event was so significant.

Why did it stick with us after all these years? What did it tell us about our purpose? How did it drive us in life?

Amazingly enough, these questions led directly to the answer we came to find out -- For what purpose was I intended?

And, to this day, I have not forgotten mine -- to right wrongs.

My antennae go up immediately when I sense, feel, or see a wrong. I can hardly contain myself to fix or correct it. I find myself looking for answers to make it right -- to solve the issue.

Once I figured out my purpose, it became obvious why I had picked particular careers in my life. Banking. Finance. CPA. Internal Auditor. Financial Counselor. All had some element of structured, well-defined rights and wrongs. Rules to follow. And, a clear line that gave warning when something was wrong.

It helped clarify my path in life and in my business-- to honor my purpose in all that I do. To say NO to anything that did not fit it. I have found that I fail if I try to do it another way -- or I am miserably unhappy.

It is the biggest question after all -- Why are you here? What is your BIG WHY?

It is more important than most of us recognize -- our souls know it and yearn for us to live it. In fact, research has shown that Knowing Your Purpose In Life Could Help You Live Longer. (Forbes Nov. 2014)

Yet, somehow we've lost track of why we are here. In all our "busyness", our focus has gotten narrowed on the aspects of day-to-day life. We grew up and in the process we let go of and forgot why we are here. We believed what we were told -- that it was time to be an adult and do grown-up things. Put aside those childish ways.

Sadly, we then left behind the essence of who we are -- we bought into the belief that it, too, is childish. We moved on to what we were taught "should" be our purpose, our goal, and life path.

We then end up believing our purpose are the roles we play in life -- mother, sister, wife, teacher, employee, manager, healer, coach, writer, artist, business owner, etc. Seldom is it your purpose.

And, there begins the agonizing trek back to finding it once again, revealing it to ourselves, and living fully into it. Many of us go to our deathbeds not ever rekindling that purpose consciously. It plays out in the background of our lives, calling to us, and yet, going unheard.

Isn't it time you asked the biggest question of all? WHY AM I HERE? I promise, there is an answer. And, it is a personal one just for you. No one else has the same one -- only you are here to express it.

It does affect all that you do. It guides you in all decisions and questions you may have. The best career path to take. Whether to marry or not. Am I meant to buy that house or live that lifestyle?

But, be sure to take Wayne Dyer's advice... "your purpose is not to get to a certain place... It's to enjoy each step along the way."

Message From the Universe: Sharing Your Dreams With the Right People Is Crucial to Success!

"The instant you have a new dream, the masses are notified.

And every single one of the billions of people alive today who have complementary visions, whether to be your future customer, reader, mentor, fan, lover, partner, agent, golf caddy, or tanning salon operator, all add their power to yours.

After all, you just might be their "lucky break."

Move boldly, 
The Universe"

Do not let your dreams go unfulfilled. You decide the content and start processing that information. There are many dreamers, but not enough doers. You need to put these thoughts into action and not hesitate. It is imminent that you first determine the viability of your dream and make sure that it is feasible. Do not dream about creating a bridge between NY and Portugal when you have no civil engineering knowledge. For everything else, sky's the limit. The reason as to why you need to hang around people with big dreams is because it will inspire you to keep on going with your dream. Naysayers will always try to discourage you or bring you down to earth by mocking your dreams. Avoid these naysayers at all cost. First, you do not need to tell anyone what you are doing or thinking about doing or implementing any kind of dreams. The ONLY permission you need to ask is yourself. No one else out there is aloud to tell you what to do or how to do it. You are the master of your own self so start applying it. Produce all the dreams you want and take action as soon as the opportunity arise.

