
Living in Your Head? 7 Ways to Stop Over Thinking

Living in Your Head?

7 Ways to Stop Over Thinking.

Ever wrestled or struggled with the problem to the point of really over thinking it? We all have. You have probably found it a futile exercise for the unsolvables in your life. Your mind becomes an echo chamber because the answers are not there! It's like a hamster wheel that keeps going around and around and goes nowhere. Here are seven ideas for you to consider the next time you find your mind repeatedly going over and over problems that yield no answers to life's questions and your personal dilemmas...

Number one. The 95% rule--95% of what you imagine never actually happens. Many studies have found that most of what you imagine never actually happens in real life.

Number two. Never go there alone-- your mind is a scary place, never journey there alone according my father-in-law Tom. The solution is to share your burdens and get a second or third set of eyes on your problem or issue. Ask others that you trust what they see as plausible solutions for the things you wrestle with.

Number three. Never, never try to solve issues after 7 PM--Your prime time for problem-solving is well past. Go to bed and get a good night's sleep and go at it again fresh in the morning. You will find that a good night's rest will always bring a hopeful and new perspective to life's problems. Sleep on it!

Number four. Stop contingency thinking--You have no need of plans B, C, or D. Go and write out the facts and wait before you plan going forward. Consider what you know to be true. Why waste your time creating contingency plans in your mind when you're not even sure they are needed? Stop and consider!

Number five. Go with what you know--operate only in the fact that you know. Do not peddle in what you suspect, imagine or negatively narrate. Keep on point and never base your life on pure supposition or lack of knowing all the facts. Just the facts chief!

Number six. The other oriented-- Begin to make your life focus on others and participate in making others lives better. You will be happier and not live in your head if you practice being other oriented and more selfless. Givers gain!

Number seven. Stop missing life--Start participating and stop missing out on life because of the tendency to live in your head. Your distraction with your issues will only cause you to be forfeit when it comes to actually enjoy fully participating in life. Joyfully participate!

Number seven and a half. Pray and surrender. Actually go to God and surrender in prayer and give it to Him. Release, abandon, and let go of that which you have no control. Get free of your baggage!

Point of all this is to stop living in your head and begin to be other oriented and to actually enjoy life based on facts. Stop struggling with issues that you have no control over. Make life fun and be present and joyfully participate once again and you will be happier and so will those around you.

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