
5 Inspiring Success Stories of Seniors

Success stories motivate many people. When it comes to seniors, there are several examples of people who had a colossal career which may influence them.

1. John Mahoney 
Despite the fact that John Mahoney is an actor, he is famous for his TV role as Martin Crane on Frasier. He didn't make a transition into acting until the point when he was 37 years of age. He quit his job as the proofreader of a medical journal to seek his dream of having a stage career. He acknowledged medical journalism wasn't for him. His first film came out in 1980 in which he played Frasier's dad. He keeps on being dynamic in front of a live audience and on TV.

2. Estelle Getty 
Getty played mother to everyone except Attila the Hun. She wrote the statement in her 1988 collection of memoirs. But, we know her best as Sophia, the mother of Bea Arthur's character Dorothy on the TV sitcom The Golden Girls. She acted in front of an audience for almost 50 years before her first on-screen performance. Her profession touched the skies and she won an Emmy award. She won many accolades for her stunning performance in The Golden Girls.

3. Louise Bourgeois 
The provocative artist Louise Bourgeois made illustrations, prints, and sculptures throughout her life. But, she became famous in her mid-70s after a 1982 review of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The New York Times depicts her remarkable career as a mixture of many factors. In the world of art, where ladies may receive poor reviews and feel disheartened she assumed a meaningful presence. Her work was praised by many as a self-assured feminist. Her determination paved the way and boost confidence for young artists.

4. Phyllis Diller 
Phyllis Diller studied at Chicago's Sherwood Music Conservatory. After a year she dropped out and move to California. She had six children when she came to California. In 1955, at the age 37, she was filling in as a writer for a Bay Area daily paper. She appeared as a competitor on You Bet Your Life, Groucho Marx's game show. Her big appearance in San Francisco happened soon afterward. This took her to the first stage and screen acting appearances in 1961. Other than a long-acting profession, Diller was a professional piano player and creator of five blockbusters.

5. Kathryn Bigelow 
It might seem difficult to accept, but Bigelow didn't start working as a director. She directed The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty and was the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Director. She started making films in the 80s, after an early profession as a painter and theoretical craftsman in Manhattan. Her second career in film is high profile and historic. She makes films on provocative subjects and courageously handles sensitive issues in her movies. She wanted to reach to a more extensive gathering of people.

Running Out Of Time?

I'm not referring to your "TO DO" list for today or this week or taking the latest and greatest time-management seminar to get tips on how to manage time (managing time - a myth by the way - but I'll save that and your time for a future article).

Regarding the title - not teasing you with morbidity - just realistic, practical and/or as genuine as possible.

Last year I lost 4 close friends between the ages of 50 and 90 and none of them saw it coming. How about you - could you be next? Again - not being negative or morose - just asking you to consider a simple question - if today was your last day - would/could you leave here; contented, without regret, peaceful, satisfied and with a positive legacy or the opposite of many of these?

While you are reading this, and I don't really care whether you are 25, 50 or 100+ cause the question is the same for all of you - let me repeat - if today was your last one - how would you leave here and what would you leave behind? 
"Tim, it sure sounds morose." - sorry - we are all going to die and none of us has the privilege of knowing when, where or how. So, let's talk a little about how you are living so when it's your turn, you'll be ready if you aren't today.

There are a few life fundamentals that everyone wants in life - happiness, security, health and love (given and received). Yes, there are may others for some people - wealth, fame, power, control, reputation, lots of friends, nice cars and homes, beautiful and handsome spouses and perfect kids etc. Problem is if you haven't figured it out yet - you'll never have everything or all of the ones you think you need - to have a contented, happy, peaceful life. Bet I lost a few of you with this remark!

Don't believe me - tell me one person you know that has it all (and with these people you think that do - do you know what goes on behind closed doors in their lives - do you know what they worry about - do you know their stressors?).

Or, maybe you think you have it all. Well if this is true 1) trust me - either have really low standards, needs, expectations in every or many areas of your life 2) you are perfect or just maybe - 3) you have figured out what it takes (FYI - this one puts you in the minority) to live a contented life and no matter when your time will be up - you will be OK with it.

Some of you might be interpreting this article from a spiritual perspective and that is perfectly legitimate but that is not my primary focus although it is a critical piece of living and leaving with an "I'm OK and ready to go" mindset. But, I'll save that one for another time. For now, I want to focus on what I refer to as "Life's Ten 
Essentials" for a contented life and a positive legacy.

Before I give them to you if you don't know what they are, let me repeat - the spiritual piece of life is vital and even if you have all of the following without it you may find it difficult to live and leave peacefully but it isn't my intent to preach in this article but 
FYI - I do in many others.

OK, here are what I believe are the ten essentials for a contented life (and yes, there could be many others (these are just mine). It's not my intention to tell you how to live, (I don't have - nor does anyone else have that right) for me - I am far from perfect or ideal. Having said all this, if you think any or all of them are on target and you are willing to take a few minutes to clarify them from your perspective - why not jot down a few notes or write a sentence or two about what these mean to you and generally how you think you are doing. At the least a few additional trigger words that come to mind when you consider each of them.

Back to the title - regardless of how much time you may or may not have how do you want your legacy to read?

They are in no special order;

Appreciation or I Deserve This -

Gratitude or You Owe Me -

Other or Self Focused -

Integrity or Whatever It Takes -

Giving or Greed -

Humility or Prideful -

Forgiveness or Blame & Anger -

Letting Go or Staying stuck -

Balance or Single focused life -

Faith or It's All My Doing -

Learn anything?

Building A Better Life And The Foundation To Hold It Up

Everyone can start the foundation for a better life.

There is no much better time to live your dreams.

To lead a good life you need to focus and follow these actions:

- Discover Your Passion

You have Distinct skills and god-given gifts to get you started on building the foundation for a better life. Make a list of the things you constantly would have liked to do, however just never opened your mind for the time to work on it.

This interest may turn into a passion and purpose. Finding, following and living your purpose and passion will enable you to live a great life.

- Create Your Vision

Develop a tactical strategy by beginning the foundation for a better life by defining and clarifying your vision. And this ends up being a creative and best way to live life full of excitement and of wholehearted dedication.

- Learn the Power of Discipline

Living a balanced life is at the heart of effective people's teachings.