Joining a group of dreamers is crucial to your well being and to your confidence level when it comes to making all of your dreams a reality. Since you all share the same thought process, everyone can encourage to others when it comes to holding on and keep moving forward. This kind of encouragement is a must, especially during the embryo stage of the dream. You need the right support so you can avoid pitfalls. Mentors are good performing the task of encouraging others and sharing their point of view with the creator/entrepreneur. If you have the opportunity to talk to a mentor, make sure you pay attention to every word they share with you, every advice, every comment or feedback because they are extremely valuable. They will help you avoid costly mistakes that can save you time and money, especially where you need it the most at this stage of your business. Take my word for it, I have helped many avoid MY mistakes.!&id=9543484

Manifesting Abundance-Whats all the fuss-5 practical points to use.

When "The Secret" introduced the laws of attraction and manifestation, I jumped in feet first.  Caught up in the whirlwind of  the  manifestation phenomenon, I was hooked. I could just see all of it---- My new house, the millions of dollars, new cars, clothes.  You know how it goes....  So, patiently I waited....and waited...and nothing happened.

What went wrong!  The laws of attraction stated that if I visualized, I would see the manifesting of my desires come to be.  

Well, they didn't. :~( 

Secretly disappointed, I filed the thought in the back of my mind as I slipped back to my old ways of thinking about abundance, and prosperity.  Obviously, it wasn't mine to have.  The universal laws waved as they passed me by. Good-bye hopes and dreams.  

But, I didn't entirely abandon the ideology.  The magic of the manifestation concept keep peeking at me, and I was intrigued. There was a piece of the puzzle that I was missing, I just wasn't seeing it.  So began my journey. I asked myself, Really, what is manifestation.

This is what I learned.

    1.    We attract and manifest abundance  every day.  It is not a magicians trick.  It is something that happens every day to each and every one of us.  Just look around your environment and ask yourself: Of all the possessions I own, which one of them was manifested?  Well I am telling you all of them!!!
    2.    Manifestation is the result of our desire, or intent to have or possess.  In our desire we manifest.  I desired the truck I drive, the beautiful farm I call home, my wonderful husband, the rich and beautiful life I live. 
    3.    The lack of manifestation is only dictated by the limits we put on ourselves though our beliefs.
    4.    Manifestation will occur  without fail if,  and only if, we give energy to the end result and work(take action) towards the goal.
    5.    Sometimes it just isn't that easy.  Getting there requires trial and error.  Expect bumps in the road.  Its just the way it is. 

Lets be realistic about manifestation. Look the word up in the dictionary.   Manifest - to make clear or evident-reveal. Somehow I believe that we all have misconceptions about manifesting abundance.  The laws of the universe do work, but don't forget, they have to penetrate our thick heads and work with the laws of our minds.  The objective  is to understand how they work together.  Take some time to analyze your thought and believes.  Sometimes it takes a little guidance to figure out how your mind works.  I will venture to guess that what holds you back is just a simple tweak on your part. 

The thought I want to leave with you is--- manifesting abundance starts with you.  You are the choreographer of your destinyComputer Technology Articles, no one else.

10 Steps To Kick-Start Your Learning

Making a start can be difficult and tricky given that skill requirement is evolving rapidly. It is important to keep an eye on the future need while you decide to upgrade. Further, clarity of goals and direction makes it easy to identify the starting point.

Let me share with you the ten steps that will help you make a start

Rank Your Skill Need - List the skills that you want to learn and assign them a rank on the basis of -

  • How urgent is it to acquire the skill? - Urgency
  • Will it help fixing the gap in the skill set or building new ones? - Relevance
  • Will it help to achieve the short or long-term goals? - Impact

Once you have ranked the skill basis these factors, pick up the skill with the highest rank.
Detailed Research and Opinion - It is recommended not to jump to the first course you find, look at the course content, ensure to validate the certification and accreditation, read feedbacks and reviews about the course. While you research, it is helpful to take opinion or discuss learning options with your supervisor, mentor or anyone who understands your learning needs and gaps, so that you take a well-versed decision

Choose your Course - This has to be a confident and an independent choice. Don't be influenced by your friends or colleagues to simply follow their choices, as their goals may be different from yours. Select the course that is aligned with your objectives and aspirations

