
The Ball Is in Your Court - Are You Interested or Committed? (By Stephanie Wilson-Coleman)

One of my favorite quotes is "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.

When it comes to religion many of us have a religious belief that functions more like an interest and not a commitment. When circumstances permit or are in our favor, we believe that with God all things are possible. When the circumstances appear to be challenging, we believe that some power other than God is causing havoc in our life. We then start to search for the perfect formula to success but all we find are complicated strategies. Everyone has one, including me. No matter what strategy you choose, every strategy you find starts with the same foundation, belief. To achieve success, you must build a solid foundation: What do you believe?

I believe that everyone has the right to an abundant life that is filled with peace, great health, harmonious relationships and a lot of money. There is one prerequisite, you have to believe this for yourself. Mark 11:24 says it best... Therefore, I say unto you. All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believing that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

We have hypnotized ourselves into believing that there are no problems with our current belief system, but when you look at the demonstration in our lives, we find dis-ease in every form imaginable. Accept the fact that your belief system has created the life you are experiencing. If you are experiencing lack or limitation in any form your belief system needs an overhaul.

I ask you not to abandon your current belief but to allow it to expand. In this moment push aside the fear of changing and allow your belief to consider the possibility of living a more abundant life. Starting now, think of every event and encounter as sacred. Every great comedian states that they look for comedy in every situation; I want you to look for abundance in every situation and you will be pleasantly surprised when you find the face of God in everything.

Dream Big! Life the life you have imagined.

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne!

"Do not go gentle into that good night; find a hill worth dying for and take It; be the person you're waiting for; make today so awesome, that yesterday gets jealous and above all else do it Your way."

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