Discipline will let you end up being more focused on exactly building a better life, and what is very important to recognize your dreams and live an extraordinary life.

And you're one of them due to the fact that you chose to find your purpose and passion and live a great life without fear of loss.

Never be concerned that the world is out to destroy you.

The Course in Miracles states, "See no one from the battleground, for here you look on him from nowhere."

- Live by Integrity

In a survey of over 54,000 individuals who have the foundation for a better life, they determined the necessary qualities of an effective leader; and integrity was, by far, the number one action.

Your level of success in life will directly be proportioned to your level of stability.

The Course in Miracles asks us; "Do you build your house on sand or on rock?"

Theodore Roosevelt said: "Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of a specific and of countries alike."

Integrity is living an incorporated life around your concepts and self-worth.

Integrity is to take good care of your all-around well-being, your emotional intelligence, your mental health and your spirit.

When one is neglected, the others don't function also and you lose your character, and the foundation for a better life will be built on sand rather than rock.

When you live your dreams and passion in accordance with your true free will you create an inner vision of what you want from life, and you're not far from realizing your dreams.

You require discipline to make every minute count so every day can be one more day closer to your goals and objectives.

Live by integrity in all you do and success is ensured. Quickly you will see all the doors of opportunities open before you.

To a great life!

Message From the Universe: A Life Not Like ANY Other Life!

"Wherever a new disagreement emerges, so does new hope for enlightenment, on both sides of the fence.

Oh joy,
The Universe"

Like anything else in life that is sure to happen, besides taxes and death, is disagreements. It is somewhat preferable to have disagreements than not. Not agreeing on something is the best way to express your feelings and emotions. Unless you are a carbon copy of yourself, or as many would call that cloning, it can be difficult to have someone who agrees with you 24/7. In some cases, when you have a business partner that sees eye to eye with you with everything that has to do with the company's growth, you are in luck. However, many of us sees things differently, and all this is caused somewhat by our upbringing or our previous business and life experience. It is imminent that disagreements will occur at the workplace or at home. As you are dealing with your significant other on a daily basis, you might agree on a lot of things because you both see eye to eye on a lot of how the mundane daily life has to run, however, it will come at a time when disagreements will occur. Depending on how you deal with them, you will need to handle it in a very calm and polite way. Name calling has no place during that time.

Firstly, you need to determine the origin of the disagreement: What caused it? Why is it here? What are the point of view on the matter being discussed between both of you?

Secondly, you need to figure out the best plausible solution that both of you can agree. Do not let the other convince you otherwise. Share your feelings, do not be intimidated. Showing fear will give place for the other to have its way all the time. Remember to always stay in control of the situation. If they raise their voice to get heard, you do not need to do the same. Tell them to calm down, and if needed, to step back and talk about it when he or she have calmed down. It is important for you to realize that raising voices is the result of you raising your voice as well, so the only defensive response is to get heard as well, hence, raising their voice. So by keeping your voice at low decibels, you do not allow the other person to elevate their tone, and if they do, your response can go this way: " I didn't hear myself scream, why are you yelling? or I don't see why you are so defensive or angry about it, we are just talking as mature adults, or I understand this can be a sensitive subject for you as it is for me, but you don't see me get all pissed off, so I would appreciate you doing the same". As you can see, you take control of the situation here and do not allow the other one to pursue their motive to intimidate you or take control of the situation, which leaves you feeling guilty about what is being discussed.

As some of my PhD classes were related to human psychology, I came to realization that the tools acquired during my apprenticeship are extremely useful during my daily interaction with my business partners and significant other. I always feel like going back to my old self at time, which is opting for the defensive approach but I digress. I take time to understand the problem and use my new found knowledge to handle all problems and find the most plausible solution. It is a win win scenario for everyone. They get free therapy and everyone end up happy.!&id=9639279

Achieve Success Through Judicious Use of Your Time

Success according to one financial expert, is "rarely an overnight phenomenon. It "is invariably the result of years of effort, of failures and restart, of hurdles cleared and problems avoided".

Yes, one day you will be where you've always wanted to be. But this will, however, depend on how judicious you make use of the time available to you.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and work hard towards achieving them. The future belongs to those who keep pushing on and on, even when they have nothing left. The future belongs to them that do not cower in the face discouragement because they have set a goal so high that even failure, unemployment, recession, depression cannot destroy.

When such ones fail, they get up again and start all over for they see failure as a stepping stone and a reason to learn better ways of doing business.

But back in the days I didn't understand this philosophy.

Back in the days, I was an avid political critic, supporting one political party against the other and preferring one candidate against the other. I will spend several hours reading political analysis in the news prints, criticizing government's policies that do not resonate with me and gluing myself to the television to remain politically informed.

There's nothing wrong with having such a hubby really, other than that I realized along the line that those activities do not add any value to my financial wellbeing. They did not put money in my pocket. They were liabilities holding me captive. They were my comfort zone. And of course a comfort zone is a poverty zone. You do not grow financially in your comfort zone. So I had to break free from these habits to seek personal development. To engage in activities that can enable me leave a legacy. Now I have learned to surround myself with people who can inspire me. I study materials that can promote my financial intelligence.

Presently, many people have yet to realize this. Some feel that, because they have monthly paycheck, they do not need to seek other opportunities. But Robert Kiyosaki said "SALARY alone can not solve your money problems. You need a Secondary Source of income to balance". And again he said, "SALARY is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, it doesn't CURE it. Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cures Poverty".

Which of us do not know someone who was rich previously but is poor now? Have you ever stop to ask why? The "why" of course, is that his income stopped because his job stopped and he does have residual, passive income to keep him afloat. Network marketing affords individuals the opportunity to develop passive income.

Why have some chosen this platform? Among many other reasons, network marketing allows you to set up a business with minimal cost and with little or no overhead. More so, it is flexible. It can be done part time or fulltime and you have the rare privilege to choose the number of hours to work.

Stop hoping that one day government will solve your financial problems. That doesn't happen anywhere in the world. Your destiny is in your hands and it's never late to begin right now.