Setting up Finance - This is undoubtedly a very important factor for a lot of people. Today, from free online courses to company sponsored courses, flex-payment modes to education loans, there are ample of options available to make learning hassle. Pick the option or combine the ones that work well for you

Duration of Learning - Whether you pick up a certificate course, a diploma or a degree course, the duration should depend on your goals and commitments. The course will require you to not only invest money but time as well, so the pace of the course does matter. For instance, short-term courses are fast paced and need more of your time whereas long-term course is evenly paced and let you distribute the time over a longer span

Pick Your Option - There is a range of options available like Online classes-Web tutorial or the recently catching up platform MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), Distance learning, Classroom lectures, Self-study. See what works best for you, as all of them have their own benefits

Enroll and Learn - Enroll with a promise to learn. Do not let your commitment die. Stay focused and build understanding, so that you can put your learnings into practice. Never burden yourself with over promise while upskilling as it may leave you demotivated

Completion - As rightly said by Robin Sharma, "Starting strong is good, finishing strong is epic." There will be personal and professional commitments or routine that may slow your progress, but it should not affect your morale. Make it a point that you finish what you started

Make it Public - Start marketing your new skill by updating your resume, social profile and job portals. Join relevant groups and talk to people in your professional network about your new skills. This will give you the visibility in the job market and act to your advantage

Celebrate - Hey, You did it! It is time to celebrate your achievement and reward your hard work. Be proud of yourself! Back to learning.

Upgrading the skills from time to time is crucial given that the life cycle of skills is becoming shorter than ever. Do not forget that the most successful people in the world simply DO what they decide on doing. It is about making a start and taking it to finishing line.

Be Confident and Take your first step!

Always Keep Learning, It Keeps You, Young

Standing In the Sands of Time

Focused life energy appears like the beam of a laser pointer, directing you to observe specific points. The pointer is a powerful tool, demanding that all attention is carefully engaged. Focused life energy is the most powerful tool in your tool box of life. Scattered life energy appears like a kaleidoscope with continuous breaks in the design. While you may find it more dramatic and entertaining its value is limited to simply observing. It doesn't really direct you to look at anything except the breaks.

Life energy is scattered by variables we have been exposed to that were dramatic enough to consume your attention. This cycle typically begins in early childhood where life skills are honed. This is unfortunate because you have far less control over the events that may even be bizarre but are presented to you as 'normal.' Even though you smooth it over, looking away from events and the damage left behind, it is no less a shattered childhood causing confusion and bad choices as you learn to navigate mixed signals in your daily life. Sadly this spills into adulthood where you practice a 'go along to get along' approach or the exact opposite, rage. Both are guaranteed to make your journey difficult and far less successful than it could have been. It is not uncommon to see a survivor attitude surface as the twists and tangles of life begin to unravel. You learn to ignore the niggling doubts that things may not be as they should and compromise or simply swallow the bitterness that accompanies the pain of the losses. Both invite a friend named Misery into your life journey. By adulthood you may even be comfortable with this old friend, trusting it more than happiness.

Like living under cover, you learn not to expect much from others in your life and rarely believe good things will last. This is a part of the 'survivor syndrome' that keeps you prepared to let go when you imagine you have lost. It is the 'I ain't scared and that didn't hurt' cry from a child still attempting to make it through the pain. There is no healing if you remain on this path, but there are some surprises.

You may find yourself in relationships where 'give till it hurts' becomes your mantra. Like a doormat with a smiley face on it you keep on keeping on, many times attracting abusers or narcissists into your life. This ensures that you will be pummeled like a punching bag with others rage, insults and outrageous demands. On and on it goes, or so you thought. The surprises arrive as warning shots from within. You may ignore them at first, like the signs of an approaching heart attack or stroke that you ignore. Why not since you are the survivor? You may skip right past those early warning signs but like a freight train barreling down the tracks, the one that gets your attention is approaching if you ignore the early signs. Something really is happening here.

