
When Does Happiness Hurt?

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Has happiness ever hurt you? When does it feel so? It's an interesting question and I answer it in this article. Read on to find out.

Suppose you have toiled and toiled laboriously, chasing your dreams for years and years and then by the grace of God, everything falls together - in fact, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle all fit together. And then you experience happiness which hurts a bit.

Why does happiness have to hurt this way? Because you were battling all the time, never seeing the fruits of your labor and when finally you covered the milestone and you do see those fruits vividly, happiness is something you experience innovatively. It's unknown to you or you have forgotten how to take that emotion. It is in these moments happiness hurts but in a good sort of way.

Why do you need to experience happiness if it hurts? The hurt will only be for a short time and the major part of it when it envelopes you in the emotion, you experience good feelings. You feel happy to talk to anyone, to help anyone or lessen the burden on someone. So experiencing happiness with a little hurt is healthy - not bad at all.

Are you afraid to experience happiness after struggling for years? Why should you? Happiness is a good feeling and you should embrace it but not reject it otherwise you fall into the spirals of agony and depression.

How else can you experience happiness that hurts a little? When after a long duration of extreme displeasure and disappointments, someone looks up to you with kindness and shows care for you, happiness couldn't hurt better than that in this case.

Another way you experience this kind of happiness is when you lose a child for good but start to adopt one. Even then happiness will hurt. You have lost your own child that you have birthed but you can start loving another child that you start to adopt. Why would happiness hurt? Because it involves a loss but all the same, you make up for it in a way you choose.

Happiness would hurt in academic endeavors as well. When you have so many quizzes and exams to appear, your life seems unbearable. But you manage somehow to surpass them all with high honor, earning a reputable degree. Happiness would hurt in this case because you see the light at the end of the tunnel at last after long toilsome work, work and work.

Summing up, anything you achieve after a long struggle will make happiness hurt at first, and gradually the pain fades away and you feel bathed in glorious sunshine of abundant bliss.

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