What Is The Source Of Your Personal Value? (By Tim Connor)

Each of us has a self-perception of our own personal value. Some people use money, wealth and net worth while others use position, power or influence and still others us legacy, fame and reputation or status. But there are also many who measure or value themselves based on service, humility, generosity and modesty. Have you got an opinion which of these are better or more valuable to define you? Better still - which ones do you use as a self-measurement? Even better still (I know getting old) how do you think most people who know you reasonably well, would define you? Could be scary.

As a global speaker in front of over several thousand people every year I have often wondered what categories many or most (not just a small few) people would put me in or use to define me. Again, could be really scary. 
"So, Tim, where are you going with this article - I've got other stuff on my plate today". In a hurry? Maybe we should add that one to your definition or one of your categories or how about - impatient, hurry-er, never enough time person, workaholic, Type A - I won't bore you with others as I've either lost by now you or you are laughing).

OK to my point - we all have or use certain benchmarks, tools, definitions or values etc. we use to 'self-value-measure' ourselves - here are just a few to consider. Why not ask yourself how you measure yourself or how does this area influence your life - could be an interesting exercise! PS: I'm not going into a lot of detail on these - they are just meant to be emotional or mental triggers to get you thinking or self-evaluating.

Here's just a brief summary of a few of the more common ones;

-Who you are - Your birth date, where you grew up, education history, how you were raised, siblings, how you were treated as a child - etc.

-What you have accomplished - Education, degrees, inventions, businesses started, competitions, climbed mount Everest or done nothing significant - etc.

-Memberships - clubs, organizations, civic clubs, community organizations, school clubs or belong to nothing - etc.

-Your spiritual outlook - a Christian, agnostic, atheist, believer, Jewish, some other values, not sure - etc.

-Accolades or special awards - professional designations, special community awards or recognitions, retirement awards, military designations, political, special degrees or none - etc.

-Where you live - what state, city, special development, private lot, condo in resort city, farm or country - etc.

-What you own - size of your home, how many homes, how many cars, special toys (boats, planes, RVs) jewelry, wardrobe - etc.

-What you drive - vintage car, expensive car, piece of crap - etc.

-What you know - education, degrees, special courses, books you have read, special designations or awards, the size of your library - etc.

-Charities you have helped - or not helped, this one is obvious.

-What makes you happy or content - people, activities, sports, entertainment, family, travel, success, life in general or nothing - etc.

-How you have succeeded - could be financial, position, professional, age when you did it, a combination of accomplishments or accomplished little of value - etc.

-What you do - career, home body, mother, teacher, retired, volunteer, CEO, world traveler or couch and TV potato - etc.

-Where you are going - your future career, your next vacation, your next relationship, your next anything or your next nothing - etc.

-Where you have been - past failures, past successes, past mistakes, past anything - etc.

-Who you know - special friends, no friends, neighbors, famous people - etc.

-Who knows you - same as above.

-Your special skills/talents - music, hobbies, wisdom, talents, writing, artwork or you don't have any - etc.

-Your beliefs/values - what are your standards, benchmarks, expectations, desires, goals, dreams, fantasies, hopes, fears, worries - etc.

-Who you are with - your spouse, your family, your friends, your employees, your customers, your business partners your or you are alone and have no one - etc.

-Who you have helped/guided - mentored, coached, counseled, children, family, friends, employees, customers, students or no one- etc.

-What you are worth - your stuff, your toys, your investments, your experience, your knowledge - etc.

How to Make Dreams Come True - 10 Practical Ways

• OUTLINE YOUR SET GOALS: Not having a goal, is like driving without a destination, you will exhaust both yourself and the car too, hence to begin you need to have clearly defined goals, objectives that you want to achieve, when you have set goal(s) it as if you are driving towards a known destination.

• DON'T BE DISTRACTED: This world is filled with distractions and attractions. Do not underestimate the power of distraction, consider this: what do you think could happen to a driver who continues to look through his window while driving in the high way?

He may lose control, or may be hit by another vehicle, so when you are riding on the high way to reach your goal always avoid being distracted or attracted to anything that will slow down your pace or at worst stop you. Distractions can come in many ways; it can come in form of associations or individual habits.

• FINDING THE RIGHT ASSOCIATE: A good associate is like a co-pilot, he stays alert with you. Note that he is not a co driver but a co-pilot, this is because when a driver is tired he pulls over at the Conner of the road and rest but when a pilot is tired he does not even think of pulling over or parking he must reach his destination and hence both in his absence and presence a good co-pilots will provide the support needed.

So the need to associate with people having the same frame of mind cannot be over emphasised. Associating with people who are already where you want to be will make you live and behave as if you have achieved your goals.

• LIVE IN THE FUTURE: "To catch a monkey you need to act like a monkey" so says an African proverb, yes indeed you need to learn how to jump and dive. You need to start thinking everyday as if you have achieved goals and dreams.

• MAKE A LIST OF HUDDLES: After outlining your goals can you make also a list of things that can possibly stop you from achieving your goals. This is necessary because anyone who fights a battle without a well defined enemy might be in for an unusual surprise.

Hence outlining and understanding problems is the key to solving them. Outlining them will help you tackle them with the right weapon.

• WORK ON YOUR SET GOALS: Goals are not investment where you just put your money and watch it grow. It requires daily attention if it is to be attained, every work has tools which makes it possible to be done, for example if you are trapped in a dense jungle you may need a cutlass and a GPS in other to find your way home, selecting the right tools can help you achieve your dreams.

Imagine what could happen to a student who ought to write a biology exam but has been practicing only chemistry, it is necessary that one attain a level of balance in other to achieve his goals.

• BE HUMBLE AND DO NOT CREATE ENEMIES: If you defecate on the road while embarking on a journey, definitely you will meet flies while returning. Do not step on people while you climb your social ladder, this is so because successful people needs help like every other person.

"One thing is somersaulting another thing is landing properly "when you get to the top there is nowhere else to go except down, hence if ever you created enemies while climbing, these ones may get back at you when you slide a little bit off the top. They may even drag you down totally instead of helping you.

• BE PREPARED FOR UNFORESEEN OCCURRENCES: Many a men say: "I wish I could see tomorrow" hence do not expect everything to go as you have planned, unforeseen occurrences has been a constant part of the human history, hence preparing for it and knowing that it may happen not only helps you to deal with it but also makes you not to feel too disappointed when it happens and hence quit.