You are not alone on this journey. You are accompanied by your higher consciousness, a part of you that has survived intact. More importantly, you are sharing this journey with your Creator; you may recognize this as your soul. This is the source of those warning shots. It is an alarm attempting to wake you up, asking you to make a change now. This part of you has made a decision. No longer willing to continue on a path that has veered so far from the one filled with hope and promise that accompanied you into life, you are provided perhaps a final opportunity to make the necessary changes that allow your life to be enriched with things that are in your best interests offering purpose and joy, or leave.

Too many times the human response is to stand in the sands of time, firmly fixed in place, staring at the tide as it washes over your feet. The tide literally drags away the sand beneath you. This is a reflection of the years passing by being pulled from beneath you, disappearing forever. Life may seem not to be fair or that your path was more difficult. Why, why you wonder? Why did it work out this way, why did things never change? The answer of course is because you never changed. Even when the warnings came you survived them and returned to the sameness that was suffocating the best that you could become. Why?

Is Anybody Listening? The Universe Is Always Listening

Sometimes, in spite of your best efforts, beautiful prayers, and endless study, life appears to betray you, forcing you into a "battlefield state of consciousness." You find you must ready yourself to deal with your worst fears.

Conceivably, it can appear in the form of unemployment, homelessness, divorce, the death of a loved one, etc. Just maybe, this nightmare is a combination many things. It could even be all of the above. Even though you have made your spiritual quest a priority, it does not take long to see the cold hard facts. This leaves you thinking you are not going to make it. To keep this feeling of dying a painful death at bay takes all of your energy, leaving you without the strength to forge ahead.

Like a good steward, you quickly pop in the tape of your favorite motivational speaker, pull out your favorite prayer vigil, open a journal and start to grapple with these unwelcome visitors. About sixty days later, you realize you do not seem to be winning.

You have followed all of the advice given by ministers and motivators alike. Yes, all seems in vain. Even God seems to be hiding. So you cry out, "Is ANYBODY listening?"

Abruptly my meditation was broken by the sounds of people jet skiing. Instead of being annoyed, I remembered that "everything is temporary" and I was grateful for the blessing of this real moment, no matter how short.

As you are forced to battle and slay the negative forces and circumstances that are occurring in your life, remember this promise- this too shall pass. Just keep on keeping on. This wonderful universe is listening and the mere fact you are alive is a testament to the fact you are winning in spite of how it appears.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie warns of the danger of a single story and it is at times like these that we find ourselves focusing on the 20% of what is wrong in our lives and giving it our attention while ignoring and deflating the 80% of our lives that is working. Life does not give us problems or challenges, it gives us opportunities that are designed to help us to continue to step into our greatness.

When life presents you with a seemingly impossible opportunity make it an adventure - do the following: Look at your life six months from now. What must have happened for you to believe a miracle had occurred? As the answers are revealed to you, it is now time to start your new adventure today.

Live the life you've imagined. Dream Big!

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne!

Message From the Universe: Living Every Single Moment of Your Life!

"Maybe it's just me, but I kind of thought that to be alive in a world where every single moment of every single day birds fly, dolphins twirl, flowers bloom, snow falls, waves wave, rainbows rise, and antelopes... do whatever antelopes do, would forever silence doubters, inspire dreamers, and fill one's soul with absolute rapture.

Or am I being "punked"? 
The Universe"

Just take the time to look at what is going on around you and admire the complexity of creation. Have you ever wondered why Earth is being the third rock from the Sun? There are other planets out there that are carbon copy of Earth but yet, if Earth was position a quarter of a degree to the left or right, it could end up to be like all other inhabitable planets on our solar system. Why earth is the way it is? If you pay attention to the cosmic calendar, all planets experienced impacts from meteors and asteroids throughout their million of years of existence, but yet, Earth took all these cataclysmic impacts as something beneficial for our blue planet: It created life. Since we all started from the same point of singularity, we all have that same commonality, so we are all a part of this massive creation. We are all a part of the DNA of the Big Bang. Hence, our thoughts is also a part of this magical creation. We all can look at the world we see today and change its outcome base on how we perceive life around us. Why is there so much evil out there? Did our thoughts allow it to come into our mind and flourish from it?

