
Stay Informed And Take Honest Action, Then All Else Will Be Added

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The power of a good life is not just to have knowledge of how to live a good life, we can have lots of knowledge miles long, yet it can be thin and weak. We need to apply the knowledge to genuinely make it stronger. Some of the greatest ideas came out of people who genuinely could not fully carry them out. But, some of those who carried those great ideas out got the credit for them, because they carried them out.

Sure, there are great "idea people", but just as deserving of the credit as those "idea people" are the "action takers" that take the idea and run with it. Do not discount them, they take a dream and make it real.

All right, the reality of the situation is as follows, sure a good idea can be created, but if it is not implemented, it is nothing more than a dream. Do not get me wrong, dreamers are important, very important, but what is just as important is the realization of the dreams and ideas, remember that, not just as you read, but remember that in reality after you read.

But, even more important than what I mentioned is that we should not limit ourselves to the reality "in front of us". We should always see and rationally work on possibilities. Realistic thinking is healthy, but overtly limiting ourselves is unhealthy. Because I did not say do not see the forest for the trees, but I did say that balance between dreams and implementation of ideas is always important.

So, here is where the ridiculous comes in: Ideas without any realistic way of implementing them. A goal, definite purpose and dream is one good thing, but a total wish without a base is not good. Like I said, we can have all the knowledge and aspirations in existence, but they will be pathetic and thin without a way to implement them or a definite goal.

We may have great ideas, but implementation is the key to the kingdom of fulfillment. Without that total approach, everything is just "romantic crap" without a base or a genuine way to do it. Sure, those last two sentences bring things to a head in this article well, but strength of character comes from that total approach, everything else is just empty and foolish talk, dreams and "bluster". Stay informed, take honest fulfilling action and all else will be added ultimately with rational persistence and perseverance.,-Then-All-Else-Will-Be-Added&id=9726891

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