• USE YOUR PAST TO CREATE A BETTER FUTURE: A good driver will always consider his side mirror, not because he is driving backwards but because he wants to get a balance view of the road and understand how best to drive, likewise our pasts or mistakes should be used as warning examples and help us to create a good future,

• DON'T GIVE UP: It is as simple as that, yet very difficult. If you apply the above given suggestions it may be very difficult for you to quit and also if you know where you are headed problems will not make you quit, setbacks will only even make you even stronger.

Remember a the value of gold appreciates, only when it has been refined in a furnace, a good captain is made not on a calm sea but on a very rough sea.

Problems and difficulties can only make you stronger, SEE YOU AT YOUR GOAL.

Social Skills That Will Help You Become Accepted And Admired

It is everyone's true desire to be accepted and admired. Being accepted and Admired is entirely up to you. All it takes is the ability to pick up a few significant social skills that help build emotional awareness. There are some noteworthy social skills that can be learned quite quickly.

Below is a list of several ways you can become more accepted and admired and become the most likable person in the room.

1. When first meeting someone for the first time you will want to make eye contact. This may sound like a simple thing to do but so many fail miserably at doing it. This remains one of the most impactful mistakes a person can make when conversing with someone. When you are able to look a person in the eyes it shows that you are full of confidence and poised. You will want to implement this skill immediately. Just know that it requires no training or special talent. It just takes the commitment to look a person in the eyes while conversing with them.

2. After looking the person in the eyes you want to give them a firm handshake. You don't want to crush their hand, but you want them to know that you are a person of substance. You don't want to want to wimp out by shaking hands with a limp and feeble handshake. Research shows that people decide whether or not they like you within several seconds of meeting you. A firm handshake contributes largely to that first impression, as does a strong carriage and confident body language.

3. Hey, don't forget to give the other person that bright warm smile along with the first two skills I just covered. It is OK to laugh and tell jokes for the most part. Most people unconsciously mirror the people they are communicating with. If you want to be accepted and admired, try using positive body language. What you put out is usually what you get back in return.

4. Rule of thumb; cut your cell phone off and put it away. There is nothing ruder than a person constantly looking down at their cell phone while you are trying to converse with them. It would be to your best interest to keep your phone put away until after your meeting is over. For those that don't know, that's just plain common courtesy. Once again, this requires no training or special talent to do.

5. If you want to gain positive points with the person that you are conversing with, you will want to call them by name. Everyone wants to go where everyone knows their name. If nothing else, you may want to write this one down and don't forget it. So, the next time when someone uses your name or uses your name during a conversation, think back and remember just how good it felt when they did it. Now, if you have trouble remembering peoples names you might want to use a trick I use when first meeting people. I try to write their name down on something and I try to use their name as many times as I can when I first meet them. This helps me remember their name right away.

6. Finally, you want to actively listen to the person you are conversing with. Simply hearing words doesn't make the grade. People that want to be accepted and admired should learn the forgotten art of listening. Most people are thinking about what they are going to say before the other person has finished speaking. This is why people cut off a person while they are talking. By you doing such a thing shows that you are very disrespectful and unconcerned with what the other person is saying.

Active listening consists of several steps: The first step would be hearing the person you are conversing with. The second step to listening would be to interpret what the other person is saying without interrupting them. The third step would be evaluating what was said by the other person. The last step would be waiting for the right time to respond to what the other person has said.

Now you are armed with the vital information that the pros are armed with. These skills are learnable and coachable. It does not take a brain scientist to follow any of these steps mentioned in this article but the willingness to execute them.

Ever Asked, What Can I Do To Make My Life Better?"

Ever asked, "how can I make my life better?" Here are some pointers that can help you change your life for the better and make yourself a better person.

Put in the time every day to look within yourself for how to change your life for the better.

A good objective to start with is to check out some material on to change your life for the better, say, one book every month, or perhaps begin a collection of CDs or videos.

To change your life for the better make certain you get enough sleep at night. By changing your routine you can establish much better sleeping habits that will help you create a better life.

Animals can supply an outlet for your love, however more than that, they can teach you how to be a better person and change your life for the better.

An animal can be an excellent instructor of remaining real to one's inner self when wanting to change your life for the better.

Like I 'd mentioned be sure to be getting a complete 6-8 hours each night and see just how much better you feel. If you don't feel better, ask within yourself; what's holding you back?

Be serious for an answer! Don't settle for less.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that, "The Holy Spirit will direct you only so to avoid pain."

One of the best methods is to leave work at work, and in fact involves leaving work at your front door.

If you're unattached or single, find groups to get involved with that help change your life for the better like, perhaps, a yoga class or other mindful, relaxing and enjoyable outlets.

If you want to effectively establish your individual side, it is very important to be reflective. Your life begins to change your life for the better.

The Course in Miracles helps us see that, yes, this is the miracle manifested!

Understand exactly what it means to actually be a human.

You will be able to accept that you have a lot to discover and learn, and so much more that may enhance you.

In conclusion, as you can see helping yourself change your life for the better, and resulting in being a much better person is not as tough as it may appear.

It just needs doing some seeking, a little research, making lists, and requesting help when you need it.

Once you see how it can help you live your life much better, the work will pay off.

To creating a better life!,-What-Can-I-Do-To-Make-My-Life-Better?&id=9818400

How To Stop Delaying, Taking Action

Many people have the habit of delaying things indefinitely. They make plans and then lack the willpower to start working on them immediately. They think that they have indefinite amount of time on their hands. Soon, things change for the worse and they realize they are left with no option but to drop the plan. Most of us don't start working on a plan not because the time is not right but because we lack the willpower.

Many times we keep waiting for the right time to start a work and miss the opportunity in the process. If you hesitate some other person will come and grab the opportunity, and you will be left repenting your procrastination.

Make a to-do list

One way to stop procrastinating is to make a list of work to be done. It will help you make your mind about important work to be done. When you make a list of work to be done then your mind becomes clear and it becomes easy for you do to the work. It also makes it easy for you to prioritize your work.

Do difficult work first

When you have prepared a list of work to be done then you should start working on a difficult task first. Since tough work require more energy, work on that first so that when your energy level is down you have less difficult work to do.

Many times we keep postponing difficult work to a later stage and it makes us feel stressed. Don't do that.