You create your own dreams so might as well let them be as big as you possibly can. Do not be modest, as modest results will materialize. Put your energy in creative positive returns, as you will benefit from each of them. Do not fear your thoughts and dreams, as they will render very minimal results. Work on yourself and understand that you deserve the best. If others succeeded, you can as well. Stick around the people who know the secrets of success and duplicate it. I will tell you that not everything can be applied in the same exact way as opportunities presents itself differently, so the outcome will never be exactly the same. However, by understanding how it all works, you will create your own path to guarantee your happiness, no matter which one it may be. We all have our own definition of happiness, and it may even be different between siblings. Also, never compare your weakness with someone else's strength. Always focus on what good things you can bring to the table, and I can guarantee you great changes that will happen sooner than later.!&id=9699687

Changing The Role You Play to Manifest a New Life

Do you know the role you are currently playing? If your life was part of a TV show or a play, how would you describe your character? What is his/her role about? Take a few moments and write it down and describe it completely. Next, ask yourself if this is actually the role you'd like to play. If it's not it's a simple thing to change roles.

Describe thoroughly the role you'd like to have. What do you look like, feel like? How are your relationships? How do you deal with money? How healthy are you? What do you do for fun? Let your imagination go wild, dream big and bravely.

Now, understand that both of these roles are the result of what you imagine yourself to be. The first one feels real because you've played that role for so long. Truth is, that the second one is just as available to you as the role you no longer enjoy playing.

Your life is the result of what you imagine yourself and world to be. You've spent your life creating and recreating it based on what you hold to be true. Your life expands according to and as a perfect reflection of what you believe or hold to be true. In order to change roles you must start at the core. What do you believe about yourself and the world in relationship with you?

A new role is the result of you imagining yourself totally different. You must go within and create an image of your new self in such vivid detail that the reality of it overshadows the old role. Hold to this vision of the new you, feel from it, speak from it, live from it. Be the new you in every detail. Don't go back to the old role of worry, stress, lack and ill health. Stay in the new role until it appears in vivid detail as your new reality.

Exercise your imagination in a way that brings about the reality you truly desire to experience. When your mind wanders to the old role, pause and move into the new one. Listen for what you are aiming into form. Your words reveal the role you are currently playing. Change those I AM statements to be in harmony with the new you.

You have all the power you need, right now, to create a new role for yourself. Imagine your world into form!

How much happiness can you handle?
Find out how to transform your life with the power of JOY!

Get What You Want By Altering Your Thoughts

It is an interesting twist on reality. Some believe that you create your world with the things you think and believe. That you can bring wealth by believing you are a wealthy person. That you can get your dream house by believing you already possess it. I am here to tell you that it is true. But how is that possible?

Some would say that the universe bends to your thoughts. I am a little more pragmatic than that. I believe magic exists in reality. Not that magic is real, but sometimes reality can look magical, and sometimes it can be interpreted as magic. Or perhaps as the universe giving you what you really want.

I do not see this as religion. I just believe that your thought life can have a real impact on your real life. That the things you think show up on your face. That the way you deal with problems is impacted by the negative outcomes you think about. Having a positive attitude in your thoughts shows outwardly to other people, and makes you more attractive. People help people they like more than people they do not. It could just be little things like making an introduction, or it could be bigger things like offering you your dream job.

We have established that thoughts can affect your world, or your outcomes, so how do you purposefully put this idea into action? Here are a few steps you can take:

Figure out what you really want

If you do not know what you want, how do you know when you get it? Decide what you want and put it on paper. I expect this will be several things, like your dream home (be specific), a newer car, home furniture, cash (what balance would you like?), a successful business, etc.

