
Message From the Universe: When SMILING Gives You Wings! Or Is That Redbull?

"Did you know that the average person looks 793.7% more attractive when they smile?

Not to mention healthier, wiser, slimmer, richer, and cooler.

They do.

And smiles "become things" too, 
The Universe"

Not surprised at all with that statement. People are more attracted to people who smile vs people who frown. Unless you are a miserable person, you will be attracted to people who live a miserable life and share their sorrows and ungratefulness to the rest of the world. There are plenty of them with this kind of approach to life and how many more can they bring with them to the abyss of depression. It is really your choice to decide what path you would like to take. Believe me, the opposite direction to depression and sadness and misery is always the better one. Change your perspective, change your life forever and decide today to make a change for the better. Your attitude will change accordingly as you will not let the little things bother you any longer. You will look at life with eagerness and joy. You will not allow the small things bother you, nor the big things either. All great challenges in life are dealt better when being calm, stress free. When something happens out of your control, there shouldn't be any apparent reason why you should panic because this event would have occurred no matter what, because it was meant to be, regardless of how much you tried to avoid it or control the outcome. You need to learn to live with it and construct ways to control your feelings and emotions to properly find logical solutions.

It may be hard to smile when dealing with crap on a daily basis, I agree with you on that one. Just look at it this way. Don't you sometimes come across someone who behaves so immaturely towards you and is so stupid that you can't help yourself from laughing, even if their stupidity costs you time and energy or money? Their stupidity is out of your control, obviously, but you learn to accept it or not deal with that person any longer. So you just deal with the damage done and move forward. So let's consider life events to be stupid and immature and having to deal with them with damage control in mind. Life events are out of your control so the only thing you can actually do is just laugh at the situation and figure out how to alleviate the damages. Not much else you can do but once you have mastered this process, I can assure you that your smile will come back and you will attract more good things in your life that will make you forget the bad ones.!-Or-Is-That-Redbull?&id=9517744

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