
How Can You Choose to Be Happy in Life?

Are you happy with your life right this moment? What are your feelings and emotions? The truth is no matter what the circumstances are, your mind is a great asset and you can manoeuvre it to a happy mood by choosing to be happy. Now how do you manage that? Read on for fruitful highlights.

Here are some worthy and helpful scenarios:

1) Purge your negative thoughts and focus at best on positive stuff. It can be an upcoming show you will be visiting or a soccer game you will be watching at the stadium. Keep your thoughts on this stuff and you will switch to a happy mood.

2) Give a surprise gift to your spouse. Buy her some flowers, for example. Burgundy roses would be ideal. It will convey to her how much you love her. Seeing her happy you will be happy.

3) You are stressed at work. You are having the blues for the day. Stop your work and start to have a jovial conversation with a colleague. Have coffee together. And then come back to your work. You are already enlightened and you can choose to be happy while you continue with your work.

4) Your children are shouting and screaming at each other at your home while you are trying to write a chapter of a book you are authoring. Instead of scolding them, distract from your work and find out what the problem is. Naturally the chaos was disturbing your work. So choose to be happy and make your children happy by solving their problem whatever it is. Give them money to buy tickets for a good movie outside of your home accompanied by your wife. That way your peace of mind is restored and you happily continue with your work of writing your passion book.

5) You made a gross mistake as a boss in your company and it is costing you millions of dollars. Don't let that eat your head. In a cool, composed way, discuss it with your subordinates. If you are really endangered, you can consider affiliation with another similar company and even merging with one, minimizing the losses greatly. So you have tackled the situation adeptly without going bankrupt. Therefore, you have all the reasons to choose to be happy.

Summing up happiness over stress and worry is just a state of mind. You can be as happy as you make up your mind to be. Don't let your mind wander through discomfort and dissatisfaction. Instead be solution-oriented and you can always choose to be happy.

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