Keep your list positive

If your list includes "pay off debt", debt is what you will get. Perhaps "large bank balance" would be a better idea, you could choose to pay off your debt with the cash in your bank.

Make sure you are specific enough

Read your list and make sure that you have been specific enough with each. If you want a new car, what make and model? What year? What color? What options? Create as much detail as possible for each item on your list.

Create a dream board to post pictures of what you want

Put a bulletin board on your wall where you can see it every day. For each item on your list, post a picture on your dream board. Make sure to look at it daily.

Envision already having the items on your list

Meditate a little every day on the items on your list. Can you see them? Feel them? Enjoy them?

Thank God or the universe for the items on your list daily

Part of "already having" your list is being thankful for them. Be thankful for the blessing!

Expect that you will receive the items on your list

Be in positive expectation mode always. You will receive the items on your list! There is nothing you need to do to receive them.

I have a final thought for you. What if this works? If this works consistently, would money be necessary? For example, money is a means to buy things or pay the bills, so if you can skip the money step, why not? Think about it.

Have you ever used this idea?

The Ball Is in Your Court - Are You Interested or Committed? (By Stephanie Wilson-Coleman)

One of my favorite quotes is "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.

When it comes to religion many of us have a religious belief that functions more like an interest and not a commitment. When circumstances permit or are in our favor, we believe that with God all things are possible. When the circumstances appear to be challenging, we believe that some power other than God is causing havoc in our life. We then start to search for the perfect formula to success but all we find are complicated strategies. Everyone has one, including me. No matter what strategy you choose, every strategy you find starts with the same foundation, belief. To achieve success, you must build a solid foundation: What do you believe?

I believe that everyone has the right to an abundant life that is filled with peace, great health, harmonious relationships and a lot of money. There is one prerequisite, you have to believe this for yourself. Mark 11:24 says it best... Therefore, I say unto you. All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believing that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

We have hypnotized ourselves into believing that there are no problems with our current belief system, but when you look at the demonstration in our lives, we find dis-ease in every form imaginable. Accept the fact that your belief system has created the life you are experiencing. If you are experiencing lack or limitation in any form your belief system needs an overhaul.

I ask you not to abandon your current belief but to allow it to expand. In this moment push aside the fear of changing and allow your belief to consider the possibility of living a more abundant life. Starting now, think of every event and encounter as sacred. Every great comedian states that they look for comedy in every situation; I want you to look for abundance in every situation and you will be pleasantly surprised when you find the face of God in everything.

Dream Big! Life the life you have imagined.

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne!

"Do not go gentle into that good night; find a hill worth dying for and take It; be the person you're waiting for; make today so awesome, that yesterday gets jealous and above all else do it Your way."

Seeking the approval of others

When we are deciding upon something, especially when it involves a serious issue, we occasionally seek the opinion of others. This is natural since there is wisdom in obtaining the advice of those close to us.

However, when we make decisions, they should be entirely our own. Relying constantly on other people to make decisions for us erodes our ability to think for ourselves. In spite of this, some would rather depend on others in making choices for them, possibly out of fear of making mistakes while at the same time having someone else to blame if these decisions turn out to be wrong.

Still others make choices merely to please the people around them. The approval and appreciation of family and friends become the paramount consideration. However, by doing this, an individual is only making other people happy. And what happens when different people desire different things for the person seeking their approval? Will this not create confusion?

We cannot please everybody. If our happiness depends upon making others happy, then what will happen if we fail to do so? We may never become happy because there will always be someone who does not approve of what we are doing. By being people-pleasers, we are placing our lives at the mercy of the opinions of others.

Our decisions should be geared towards our own fulfillment. Our choices should not depend on others. We can seek people’s counsel, but ultimately when we do decide, the responsibility should be ours alone. We are bound to make mistakes once in a while. But by making these mistakes, we can learn why they were wrong and avoid making them again in the future.

