
The Amazing Short Story Of Jyothi Reddy - CEO Of A Software Company

Who does not like to read inspirational stories?

I believe that these types of stories help people like you and I see what some powerful people had to go through in order to be at the positions they are at now. There is a misconception that the people at the top, have always been at the top. This is not the case for this woman.

Today, I bring you the inspirational story of Mrs. Jyothi Reddy, the CEO of a software company in the United States of America. She had to go through a lot to experience the luxury she has today.

Jyothi was born in a very poor family in India in the year 1970. She was the youngest amongst five daughters that her parents had. Her parent's financial situation was so bad that Jyothi's family decided to put her in a welfare orphanage. However, due to the strict rules of the orphanage, she had to be declared a 'motherless child' and that is how she got into the orphanage. She had a tough time at the orphanage and had to undergo the trauma of never being able to even see her mother during her stay at the orphanage. She lived all by herself but did not allow her spirits to go down.

She attended a government school while she was at the orphanage. While she was at the government school, she took computer courses to get the eligibility to work in the United States. When she arrived in the United States, she had two jobs. Those two jobs were pumping customer's gas at the station and she also worked as a babysitter.

She saved 40,000 dollars in cash over the course of 15 years working those two jobs. With that money, she bought her own office in Arizona. Her company in Arizona deals with Visa processing. She has turned that Visa processing company to one of the biggest software companies in the United States.

Jyothi decided to deal with life in her own practical way. She learned the value of life through all the hardship and adversity that she had to face. From being a field laborer, she rose to own a software company in the U.S. and now proudly operates as its CEO. She is a living example for women in rural India and elsewhere in the world to follow their dreams to success no matter what circumstance that they are in.

If you put your mind to it, you can experience success to. All you have to do is find something that you are passionate about. Starting a business is never easy and it can be emotionally and financially draining. But if you are strong like this woman, you will make it.

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