
The Curious Complexity of Creating Your Reality As Consciousness

Brown Squirrel on Tree

There is a curious complexity (and relative ease) of creating your reality as consciousness in this new field of awareness that we're all experiencing. It seems like the opposite is true for all the ways we've done it in the past. Even "immutable laws" aren't so immutable anymore.

On one level the polarity is obvious. In the physical realm, things take time to manifest. They require effort. They often require sacrifice, in that you have to give something up in order to have something new. Spiritual creating is effortless, can be miraculously instantaneous, and you have to release the dream in order for it to become a reality.

But to create from the realm of thought, which most people access when using the immutable Law of Attraction it seemed to require repetitive focus or attention. It seemed you had to "give it energy". It seemed you had to draw on your inner authority and command it into being.

What I'm noticing, as I give myself over to Consciousness, is what is required is letting go of control. Any of my old "spiritual" techniques that had any density at all, aren't working nowadays.

My old mystical training was that you had to be really specific about your manifestations, even down to when you wanted it (time limits). But I now know that the mind that comes up with specifications is responding to the current lack of what I want or the current problem I want to solve. That means there's always an element of the lack or problem in whatever results are created.

Giving myself over to Consciousness isn't quite the same as turning it over to God. God is a concept outside of myself, something more powerful and all knowing. My old mystical training was that I was Spirit and Spirit was a part of God, that I had inner divinity, but there is still so much separation in those beliefs.

I am Consciousness, and the me that is giving myself over is the personality aspect of my physical vehicle. As Consciousness I already know the big picture, and there are infinite possibilities to access, and all of them are in my favor, even the ones my personality would deem as not favorable.

The feeling of the little me giving over to the bigger C (Consciousness) is like one of those trust exercises except you're falling forwards into an expansion you could not have thought possible.

It's realizing that Consciousness is me and I already know what and where and how, beyond my analytical brain's ability to figure it out.

It's being so in the present moment that I have absolutely no idea what's coming up (something that would have driven me crazy in the past) and that's absolutely fine.

As Consciousness you've created this adventure in density and effort, and so any dilemma or issue you're facing is all part of the game.

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