Confidence in our decision making skills is strengthened by trusting our own judgment. Our capacity to think critically and analytically is fostered by making our own choices. And when we use our freedom to choose, our one true goal in all our decisions should be our own happiness and fulfillment.

How To Create Happiness From Within And Live The Life You Want

How can one create happiness? Is it a tough question? To some who think they can buy happiness it may be, however not to those of us who know happiness within is where it begins to reflect into your material world.

Happiness within resembles a ray of sunshine which warms us and keeps us glowing.

We can't live without it and if you believe that happiness within yourself is a phrase found in your old-fashioned encyclopedia, reconsider as here are some basic pointers on ways to use that key to happiness to unlock the door where the ray of state of happiness may shine forth in your life.

The Course in Miracles teaches that, "You are a mirror of truth, in which God Himself shines in perfect light."

- 1. Smile most often

What much easier method is there to uncover happiness within than smiling often?

A smile a day maintains a state of happiness and keeps all nasty sensations away.

- 2. Positive Outlook

Begin finding ways to illuminate and glow if you are always sad and down believing you will always be the born loser.

Being more right-minded with optimistic outlook is something you need to do to keep the pleased hormones and vibes around you.

Axe away all that downhearted stinking thinking with a state of happiness within.

- 3. Speak to your friends with a great attitude

Too much stress drives and hurts happiness away. The next time you feel like your world is crashing hop on over to your good friend's crib for a cosy chat.

- 4. Do What You Love

I agree that not everyone is lucky enough to go after what we enjoy however you can still do exactly what you like in your extra time.

Hobbies are one area where you can get much elation doing exactly what you love.

The Course in Miracles asks us, "Have you really considered how many opportunities you have had to gladden yourself, and how many of them you have refused?"

Just remember, if we are serious, we all can discover happiness within.

Never say that happiness is a word you can just dream of finding.

Go for more than happy and create happiness from your inner world and reflect it outwardly to live a life you want!

What simpler method is there to unlock happiness with key to happiness called smiling?

Being upbeat, honest and truthful with your inner self is something you have to do to keep the delighted mindful agents and attraction principles working on your side to get the life you want.

Too much tension and wrong-mindedness drives and hurts joy and inner peace away.

To happiness giving you the life you want!

When You're Wondering, "How Much Time Do I Have Left On Earth?"

To make the most of life, we must make the most of every minute.

Even though you probably wouldn't go to work if you knew you had only one day to live, this is not a wise move.

If you don't have food on the table, your life actually will be cut short.

Would you want people to remember you as a clock-puncher that just coasted through life?

Yes, of course, I mean, if you live this way it will not be long before you have what you really want out of life. If you live this way, it will always work out.

Don't you want to live your true free will?

Yes, make the most of life.

The Course in Miracles states, 'There is no substitute to for truth. And truth will make this plain to you as you are brought into the place where you must meet with truth."

In every situation, make the most of the minutes that you have left on this planet.

Make the best of your situation and live like you were dying.

Don't ever say anything that would not be considered good final words when you leave home in the morning.

No way!

It's not that you don't like the life you live right now, it's just that you suspect there's something more.

Course in Miracles teaches, "Let your mind wander not through darkened corridors, away from light's center."

The truth is those possibilities are always within your reach, rather than always thinking, "how much time do I have?"

You may not be able to quit your job or develop new skills by osmosis; but every day contains within it countless opportunities, all dictated by the choices you make to make the most of life.

Some of those choices may seem inconsequential when you face them.

Why not stay in your comfort zone when it's just so comfortable there?

Do it for the possibility. If you make one minor change you may set the stage for major fulfillment, the possibility that you're going to quit thinking about, how long have I got to live?

Sometimes even the smallest shift in thinking or doing can create the biggest opportunity.

Don't ever say anything that would not be considered good final words when you leave home in the morning. No way!

It's been said that our life is comparable to a drop of the hat. That is your guarantee of life!

To living life to the fullest!,-How-Much-Time-Do-I-Have-Left-On-Earth?&id=9851875