Focus on end result

One way to stop procrastinating is to focus on the end result of your work. If you just focus on the number of tasks to be done then you will feel stressed. On the other hand, if you focus on the end result you will feel energized to do the work faster.

The human history is a witness that great events take place when people are moved by visualizing great results in their minds. Thinking about positive results will keep you motivated and will push you to take action.

Remove distractions

If you want to stop procrastinating then you should remove all kinds of distractions from your surroundings. Many times we are distracted by objects and useless tasks that take away our attention. It's bad for your work. If you want to do good work then you should focus on important tasks by removing your attention away from less important things.

How to Manage Jealousy

If we are jealous towards someone then it shows our insecurity. No one is perfect and it's perfectly natural to feel jealousy towards people who seem to be better than you. However, remember it's your life and you are as unique as anyone else. Become original and don't try to copy anyone. Be yourself. We all are meant to follow our own certain paths and if we keep copying others it will not help us at all. It's better that we stick to our lives without feeling resentment or jealousy towards anyone. It will only hurt ourselves by spoiling our mood. The subject of our jealousy will not feel bad at all.

Many people keep feeling jealous of others without making any effort to improve their own lives. It's a bad strategy. Improve your own life and achieve things you want. This way you will become satisfied with your own personal and professional growth and then you will not feel any need to feel jealousy towards other people. It pays to be focused in your own life instead of keeping a tab on the progress of others. Take care of your own life and stay away from petty feelings like jealousy.

We should know that we are all unique. We were born alone and we will leave the world alone. Then there is no need to compare ourselves with others. We should take advantage of our strengths while ignoring our weaknesses. Don't forget that even if you think that some other person is better than you it's not going to stop you from achieving your full potentials. We all humans are given natural talents and strengths that most of us are not fully aware of. Once you find your strengths look for goals that fully utilize your strengths. It's no use regretting lacking a single skill while ignoring all other capabilities we have. If you feel you lack a certain skill set which is stopping you from achieving your goals then get trained in that. If you lack any technical skill then you can easily get trained. If you feel you lack good communication skills then you can learn the same in any of programs provided by professional institutes.

If you are focused on realizing your own dreams and reaching your goals then you will not feel jealous of other people who are doing well in their lives.

Stop comparison with others

If you want to get rid of jealousy then you must stop comparing yourself with others. All people have their circumstances, challenges and fears. One person should not be compared to the other simply because we all are different individuals.

Instead of comparing one person with another we should focus on good things of all people. If you stop comparing yourself with others then you will feel no need to feel jealous of other person's success. Compare yourself with only what you were yesterday. Compete with yourself. Be focused on improving yourself and you will grow. If you compare yourself with others then instead of growing you will feel miserable. If you feel that the other person is more successful than you then have a second thought. Success is a very subjective thing. Many a times we look at a person and feel that that person is successful. However, when we have a close look we realize that that person may not be as successful as we think. Many times we judge success on the base of money alone. It's a mistake. Many rich people are unhappy and sad. Success has to be much more than just money.

If you can't stop yourself from comparing to others then you should take time and sit with a calm mind. You may realize that there are many better things about you compared to that person you feel jealous of. You will realize that you are better than him or her in many aspects. Comparing yourself with another person without understating that person is a futile and misleading exercise.

Love yourself

If you love yourself enough you will have no bad feelings about other people doing well in their lives. We feel jealous mostly when we feel we are not doing enough in our lives. If you are doing well then you would feel no reason to feel jealous of others.

Be realistic

Be realistic about various factors, including success levels of all of us. If you feel that some other person is doing better than you then you should realize that that person may not be doing well in lots of other aspects of his life. Don't just assume than another person is in a better position than you. Even if someone is in a better position it doesn't take away whatever good things you have in your life.

Success is subjective

We should also understand that success is a subjective term. One person's success may be another person's failure. Fifty five percent marks in an examination may be success for a weak student but disappointment for a brilliant student. We should understand that since we all are very different from each other we have to focus on our work, and not keep comparing ourselves with others.

Many times a loser suddenly becomes a big success. On the other hand, a successful person may dramatically fail. Success is not permanent, just like failure.

Write it down

If you feel you can't stop feeling jealous of a person then you should try to write down why you feel jealous of that person and also write down why you are better than him or her in other ways. Once you have written it down you will realize that suddenly you are feeling less jealous of him or her. As you have brought the thoughts out of your mind you will feel better.

Winning Friends And Influencing People (By Emette Massey)

If you've been following me, you know that I tend to write about sales, marketing, and business development topics.

So, I thought that it would be nice to start your day with something positive instead.

I recall one of favorite copywriting mentors, Gary Halbert had a great (and very healthy) way to start your day.

Best of all, Gary's morning routine did not involve a bunch of complicated workouts, routines or the typical crap you get from health gurus.

Here's how it goes...

And I quote...

  1. "Set your alarm clock to go off 10 minutes earlier than usual.
  2. The first thing, after you get up, is to immediately remake your bed.
  3. Go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and drink it all.
  4. Go to the bathroom, take care of "business," brush your teeth, wash the sleep out of your face and eyes and comb your hair.
  5. Next, put on some exercise clothes like sweatpants, a sweatshirt and take a 20-minute walk.
  6. As soon as you get back, woof down a nutritionally-dense protein drink made by mixing the content of a packet of Myoplex, Met-RX or Lean Body with eight ounces of fat-free milk and a banana.
  7. Scarf down a packet of vitamins and minerals like Dr. Julian Whitaker's "FORWARD PLUS."
  8. Take a shower.
  9. Dress in fresh, crisp clothes and go about your day."

So, there you go. A nearly complete system for success. And you won't find a simpler or more effective way to go about your day.
And while this seems overly simple, there's some "deep" stuff connecting and "writing" positive instructions to your mind and body that benefits you in all areas of your life - physical, mental and spiritual.

Now you may be wondering what does this have to do with winning friends and influencing people, right?

Victor Schwab wrote the print ad for Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friend and Influence People. Though the ad was written over 72 years ago, even the most skillful write would be hard-pressed to top it.

This book directly ties in to Halbert and self-help. Hands down Carnegie's book is one of the best self-improvement books found anywhere!

