
Winning Friends And Influencing People (By Emette Massey)

If you've been following me, you know that I tend to write about sales, marketing, and business development topics.

So, I thought that it would be nice to start your day with something positive instead.

I recall one of favorite copywriting mentors, Gary Halbert had a great (and very healthy) way to start your day.

Best of all, Gary's morning routine did not involve a bunch of complicated workouts, routines or the typical crap you get from health gurus.

Here's how it goes...

And I quote...

  1. "Set your alarm clock to go off 10 minutes earlier than usual.
  2. The first thing, after you get up, is to immediately remake your bed.
  3. Go to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and drink it all.
  4. Go to the bathroom, take care of "business," brush your teeth, wash the sleep out of your face and eyes and comb your hair.
  5. Next, put on some exercise clothes like sweatpants, a sweatshirt and take a 20-minute walk.
  6. As soon as you get back, woof down a nutritionally-dense protein drink made by mixing the content of a packet of Myoplex, Met-RX or Lean Body with eight ounces of fat-free milk and a banana.
  7. Scarf down a packet of vitamins and minerals like Dr. Julian Whitaker's "FORWARD PLUS."
  8. Take a shower.
  9. Dress in fresh, crisp clothes and go about your day."

So, there you go. A nearly complete system for success. And you won't find a simpler or more effective way to go about your day.
And while this seems overly simple, there's some "deep" stuff connecting and "writing" positive instructions to your mind and body that benefits you in all areas of your life - physical, mental and spiritual.

Now you may be wondering what does this have to do with winning friends and influencing people, right?

Victor Schwab wrote the print ad for Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friend and Influence People. Though the ad was written over 72 years ago, even the most skillful write would be hard-pressed to top it.

This book directly ties in to Halbert and self-help. Hands down Carnegie's book is one of the best self-improvement books found anywhere!

If you have not read How To Win Friend and Influence People, then you should get your hands on this book immediately and read it cover to cover... at least once a year.

In fact, it should be an essential part of your personal and business library.

And if you'd like to step your game up a notch or two consider...

... the complete course called

... wait for it

... The Dale Carnegie Course.

It is based around his famous book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People."

As I reflect on my days as a Realtor, my buddy pushed me into the course. Not only did the thoughts of standing in front of group of total strangers and having to give talks scare the bejeebers out of me, the thought of shelling out $750 (which I didn't have at the time) certainly rattled my cage.

But I sucked it up, paid the money and stuck out the course to the end. In fact, I won an award for one of my speeches.

Let me just say, to date this has been one of the best $750 buck investments I've ever made. Bar none!

Here's the take away. Self-Improvement takes courage and constant practice. Remember fear is just a temporary state of mind. I learned that F.E.A.R. is simply False Evidence Appearing Real.

So true and I've proved it time and time again. Now, don't get me wrong, I still get the jitters when talking to groups (even small ones) but I get through it just fine. And feel proud and confident about myself when done.

Here's Your Marching Orders:

Decide to take better care of yourself. Consider adopting Gary Halbert's daily AM routine and start the day of right.

Get and read a copy of Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People. This is self-improvement for your life and business.

Be willing to set your ego aside and learn to conquer your F.E.A.R. It's takes developing the right mindset and a little practice but it is doable.

Until next time, I bid you success, wealth and happiness.

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