
Message From the Universe: Where Do You Find Joy?

"If you ask me, I'd say the main thing to keeping the main thing is reminding yourself as often as you can of where the most joy will come from.

Ain't no thing, 
The Universe"

What fascinates you? What keeps you going every morning after you wake up? What motivates you to move forward? What makes YOU happy and filled with joy? I can bet you that many may not have answers to these questions because they are so engulfed in the day to day responsibilities that they ignore the many precursor signs that can push them to the brink of depression. It can be hard to just forget or forgo our responsibilities and just live life with no obligations. This is when we remember how teenage life was so awesome, even with our zits and braces. I am sure that living life then wasn't without chores or other kind of requirements but most didn't worry about not having anything to eat or having to work part time at McDonald to put food on the table for the family because of disabled parents that can't work. Scenario of this sort can steal someone teenage years and force them into adulthood pretty fast, because of situation that may be out of their control and having to step up to the plate and be adults. Life will come and hit you like a ton of brick and will dictate your future if you let it. Obstacles will come and go but your determination shouldn't change regardless. The going will get tough, I agree, but your desire to succeed should overcome all obstacles you may face in life, today or tomorrow.

There are two things WE can't control in life, and I am not talking about taxes or death. I am talking about Yesterday and tomorrow, and the ONLY moment you can live in is TODAY. This day is what you need to focus on because once yesterday is passed, all events, circumstances, hurdles, challenges and whatever else you faced is already done with, and tomorrow is very difficult to anticipate or predict. What's left? Well, it really depends on how you see your TODAY. Will you let your yesterday control your today or tomorrow? Will you allow past dreadful events dictate how you should behave from this point forward? How and where will you find joy, despite all the crap you are dealing with? The answer to this last question depends on how much grudge you keep inside you or how you brush off things and move forward, with a smile on your face and your head held high.

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