If you have not read How To Win Friend and Influence People, then you should get your hands on this book immediately and read it cover to cover... at least once a year.

In fact, it should be an essential part of your personal and business library.

And if you'd like to step your game up a notch or two consider...

... the complete course called

... wait for it

... The Dale Carnegie Course.

It is based around his famous book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People."

As I reflect on my days as a Realtor, my buddy pushed me into the course. Not only did the thoughts of standing in front of group of total strangers and having to give talks scare the bejeebers out of me, the thought of shelling out $750 (which I didn't have at the time) certainly rattled my cage.

But I sucked it up, paid the money and stuck out the course to the end. In fact, I won an award for one of my speeches.

Let me just say, to date this has been one of the best $750 buck investments I've ever made. Bar none!

Here's the take away. Self-Improvement takes courage and constant practice. Remember fear is just a temporary state of mind. I learned that F.E.A.R. is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.

So true and I've proved it time and time again. Now, don't get me wrong, I still get the jitters when talking to groups (even small ones) but I get through it just fine. And feel proud and confident about myself when done.

Here's Your Marching Orders:

Decide to take better care of yourself. Consider adopting Gary Halbert's daily AM routine and start the day of right.

Get and read a copy of Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People. This is self-improvement for your life and business.

Be willing to set your ego aside and learn to conquer your F.E.A.R. It's takes developing the right mindset and a little practice but it is doable.

Until next time, I bid you success, wealth and happiness.

How We Find Happiness in Life

Happiness is life's most desired goal. But we can never achieve it while we continue to look outside of ourselves, as it is an inside job.

"Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude".

Throughout our evolutionary journey we have tried every strategy imaginable and searched almost everywhere in our quest for true happiness. We have had some great experiences and learnt a lot along the way, but we have never found what we are searching for. Eventually, we grow tired of searching and turn our attention to the one place we haven't looked so far; inside ourselves. True happiness is not something that can be sought and acquired; it is our soul's natural state of being, and we can only connect with by going within.

Anything we do, it is simply our inner quality that we are going to spread. We cannot do anything of tremendous value for our planet until anything of accurate value occurs within us. Thus, if we want to be connected to the world, the first thing we must do is to transform ourselves right into a happy beings.

It doesn't matter what we do in our life, whether it is business, studying or giving assistance to someone or some cause, we're doing it because deep down, it gives us satisfaction. Each activity that every individual executes on this globe rises from a desire. We were not unhappy when we were a child, as joy and happiness is a source which resides within each one of us. So all we have to do, is to go for it and take charge of that joy which is residing in us.

Everything in universe is in order. The sun comes wonderfully well up in the sky. The flowers flourish beautifully, no stars falls along, and the galaxies are functioning perfectly. Today, the whole cosmos is occurring divinely well, but just a negative thought worming up on our brain enables us to believe that today is a poor day.

Suffering occurs basically when most human beings shed perception in regards of what this life is all about. Our emotional process become far larger than the existential procedure, or our petty creation become far more critical compared to GOD's Creations, to place it bluntly. This is the way to obtain all suffering. We miss the complete sense of what this means to be alive here. An emotion within us or a thought within our mind establishes the nature of the experience right now. And our thought may have nothing to accomplish even with the restricted reality of our lifestyle. The entire creation is happening beautifully well but just one considered emotion can ruin everything.

Anything we consider as "our mind" isn't ours basically. It is merely society's empty talk. Everyone and anyone whom we encounter on a daily base put some idea or information in our head and we truly have no choice about whose idea we accept or don't accept. These information are advantageous once we learn HOW TO process them and use them. This accumulation of opinions and information that we collect is simply useful for our survival on the planet. It is not something which is related to who we are.

First thing we need to do in the morning when we get up, is to smile. At whom? No one. Since just the fact that we have woke up is not a small matter. A lot of thousands of people who slept yesterday evening didn't wake up today. Isn't it great that we woke up? So look as you wake up, look around you, if there is someone, and then smile at them. Because this morning, for numerous people, someone precious to them didn't get up. Then venture out, take a deep breath and look at the bushes. They didn't die yesterday either.

You may think this is really funny, but you won't know its reality until someone dear to you doesn't wakeup. So don't wait until you understand the value of it. Appreciate what you have, be happy that you are alive and everyone who matters to you is still around.

Of course, people who do not have food or the basic needs for living can feel physically miserable and their needs must be addressed. Our duty as a human being is to help and take care of such people when we encounter them. But most people are unhappy not as a result of what they don't have. It is because they compare their life to others. You are driving on a motorbike, you see somebody in a Mercedes and you become unhappy. But for someone who is driving a bicycle, your motorbike seems like a limousine.

Life is about learning and appreciating what GOD has created for us on this planet. It is not about twisting and distorting it. When we rely on the external situation to make us joyful and content, we could never feel true happiness. The quality of our life doesn't depend on what car we drive, how much money we have in a bank account, or how big our house is, but how content and happy we feel inside.

Although each one of us is unique, and what works for one may not for other, but there are simply areas that tend to make a big difference to people's happiness in life; and crucially they are all areas that are within our control:

1 - Care for others genuinely: Caring genuinely for others around us is essential to our happiness. Being caring means wishing the best for others, and acknowledging in them the same wants, needs, aspirations, and even fears that we have too. It means providing a listening ear, noticing when someone needs help, and helping our community without asking for a reward. Being caring allows us to have empathy for others and to live a life based on affection, love, and compassion for the people around us.

2 - Connect with people: "Happiness is influenced not only by the people you know, but by the people they know". This means that by surrounding ourselves with happier people we become happier, we make the people close to us happier, and make the people close to them happier. People with strong and vast social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Close relationship with family and friends brings love, compassion, meaning and belonging into our lives and grow our sense of self-worth. "To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground" ~ Stephen Covey

3 - Notice the world around you: Taking Notice is about observing those things that we find beautiful and being mindful of them in our daily life. It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. Paying more attention to the present moment, to our own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around us; can improve our wellbeing. Becoming more aware of the present moment not only help us to enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better, but also recognize anew things that we have been taking for granted.

4 - Have something to look forward to: Happiness in anticipation is the key here. By having something to look forward to, no matter how our situations, bring happiness into our life, well before the circumstance happen. If your life is series of undesirable duties, commitments, and unpleasant tasks, take some time to find out something that YOU would find enjoyable. And make time to do it. "Happiness is the anticipation and the realization of the fulfilment of a dream".

