
Message From the Universe: Getting What You Deserve

"I can assure you that the time will come when you, too, will ask, "In what fields did I sow seeds to deserve so very, very much."

Then I'll remind you that the whole sowing-seeds-cause-and-effect concept was just a myth, because you were born deserving.

Hosanna in the Highest,
The Universe"

Maybe, just maybe, you didn't plant seeds in every fields out there. However, you definitely made sure to water these fields properly. It is not uncommon to have seeds planted in many different locations, projects, ventures to hopefully one day, these seeds will grow to something phenomenal. Nothing grows overnight, we all know that. The same goes to success, it doesn't happen that quickly. Evidently, these facts are known to many people out there, however, we all wonder how some success comes out of the blue, just because we didn't hear about their progress for the past 10 years the creator struggled to make his or her venture happen. It is not because you don't see it that it is not happening.

Some have worked very hard and have succeeded and others have worked extremely hard and have not made it at all. What is the difference between both scenarios? Belief. One believed wholeheartedly that success is near and that nothing will stop him or her to make it happen. He or she accept anything coming their way and will not be depressed if things do not work the way they expected. They will continue pushing harder until something happens. The latter feels entitled that good things HAS to happen to them but are not ready to go that extra mile and abandon ship at the first obstacle. They then get frustrated, hates everything and everyone and finally decides to travel the 9 to 5pm schedule route. They eventually hate themselves for doing so and become very irate at work towards colleagues and end up getting fired. The downward spiral continues until depression and feelings of suicide. Not sure that is the right way to start the New Year. We all deserve happiness, we all deserve success, we all deserve health and wealth, but avoid adopting the feeling of entitlement because you are not entitled to anything. Hard work is needed but is NOT guaranteed to make things happen the way you want. If it doesn't work, brush it off and start again until it does. Nothing should stop you from reaching your dreams, so failure is REQUIRED, many times over, to experience SUCCESS.

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