5 - Avoid false beliefs and expectations: "Our authentic happiness is blocked by our false belief that life should be how we want it to be. The expectation that accompanies this false belief sets us up for disappointment, frustration, anger and unhappiness". Our expectations create our reality and they change our lives emotionally and physically. Unreasonable expectations can make life extremely hard and unhappy. These expectations are actually designed by our ego, as nothing give our ego a stronger sense of self-identity as an experience that supports our sad life-story. "In other words, we unconsciously create expectations so we can feel sad and disappointed when they are not met. Our ego is addicted to sadness and painful emotions". Master to drop all expectations and open your heart, begin to love yourself, and move beyond your ego. Embrace freedom from your ego.

6 - Be comfortable with who you are: Finding ourselves, our authenticity will help us to feel our beauty. When we endeavour to be who we are, to be true to ourselves, and accept ourselves with all our flaws and imperfections, we will automatically feel attractive and unique. Beauty is never dependent upon the approval of others. Quite the contrary, beauty is very much self-defined and self-created. "To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." ~Thich Nhat Hanh. By accepting ourselves and becoming kinder to ourselves we will be able to see our shortcomings as opportunities to learn and grow.

7 - Find a purpose in life: We all have intact potential, perhaps even areas of intelligence, to become something entirely different, or somehow more than what we appear to be right now. People who find meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They become less stressed, anxious, or depressed. But how do we find meaning and purpose in life? We're all wired differently. Some of us feel more connected to nature, others find meaning by employing in nurturing. The key is to know what works for us. Learning to live our purpose is essentially a spiritual exercise, and an inside job. Search how and what give you that sense of fulfilment and deep connection; and then peruse it in all that you do.

8 - Train yourself to be more positive: There is the positive aspect in everything, in every person, in every situation. Sometimes it's not obvious and we have to look hard. Even when we are faced with a difficult situation we can think to ourselves "What is good about this?" No matter how unpleasant the circumstance might look, we always can find something good if we take the time to think about it. Everything, good or bad is a learning experience. And there is always lesson to be gained from every bad experience. "There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there" ~ Paulo Coelho

9 - Live Mindfully: "Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference" ~ Virginia Satir. Life is full of challenges. The way we manage them, can make a difference between whether we let them to control our lives, or we find a way to embrace every challenge as it arises. By practicing mindfulness we can find a more empowering way to react to the challenges life brings us. It also helps us to train our mind, manage our thoughts and feelings, and reduce stress and anxiety.

10 - Take care of your body: "Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care." ~Buddha. There is a powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioural factors can directly affect our health. Being active makes us happier as well as healthier. By spending time outdoors, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep, we can improve our wellbeing. A serene mind really is nothing without a healthy body to carry it, so show your body the same compassion that you show everyone, by taking care of it.

It is positively time now that we look inside of ourselves and see HOW TO produce personal wellbeing. From our own experience of life we can clearly observe that wellbeing will come to us when we change our perception on life. We need to realize, if we are determined to create our happiness and wellbeing by the outside factors it will never happens. As nothing will be %100 the way we want them to be. When we accept this fact, then we will be able to work on ourselves as an individual to become the person we want to be. And happiness will be our only choice which has been our authentic nature by creation in the first place. "Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." ~ Greg Anderson

Forget Excuses - Remember Self Motivation


The internet is a wonderful thing and since its introduction to the world it has created an abundance of money making opportunities for anyone looking to make an income from home.

A lot of individuals who have gone on to make substantial incomes from online businesses started with zero or limited knowledge of how to do so.

Today more than ever there are a good number of internet entrepreneurs and businesses offering genuine online business opportunities.

So with all these opportunities available why do only a handful of people succeed while the majority either give up or just move from opportunity to opportunity without ever getting close to success?

The reason most people fail is down to personal development, the need to identify and set goals, then be able to systemically carry them through to conclusion.

Add to this the ability to keep yourself motivated when things don't always go the way you planned and you find a cocktail of characteristics that the majority of us have to work hard to maintain.

Everyday when you wake, you have a very important choice to make...

You have to choose what to do with your time and the choice you make will determine whether by the end of the day you will be closer to where you want, or at the same point you where when you woke up that morning.

Too many people say they want to change their lives for the better, some even set goals and maybe have a small idea of what they need to do, but sadly the choice they make when they wake in the morning is the same one they have been making every day up to that point...

The point is your life will not change unless you take action...

None of your goals will be achieved unless you do something about them...

When I speak to people, I hear all kinds of excuses but the most common one by far is,..

I don't have the time!

I don't have the time... these five little words are by far the favourite excuse for many people to hide behind.

However, when I dig a little deeper and start asking some questions, I find that in the majority of cases a little lifestyle change here and there and a small sacrifice or two can free up the valuable hours you need to start making a difference to your lives.

It may come as no surprise that one of the biggest consumers of our time is television,

Latest stats tell us that the average Brit watches 24 hours of TV a week and the average American 30 hours a week!

24-30 hours A WEEK!

That's almost a full time job, even if you reduced your time watching TV by half that would free up 15 hours a week that could be better spent working on your goals and ambitions.

It's not just TV either plenty of time is wasted away on other activities, things like spending hours at the mall, going to pubs and bars, going to ball games/events, playing video games, reading newspapers/magazines, social media, procrastinating, browsing the internet for nothing in particular the list goes on.

None of the things on this list are vital to our everyday lives yet so many people are unwilling to give them up, even though they say they want to change their lives and their circumstances.

I'm not saying cut everything you enjoy out of your life...

I'm just saying if you really do want to make changes sometimes you have to make short term sacrifices in order to manage your time better and maybe even (for now) stop doing some of the things you would normally do in order to free up the time you need to make long term gains.

So lets assume you have decided to make some changes and you have managed to free up some extra hours during the week.

What do you do next?

After all you have just potentially given something up you really enjoy, something you have been doing for years.

How are you supposed to keep yourself moving forward and not revert back to the comfortable, TV watching procrastinator you were before we decided to make these changes?

Well the one thing you must have if you want to succeed is a daily shot of motivation, this is essential because if you are not motivated then it is very easy to slide back into the rut you have just pulled yourself out of.

It is especially important at the start that you get this daily shot until you build up the belief that what you are doing is working, until you can see everyday that you are getting closer to your goal and until the motivation comes without you having to search for it.

When you get to that point you will have a drive and determination that will be burning so deep inside you that you will not be able to ignore it, it will get to the stage where any obstacle that is put in your way will just be taken in your stride and you will feel like nothing can stop you from achieving what you set out to do.

So how do you get to that point? what do you need to do?

The first thing is have your goals written out in as much detail as possible and read these goals every morning as you wake and every evening before you retire, this will remind you of why you are making these changes to your life and instil some of the motivation you need to keep going.

The second thing is to make a mood board - A mood board is a visual representation of where you want to be in your life and is usually made up of images and text representing your ambitions and goals.

As with your goals make sure you look at this everyday and imagine yourself in as much detail as possible living the life your goals and mood board show.

The final thing is a daily affirmation, this is something you need to do by yourself.

Put aside 10 minutes during the day, turn off your mobile phone, the radio and the TV find yourself a quiet spot in a dimly lit or darkened room, sit down in a comfortable chair and relax.

Next repeat the following to yourself:

"I awake everyday feeling an insatiable drive and determination to succeed, I find it easy to motivate myself and I look forward with excitement to the things I will achieve during the coming day."

Close your eyes and clear your mind of any distracting thoughts, don't try to think of anything just let yourself relax for a minute or two, relax your body and let the tension drain away from your muscles.

It is not easy to do this at first so you may find it easier to concentrate on each individual body part, starting at your toes and working up until your whole body is relaxed.

With practice you will find this comes easier until you can almost do it without thinking.

Next start to count slowly in your head until you reach 20. When you do you should feel totally relaxed, almost trance-like. If any other distracting thoughts should pop into your head as you count, don't worry, clear your mind and start over.

When you are in this relaxed state concentrate on the statement you have just read, don't worry about knowing it all off by heart just repeat the key words to yourself.

Slowly return to your fully conscious state thinking as you do that you are feeling more relaxed more alert and more motivated than you were before.

The subconscious mind is a powerful thing and the whole point of this exercise is to instil these thoughts into your subconscious mind until they are accepted as fact and in doing so will become second nature to you.

You will notice that if you repeat this exercise on a regular daily basis you will start to see the results in no time at all. You will probably find that at first it is hard to get to the right level of deep relaxation but once you do start to master this consistently then the speed with which you achieve your desired effect will increase.

How To Deal With Nightmares

Although unpleasant, nightmares and restless sleep can help us if we know how to use them to our advantage. Next time you have a nightmare or bad dream, follow these steps:

1. Don't immediately go back to sleep. There is a high chance that you will go straight back into the nightmare even if you can't remember doing that. Regardless, you will be abandoning yourself to an anxious, fragmented state with little sleep value. You will most likely wake up tired and out of sorts. You may even wake up sick as anxiety affects the body negatively. Certainly, you will have learned nothing from the night's adventures and made no progress in the general state of your consciousness. Instead of going back to sleep, get up, make some tea, get warm, and settle into another room telling yourself that this time is much more valuable to you than fearful sleep which can only tire you.

2. Once settled, try to understand the fears that have come up in the dream, what they mean, and where they have come from. Try to recognise who or what is being represented in the dream. In this way, you can learn much about yourself and other people.

3. You may be given a warning which could save you or others from harm's way. I remember once dreaming of a close friend and her face turned into an ugly and vindictive skeleton. The dream was very clear but I instantly dismissed it as one of those "crazy" thoughts. For some reason still unknown to me, that friend's thoughts had become unreadable to me and my trust in her was high. I knew she was a little jealous of me but I put it down to "normal" competitiveness and felt, with time, she would learn to let it go in favour of a loving friendship. It was only a matter of a month or so and I found out about her malicious plan to hurt me which not only destroyed the friendship but, unfortunately, did much damage to her mental health.

4. You may be given the direction you need to make a decision. Our subconscious mind knows many things and has much instinctive wisdom. It serves us to learn how to communicate with it.

5. You may be given creative ideas from sources outside of yourself. I frequently get ideas, words, and phrases for writing when I am asleep. It is usually just before I wake and so I quickly get up and write them down before they disappear back into the ether. Sometimes, I wake in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. I get up and sit in my chair and think about whatever seems to have woken me up. The time may be used for my own healing and spiritual realignment or for creative purposes. I could get a specific idea or a whole poem could materialise. The stillness of the night makes us receptive to all sorts of ideas.

6. At the least, by engaging in this process, you will learn a little more about the thoughts which live with you and affect you greatly. You can start to eliminate the ones you don't want and feed the ones that are beneficial to you. Half to one hour of this process is generally enough. Otherwise, you can get so mesmerised by the bad thoughts that you will have difficulty getting away from them.

7. Now it is time to move onto the second stage. Have your special inspirational books/music close at hand. Read and listen to them openheartedly, trusting that the Divine wants you to feel better. A few lines of something which has genuine meaning to you has infinitely more power than a whole book which only speaks to your intellect. Gravitate towards that which touches your heart and soul even if you don't understand why it has that impact on you. Remember that there are many who go before you and have walked exactly the same path and are more than willing to help you in every possible way that they can. Also, ask the angels to help you even if you don't believe in them. Simply by asking something higher than yourself, the invisible forces will then have permission to help you.

8. If you have nothing else then say this prayer slowly and sincerely.
I am always safe.
I am protected by God who cares for me every second of the day and night.
God's power is infinitely greater than any power to the contrary.
The angels are around me and are keeping me safe.
There are many loved ones in Heaven, even those I do not know, who watch over me and pray for me.
I have a purpose on Earth and God will help me to fulfil it.
I release my fears. I am at peace.
The angels are whispering good things into the ears of my friends and enemies.
Everything will work out for me, those I love, and even those I find difficult to love.

9. After a while, you will start to feel better. You will know when it is time to go back to bed. Even if you don't get much sleep afterwards, you will still be in a better mental space. A quietened, meditative mind repairs the body much more effectively than sleep. If you keep returning to this process, over a few years you will be surprised by the great impact it has on your mental and spiritual well-being.